
2023-06-02 版权声明 我要投稿



(一) 耗材Consumables办公用纸Office Paper 硒鼓Toner Cartridges 墨粉Jet Cartridges 墨盒Ink Cartridges 色带Ribbons

软盘Floppy Disks

碳带Thermal Transfer Ribbons 油墨Printing Ink

刻录盘Projecting Film Rolls 音像带Blank Tapes

考勤卡、架Time Cards/Holders 蜡纸Stencil Paper

投影胶片Writable Disks

(二) 办公设备Office Machines复印机Copiers

考勤机Time Card Machines碎纸机Paper Shredders

一体机All-in-One Machines 打字机Typewriters

电子白板Electronic Whiteboards

收款、点钞机Cash Registers/Cash Counters Fax 传真机Machines

印刷一体机All-in-One Printing Machines 门禁设备Attendance & Access System(三) 电脑整机Computers商用电脑Business PC 家用电脑Home-use PC 笔记本电脑Laptops 掌上电脑PDAs 服务器Servers

(四) 数码产品Digital Products数码照相机Digital Cameras 录音笔Digital Voice Recorders MP3 播放器MP3 Players

数码摄像机Digital Camcorders数码配件Digital Accessories 电子辞典E-dictionary 名片机Namecard Machines MP4播放器MP4 Players

MP3/MP4附带配件MP3/MP4 Accessories Portable 移动存储及附件Drives & Accessories

(五) 办公家具Office Furniture桌Desks椅Chairs

储物柜Storage Cabinets公用家具Common Supplies

保险箱、保管箱Security Safes环境装饰Subsidiary Decoration沙发茶几Sofa & Tea Table

(六) 整机外设PC Peripherals打印机Printers

投影幕Projector Screens

绘图仪Plotter(Large-format printers)扫描仪Scanners投影仪Projectors

(七) 电脑周边Computer Accessories and Add-ons电源保护、适配器Power Supply/Adapters Input 输入设备Devices

音频设备Audio Devices视频设备Visual Devices硬盘Hard Drives

USB扩展配件Portable USB Accessories电脑防护用品Computer Safeguard

电脑清洁维护用品PC Cleaning & Maintenance网络设备Networking

布线设备Cables and Connectors笔记本包Notebook Cases软件Software内存Memory


CD-ROM/Burners/Floppy Drive 显示器Monitors

(八) Telecommunication 通讯设备 对讲机Interphones电话Telephones手机Mobile Phones

电脑话务耳机Telephone Headset System会议电话Conference Phones集团电话Group Phones

(九) 办公电器Office Electric Appliances室内电器Room Appliances

视听系统Visual & Audio System厨卫电器Kitchen & Bathroom美容电器Beauty Appliances熨烫设备Cloth Ironing


汉语 English

办公花瓶 mini vase

办公用大头针 office pin办公钟 office clock

笔架 penholder

笔座 pen holder

便条, 短笺 notepaper尺 ruler

磁碟座 CD holder

地球仪 globe

订书钉 Staple

订书机 Stapler

告示帖座 memo holder工字针 paper fastener胶纸座 tape dispenser咖啡机 coffee machine开信刀 letter opener

美工刀 cutter

名片 business card

名片夹 business card holder铅笔刀 pencil sharpener切纸刀 paper cutter日记簿 diary book

书立 book stand

塑封机 plastic-envelop machine万字夹 paper clip holder文件袋 expanding file文件柜 document cabinet文具架 stationery rack相框 photo frame

信报箱 letter box

修改胶带 correction tap

桌上办公用品 desk accessories桌上日历 desktop calendar


床上用品:Bedding; bedclothes

被子 Quilt; Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的)

被壳 Comforter Shell

传统式枕套:Pillow Sham

开口式枕套: Pillow Case

靠垫 Cushion

帷幔 Valance

窗帘 Curtain

闺枕 Boudoir Pillow

圆抱枕 Neck Roll

被单 Bed Sheet

包被单 Sheet

床单 Flat Sheet

床罩 Fitted Sheet; Bed Cover

床裙 Bed Spread; Bed Skirt

枕巾 Pillow Towel

桌布 Tablecloth

盖毯 Throw

毛毯 Woolen Blanket

毛巾毯 Towel Blanket

睡袋 Sleeping bag; Fleabag

蚊帐mosquito net /mosquito bar /mosquito curtain

高级床上用品: advanced bedding/bedclothes

high-ranking bedding

high-grade bedding

high-level bedding

绸被面 satin comforter cover; satin quilt cover 床垫 mattress

床罩 bedspread; bedcover

底下床单 bottom sheet

垫被 mattress pad; bed pad

毛巾毯 terrycloth blanket

毛毯 blanket

棉被 quilt; comforter

木棉枕头 down pillow; kapok pillow 寝具 bedding

褥子 mattress pad; bed pad 上层床单 top sheet

太空被 synthetic fiber comforter 席子 mattress

枕套 pillow case; slip


Dear leaders:


When you open the resume, you have to, I opened the door to opportunity and success. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my material, I hope it is different from your other job search materials hands, and can help you in the intense market competition and knowledge-based economy was recorded for the tide to the talent you need.

Year of work experience, let me get the experience of life. I am increasingly aware that only the good do everything really serious to complete the work of each in order to fulfill the great trust of the leadership, but also have a chance for the individual capacity to be reflected. In the university, I did three years for broadcasters and journalists, had the schools Communist Youth League cadres and students, ability and capacity of communication and co-ordination of the exercise. Work over the past year because of the steady down-to-earth work style and calm personality, led by the praise, but also established a friendship with his colleagues.

Today, I recruited the Office of the Secretary of the posts, I think I have the ability to do the job. I understand that the Secretary of the importance of the work, because this is a need for more responsible and careful work to complete. I studied political economy, have been negotiating an elective science, human psychology and public relations, they should have knowledge of the work I want to be useful.

At work in the discipline at the same time, I will establish the overall situation awareness. The ancients said: "Good game who seek power, poor sub-seeking game are." As the interests of the whole office and I will, under the unified action in the overall situation. From a strategic and overall perspective, from the perspective of the leadership to be seen to want to do and procedure for the leadership of a good staff, good assistants. Focus on the overall situation, identify their location, identify the direction of focus and effort. Determined to do so is not conducive to the overall situation is not that a matter is not conducive to the overall situation does not hold. Establishment of sense of dedication, to establish a blind eye to personal gain or loss for the cause of the spirit of devotion, uphold the cause of the first, work comes first. The establishment of service, office services as a basic function as a full awareness and understanding of the noble service, and to establish the role of conscious awareness of services. Buried bow沉住气,静下心seriously do a good job in contrast, the work of foil. As soon as possible to complete various tasks, not beating about the bush. In the premise of quality, pursuit of efficiency.

I love, so I try, I try, I succeed.


三楼:学生处(1): Student Affairs Division 1 学生处(2):Student Affairs Division 2 团委办公室 :League Committee Office 党委办公室: Party Committee Office 行政办公室 : Administration Office 四楼:教务处(1):Dean’s Office 1 教务处(2):Dean’s Office 2

教科处: Teaching & Research Division 招生办公室: Recruit Office 国际部: International Division 财务处:Financial Office 五楼:校长室: Principal’s Office 党委书记室: Party Committee Secretary Office 副校长室、副校长室、副校长室、副校长室、副校长 室: Vice Principal’s Office 党委副书记室、党委副书记室、党委副书记室:Deputy Secretary Office of the Party Committee 会议室(1):Meeting Room 1 会议室(2):Meeting Room 2 行政办公室:Administration Office 安全稳定办公室:Security Office 六楼:行政办公室:Administration Office 档案室:Files Room

科技楼: Science & Technology Building 行政楼楼层指示牌:Signs of Administration Building



生育津贴申领时需携带以下审核资料:①医疗费收据; ②诊断证明书(盖专用章); ③《第一个子女生育登记卡》原件及复印件、二胎《准生证》原件及复印件或计生委开具的计生证明原件; ④出生医学证明原件及复印件(终止妊娠无此项); ⑤身份证原件及复印件; ⑥医保卡或异地证; ⑦产假期间领取《独生子女父母光荣证》的提供原件及复印件; ⑧参保职工在享受生育津贴死亡的提供死亡证明.
