
2022-08-28 版权声明 我要投稿




Paragraph 1


展开(开门见山、下定义、设问、排比、引谚语、引数据、欲扬先抑) Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence——引出第一个分论点 展开(事例、列举、比较、因果、假设、让步) Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence——引出第二个分论点 展开(事例、列举、比较、因果、假设、让步) Paragraph 4

Topic Sentence——引出第三个分论点 展开(事例、列举、比较、因果、假设、让步) Paragraph 5




2. 分类梳理(形式分类下每类写3篇全文,内容分类下每类写3篇思路):

①Agreeing or Disagreeing

Passage 1

What does the word “game” mean to you? Different people can tell different answers. Some may say “Game means to win”, and others may say “Game means to challenge ourselves.” However, in my point of view, having fun and enjoying the process are always the real meaning of the “game”. Accordingly, playing a game is fun no matter you lose or win, as long as you join it heart and soul.

First and foremost, participants are able to get great joy during the process of the game. A proverb has it that “the most important thing is to participate”. So even though the final result is not very satisfactory, or even worse, we can still find something precious and enjoyable when we join the game. For instance, I played a geography game with my classmates during the summer camp last year. Each group was asked to follow several clues and find the final destination with a GPS receiver. Though we came from different nations, my partners and I discussed thoroughly and cooperated closely. We successfully found the final position in a short time. Even though we only made it third, in other word we actually lost the game, we still had great fun and felt really proud of our dedicate collaboration.

Furthermore, beside success, failure can also teach us a lot and those we learned from failures may turn into greater happiness later. Life is always filled with bitter and sweet, so one can never expect to win all the time, even in the game. Although feeling frustrated and depressed, we can always draw some lessons and get precious experiences from those failures or debacles. It looks as if we lost a game, but in fact we acquired so many knowledge and skills which would help us a lot in the future and had a better understanding of our life. For example, a gifted basketball player might be selfish and overconfident when he enters a team. But after a fiasco, he is sure to understand that basketball is game of 5 people and start to enjoy the close collaboration with his teammates.

In conclusion, although victory can give us great happiness, it is not the only fun we can have from games. If we can treat failures with a positive attitude, we will be more likely to get greater achievements and joy in the future.

②Stating a Preference

Passage 1

“Every bean has its black”, as the saying goes. The rapid development of automobile industry has p more and more choices to consumers and made the transportation much more convenient than it used to be. Even though the prosperity of automobiles has also caused some thorny problems, I believe that its benefits are so great that it will be unfair to neglect them and emphasize the negative effects only.

Imagine living in a metropolis where neither cars nor buses can be available. How terrible could this be? It’s automobiles that has improved modern transportation greatly and connected different parts of the land together. Although more and more people choose to get work on foot or by bicycle, in order to reduce the air pollution, there are still over 80% of people, according to a recent survey, travel by automobile in the morning. Thus, automobiles are still the first choice when people go out because they’re fast, convenient and safe. There’s no doubt that automobiles have played such an important, even irreplaceable, role in the transportation nowadays that they are considered as a fundamental element of modern life.

On the other hand, it’s true that the development of automobiles has caused a series of issues. For example, cars all over the world will produce millions of tons of carbon dioxide each year, a number that is huge enough to increase the greenhouse effect and further heat up the Earth. Many other serious environmental problems like floods and droughts might come about afterwards. However, I have to say that though it looks as if those negative effects are inevitable, it doesn’t mean we have no idea to reach a balance between development and environment friendly. Many scientist and engineers are striving for a breakthrough in developing a new fuel that is clean, efficient, and

cheap. We have good reasons to believe that one day people will find the final answer to the conflict caused by automobiles and achieve real sustainable development.

As I have mentioned above, pollutions, traffic jam, noises, all of these can be great challenges for the development of automobiles. However, we cannot deny that automobiles have made significant contributions towards the modern society.

③Giving an Explanation

Passage 1

“Each has his own ideal”, as the saying goes. Different people may have different answer to the question “why do people attend universities?” Expecting to learn some advanced knowledge, dreaming about experiencing something new or exciting, meeting some lifetime friends. All of these can be reasons why people attend colleges and universities. However, in my opinion, people attend college or university mainly to find their real interest and design a blueprint for their own future, including their careers, workplaces, families, etc.

First of all, students are usually mature enough to start thinking about their future when they attend college or university. Take one of my friends, Inn, as an example. Inn always had many different thoughts when he was a high school student. He initially wanted to be a scientist, then an engineer like his father, and finally he told me that he found an interest in psychology when he graduated from high school. However, when he attended the university and really got the chance to think over and design his own future, he found that his real interest is architecture. So he chose architecture and design as his major and did an excellent job during his undergraduate studies. Now he’s pursuing for his graduate degree and preparing to go abroad to study with his girlfriend. It is university that gives Inn, as well as other people, I suppose, a chance to plan and prepare for their future carefully and helps them lead a

happy life.

So it’s right time for people to plan for their journey in front when they enter university and, in fact, university is the very place where they can choose their own directions freely and follow their bent. There are thousands of universities all over the world and in each country there are some good universities for its people to get high-quality education and prepare for their career. What’s more, each university or colleges consists of many different departments and schools so that it can offer students a large amount of courses in different areas. Accordingly, universities and colleges are ideal places for students to find a right track for their life and pursuing for the excellence on their own way.

In conclusion, as I have shown above, I think people attend college or university mainly for a good chance to find their life goals.

④Making an Argument

Passage 1

The Mid-autumn day, which is endowed with lots of meanings by Chinese people, is considered as one of the most important festivals in China. On this day, Chinese families will have a reunion and share a wonderful night together. Among all the activities we will do on the Mid-autumn day, viewing the moon is undoubtedly the most indispensible one. Just as the festival itself, moon-viewing is also granted with many beautiful feelings by Chinese people. So the Mid-autumn festival is the custom that I would like people from other countries to adopt.

First of all, the Moon on the Mid-autumn day is always the most beautiful one of the year. Not only because its brightness and fullness, but also its beauty and clearness can be shared by the whole family. On the dusk of Mid-autumn day, a bright Moon will come over the horizon as soon as the Sun goes down. Thus as long as the sky is clear, the Moon can be seen all night on Mid-autumn. That is to say, whenever the families go out, they can always find the gorgeous moon in the sky. Nowadays, people are always too busy to spend their precious time staying with their families; the Mid-autumn day, however, offers people a wonderful chance to have a family reunion

and communicate with their families. It would be such a nice thing if the family sat down together in the yard and watched the Moon blissfully.

If Moon viewing had the only meaning of family reunion or festival celebration, it wouldn’t be so widely considered as one of the most enjoyable event. When people look at the Moon on the Mid-autumn day, they are often amazed and they would immerse themselves in thought under the moonlight. The raw beauty and clearness of the Moon can always stir them to the depth of their souls and evoke the tenderest emotions in their hearts. Su Shi, one of the most famous poets in China, wrote down his best-known composition under the mid-autumn moon. People living in foreign places may also think of their family and friends in the far-away land; on the Mid-autumn night, when they look up the sky, the dazzling moon can be such a consolation.

In conclusion, as I’ve said above, viewing the moon on the Mid-autumn day is such an enjoyable tradition for Chinese people that I would like to introduce this beautiful custom to people from other countries. I hope all the people can find their beautiful “moon” on Mid-autumn night, as well as the precious emotions in their life.







Nowadays, thanks to the development of Internet, we are exposed to a vast ocean of information. Some argue that so much information brings a great benefit to our life and study. But for me, the experience with surfing Internet leads me to believe that accessing much information cause more problems than it solves.


Perhaps no issue in this world is as significance to students as education. Despite various responses people may have on the topic concerning the issue regarding which thing should the education aim at. I, given the chance, prefer to endorse that preparing for careers should have primary consideration.

当看到第一篇文章的时候,已经没有了当初得的兴奋,因为这样的文章实在是太常见了!首先Nowadays这个单词是被无数老师推崇的“高级”单词。一直无法理解,为什么有的单词会更高级。然后thanks to节宾语,天呐!多么明显的模板!当我往下看的时候,我只能无意识的检查是否有语法错误,没有语法错误的话,我也就只能给个一般的分数就好了。

但是当看到第二篇文章的时候,初看觉得此文写得不错。用词准确地道,而且完全是自己完成没有模板,但是当我回头再一回味这篇文章的时候,惊讶的发现,这篇文章竟然也是由模板所出!首先Perhaps no issue in this world is as significance to students as education。看似平淡无奇,但是实际上Perhaps no issue in this world is as significance to就是一个模板,更厉害的是下一句!Despite various responses people may have on the topic concerning the issue regarding which thing should the education aim at.这么长的一句话,竟然只有最后3个单词不是模板!然后再接下来,下一句的“given the chance, ”其实对于整句话来说根本就没有任何实际上语义的改变!但适当加进来之后,我们会感觉到非常的地道!这篇文章身上完全看不出半点模板的影子,为什么看不出作文模板的影子呢?就是因为这篇文章的模板是完全原创的,哪怕不是原创的,也是仅在小范围内流传的!而且这篇文章后面类似的妙手不计其数!

第3篇:美国大学本科申请 托福vs雅思申请优劣谈












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