
2023-01-11 版权声明 我要投稿







这里的套路,就是templates。很多老师授课过程中刻意突出的托福写作套路,学生也千方百计背诵写作套路,导致展现在阅卷官面前的作文框架甚至很多语句千篇一律、如出一辙,从而极大地损害了得分。模板固然有用,但是针对first draft的观念,文章的亮点就看不到了。

托福培训名师建议考生可以暂时抛开托福写作考试,从blog或者日记开始,每天用英文进行写作练习,尽情地把你对社会的情绪和对学校的不满写出来,发泄出来。这个练习会让你的文章逐渐符合first draft的要求。










高考作文重点段的写作模式 -----拟好题,抓两头,写两段 达到的目的:拆开了看,看结构语言和材料;拆穿了看,看立意和构思。弄清弄明,依照仿写。





(4)引用法。引人名、地名、诗名入题,别具风格。如《别了,三毛》、《江南雨》、《春蚕到丝方尽》。 ①引用诗句







以“心愿”为话题——《一千零一个愿望》——Four in love



以“亲情”为话题——《滴滴香浓,意犹未尽》(麦氏咖啡广告语 )

拍卖“诚信” (借金融用语)/心灵的审判 (借司法用语)/诚信无价 ( 电视剧《情义无价》)/ 诚信飘流记 (小说《鲁宾逊漂流记》/人间诚信今犹在 (李煜《虞美人》“雕栏玉砌应犹在”)



以“素质教育”为话题—《救救孩子》(鲁迅《狂人日记》 )

以“关注生活”为话题,写生活对人的考验—《让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧》(高尔基《海燕》)以“友谊”为话题——《百年孤独》——加西亚 马尔克斯同名小说



以“书”为话题——《别了,漫画书!》。以“关注生活 ”为话题——《给生活加点苦吧!》 以“爱”为话题——爸爸,再给我一点爱。

(7)反常法。看似不合常规,不合逻辑,但别出心裁,出奇制胜,焕发新意。如《一个真实的谎言》、《泪,甜甜的》、《为了忘却的记忆》、《愤怒的贺年卡》。以“竞争”为话题——《感谢你的敌人》、《珍惜你的痛苦》、《败了,多好》 。再如:以“关注生活”为话题——《往事并不如烟》、《以胖为荣》又如:以“素质教育”为话题——《真想做个差生》、《渴望停电》


•以“游戏”为话题——《7+1< 8=——学习与游戏的结合

•一则新闻报道——《99+1=0》——合格产品99个,不合格产品1个,前功尽弃。(该标题也称“荒谬式拟题”)。 [其中“99”代表合格产品率,“1” 代表不合格率,文题通过这种荒谬的计算式,揭示了质量意识的重要性。]

•以“素质教育”为话题——《成绩 ≠ 素质》


•以“关注生活”为话题——《生活——???》生活充满了新鲜,需要随时关注 。

























【例】“一个女歌星扭动腰肢在台上忸怩作态唱上一曲,所得酬金如天女散花一样从天而至。而一名科技界的女教授,辛苦大半生,累计工资还不及女歌星一曲所得。女教授不会扭动腰肢,她手里拿的是厚厚的讲义。我认为,为了表示尊重知识, 尊重人才,就应该体现在劳动报酬上。










“如果你选择的是翅膀,你将拥抱整个蓝天;如果你选择的是鳍,你将亲吻茫茫碧海;如果你选择的是四足,你将体味莽莽绿林。而我选择的却是——牢笼。”——2002年《选择牢笼》 “诚信如春天的第一缕阳光,令人向往;如夏天的一块甜西瓜,含在口中,甜在心里;如秋风从远方送来一片火红的枫叶,引起无限的牵挂;如冬天里飘飞的雪花,为麦田覆盖上一层层厚棉被。”——《诚信——永远的绿卡》



——《 戏剧之梦》






六月十五那天,天热得发了狂!” 《在烈日和暴雨下》




翻开灿若银河的唐诗宋词,数不胜数的当算离别诗了,王勃壮怀高歌 : 无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾。柳永则声情哀怨 : 今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸晓风残月。江淹却千帆过尽一言蔽之 : 黯然销魂者,惟别而已矣。还有人捶胸顿足:扬鞭哪忍匆匆!当今又有汪国真低吟:人生一瞬百年,哪堪去去还还。无论耳在何处,只祈如水如船。又来了席慕蓉温柔的警语 : 如果离别能够勾起我们因聚在一起而引起的疏忽的细节,离别真的不好吗?如此种种情思,真是美不胜收。涵咏不同时代不同人生的感悟,会让你有意外的收获。——《万象人生 坚守自我》










•【例段】 在人生的道路 上,我们需要作好人生的减法。(主旨句—观点)适当的减去一些心灵上的沉重负担,减去一些奢侈的欲望,我们才能有所建树。(过渡句—阐释)东坡居士,屡遭贬谪,曾为自己怀才不遇而感到消沉郁闷。但当他来到赤壁之上,望过滔滔江水,他释然了。他减去了对功名的奢望,吟出了《赤壁赋》这千古名篇。(材料句—事例)正因为他减去了心灵的负担,才成就了他豪放的词风,成为了豪放派的代表人物。(分析句1—因果分析)试想,他若放不下自己对功名利禄的追求,徘徊于入世与出世之间,他若减不去奢侈的欲望与心灵的负担,他又怎会一心用于诗文创作,为后人留下无比珍贵的文学瑰宝,他又怎么回被后人誉为“唐宋散文八大家”之一呢?(分析句2—反面假设)减去心灵上的种种负担,廓清人生的道路,释然面对一切,就能让我们在人生前进的道路上走得从容淡定,走出属于自己的成功之路。(扣题)









On Throw-away Society

Currently, our life is infiltrated with various disposable goods, among which throwaway tableware is the most commonly seen. Until now, even disposable cameras, disposable shavers, and disposable lighters have come into existence. These throwaway goods benefit us enormously, bringing convenience to our life. Notwithstanding, they give rise to a series of environmental and social problems.

Convenience and sanitation are two most notable features of throwaway goods in our society. These ephemeral goods are widely used in certain places like hospitals, airplanes and fast food industry. Throwaway pinheads and tongue depressors, to some degree, prevent communicable diseases from spreading. Disposable chopsticks and bowls guarantee the efficiency for fast food providers, saving their time of washing. Besides, disposable toilet seat pads are coming into sight, contributing to the public sanitation. From these perspectives, throwaway products seem to be indispensable in our society.

Simultaneously, the influx of disposable goods is turning our society into a throw-away society, which brings about severe environmental problems. The production of throwaway commodities consumes large quantities of natural resources, intensifying the diminution of resources. According to a research, China consumes about 45 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks annually, leading to the reduction of forest coverage by over two million square meters every year. Such a waste of resources is huge and only makes up a small section of the total resource-wasting. Our society cannot afford long-term mass consumption of disposable products.

Apart from environmental degradation, the fact that we are rumbling into a throw-away society provokes social problems. In respect of producers, “planned obsolescence” was devised, with the goal of making products break down in a relatively short time and urging customers to replace them. If an electric appliance stops working, people are disposed to buy a new one, owning to the expensive repairing expenses and the impatience to waiting for it to be examined and fixed. In addition, technique advances reduce the cost and price of electric items. This trend not only causes more resource-wasting, but stirs up the climate of squandering and fickleness as well. Regarding consumers, people used to have a sentimental attachment to their possessions, but the fast-changing society ruthlessly breaks these bonds. In the past, a television could accompany us for more than twenty years,while nowadays we will renew it in a couple of years. By and large, throw-away society has dim prospects.

On the whole, though we have to admit that disposable goods have their advantages, we should put the brakes on the trend of turning into a throw-away society. The usage of throwaway products should be limited in a proper amount to eliminate the problems appearing along with it.


Integrated Writing: 时间:阅读3分钟,写作20分钟 字数:150以上


Independent Writing: 重点:结构(层进),逻辑(配合句与句,段与段连贯),(词汇句式多样性,不重复) 题型:1 agree or not

2 A or B

(3 开放性问题what when...) 字数:400以上 时间:30分钟

细小东西:1 好东西用在前面较好

2 不需要题目

3 字数不够的补救方法:多打空格拆字,in other words, for example

4 随性写(不拘泥于小节),写个性化内容

***************************************************************************************************** Integrated Writing具体内容

结构:1 分别表达说话者和文章中的观点,写明他们相悖

2 反驳了什么--- contrast说话者、文章 --- 再说一下他们相悖 常用语:1 contradict, differ from,cast doubt on...

2 indicate, believe, state, contend, claim, show...

3 lecturer, speaker

4 其他在作业里面



Independent Writing具体内容 一


1 开头段:引话题(结构暗示)--- 写中心 --- 联系下文(The reasons for my view go as follows.)

2 主体3段:中心句 --- 解释中心句 --- 例子,数据 --- 解释例子,数据

(3 结尾总结,和首段呼应)

几种写法(P65例文,夹带的纸) 1 经典 2 contrast 3 factor and analysis(因素分析) 4 对象细分 三

例子:亲身经历,见闻,听闻 数据:具体时间,机构 (某人言论)




1 看整篇结构,要看一看这些作文的结构是怎么展开的。要仔细的读一下,这些作文每一段的写作目的,到底是支持还是反对,以及哪几段支持,哪几段反对。

2 看段落结构,要仔细分析在一段之中,每一句话所起到的作用。到底是主题句,还是例证。

3 看句型多样性,要仔细想想这些作文每一句话说话的分寸。

4 比对自己的写法。看每一句话的时候,脑中都要思考,这句话中文是什么意思,如果是我自己来写,我会怎么写!并且在下一篇自己的作文中替换为这些用法。 5 用词多样性和准确性。

6 如果有需要的话,再背一下是最好的了,没有输入就没有输出吗!

比如:In this case, computer as a representative of modern technology plays anegative role in learning information.

这句话,我们自己很有可能写的就是,In this case, computer that is a equipment of modern technology

have a bad effectin learning information.

这里的差距就很十分明显了!因此,当给你美的东西,还要有一双发现美的眼睛! 2011-8-2

Independent Writing:Does modern technology help students learn more information and learn it more quickly?

Marvelousas it looks at first sight, modern technology does not help students

learn information at a greater speed and with higher efficiency in most cases;

or it could work towards the opposite direction which led students to lose theirinitiative to learn and explore.

First of all, one property of modern technology is latently harmful to any

learning mind – it distracts. One thing we feel about when we are searching forinformation online is that the internet, as an outstanding example of modern

technology and even regarded as the innovator of education, provides us with notonly relevant results to make use of, but also external links to click. More

than once I turned on my computer to check school library for resources, but

ended up watching Youtube videos. In this case, computer as a representative ofmodern technology plays a negative role in learning information. We do acquiremore information with the convenient tool, yet most of them are irrelevant andin the end procrastinating would lower our learning.

Also, students would easily become disoriented in the huge sea of information.Although modern technology could equip us with easy access to information, thehuge amount of resources would actually leave us discombobulated. Therefore, itis only we possess information more quickly rather than we learn it more

quickly. An illustrating example is my experience with a HK digital library

which stores almost all the books I desire. At first I enjoyed downloading them

from the database, however, one month later I ended up with hundreds of booksstored in my hardware yet none of them finished or ever clicked.

Furthermore, modern technology gives students an illusion that information andreal knowledge is easy to learn – just by clicking mouse or watching videos. Butin fact this forms only the first step towards useful information and effective

learning, as learning of any kind requires full concentration and interactive

thinking, which are almost absent in the pocess of popular e-learning


To summarize, modern technology does not help students learn more informationand learn it more quickly, though it does make access to information and

resources much more easily. The popular e-learning still lacks the

concentration, depth, and interaction that are the hallmarkof traditional ways

of educating and learning.


TPO Independent writing:我们生活的时代比父辈们年轻时生活的时代更好还是更坏? It seems that people always have a desire to compare: am I prettierthan others?Are we living in a better age? Or, as the question goes, is our life easier and

more enjoyable than it was several decades ago? I would say no, as I have

witnessed the struggle and paradox of our generation.

First of all, we are now living in an age of revolution with no previous human

experience that could be referred to. Living in such a fast-changing world wouldnot be easy and comfortable at all; with everything keeps changing, everyone hasto move fast in order to catch up with the majority. However, people were muchmore stable and care-free when our grandparents were children; they did not haveto learn a second language in order to get a better job, or read a lot in order

to get informed. Yet in our age, these are supposed to be the responsibility of

young people.

Another discomfort of our age is that we are experiencing interpersonal

alienation. With the development of communication technology, people in factbecome alienated with friends and relatives since they could be so easily

accessed via phone or email. Too often we feel that few of our friends are true

friends, without the traditional feeling of mutual affection which could only becreated by longtime apart. But several decades ago, people treasured their

friends and maintained relatively close interpersonal relations, which is much

more enjoyable than the estrangements we are experiencing.

The last factor that has made our age so uncomfortable is the abusive use of

technology. Although it brings much convenience, it essentially changes human –we are no longer the master of tools, but instead the slaves of devices. We rushto metro station in order to catch an early train, sit in front of radioactive

computers all day long in order to get our work done, and stay in

air-conditioned rooms all summer without experiencing the natural changes

outside thick cement walls. Several decades ago, people could still live closer

to nature and make rational use of modern technology, which to me is the essenceof human living experience.

However, the comparison between different times is itself ridiculous. Thecriteria could not be easily determined, and opinions are highly personal.

Anyway, we have a longer life span, more advanced medical facilities, and easiertraffic than our grandparent when they were children, and we should treasure thepresent experience. Imagination of the past might only be nostalgia – if I askmy grandparents the same question, they might as well say that our life is muchbetter than the past generations. Who knows? As long as the world is stillpeaceful, life at any time would not become too difficult to handle.

