
2022-05-18 版权声明 我要投稿



教学反思:这节课的主要任务是学生熟练掌握cows,hens,sheep horses四个单词,能运用所学的句型进行语言表达。整节课的教学设计可分为三个部分。第一部分为复习旧知,巩固旧知中的难点these 和those的区分。第二部分是单词的呈现和练习。四年级的学生还处于爱动,爱唱的阶段。所以我设计了多种形式的练习,让学生在玩中掌握单词。观察力也是学习的重要能力之一,因此,使学生通过观察来认知sheep与其它复数形式的不同。第三部分为语言表达能力的训练。在单词熟知的基础上,根据所学的句型锻炼学生的语言表达能力。最后以熟悉的旋律创作歌曲,巩固所学内容。整节课以层层递进的方式呈现。学生不仅能在轻松愉快的氛围中完成学习的任务,而且激发学生学习英语的热情。每节课总有它的不足之处。首先这节课的后半部分


第2篇:Unit4 Pets教学设计

Unit4 Pets教学设计(第一课时)

标签: unit pets 教学 设计 第一课

教学内容:《剑桥小学英语》(JOIN IN)(Book1)Unit4 Pets的第一课时:

词汇:pet frog fish hamster rabbit dog mouse cat budgie

句型:- Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?-( A cat .)



听、说、认读pet frog fish hamster rabbit dog mouse cat budgie


- Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?- ( A cat .)



2.对学生进行德育渗透,树立保护动物、保护大自然、保护环境的意识。 教学手段:课件 磁带 图片 教学过程:

Step1 Warming-up Greetings and free talk.

T : Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to meet you . How are you ?

(自由对话是心灵的交汇,通过师生充满热情的交谈,拉近了彼此的距离。) Step2 Lead-in (创设情境,导入新课)

T : My dear children, let’s listen to a chant. After you listen, please tell me what you can hear. Ready? (放录音Chant)

T : What can you hear? (At this time,children may say“ dog ”、“frog ” and so on , because they have learned the two words last year.) T : OK! dog , frog ,cat ,mouse ,they are all pets. (板题、领读) I like pets, do you like pets?

T : Today , let’s go out of the classroom and go to a pets supermarket. OK? Now, please stand in a line .(生离开座位站队)

T : One, two, ready, go! (The pupils dance) . (音乐起,学生一个个跳起兔子舞回座位)


T : OK. We’ve arrived.(音乐停,出示超市图)

Look! This is the pets supermarket. There are so many pets here. Are they lovely? Yeah! They are very lovely.

T : Look at the pets , please. Do you know their English names? Do you have any questions?

T : (Some of the pupils may come to the front and ask : What’s this? What’s this? ) (运用媒体展开pets的画面,让学生一开始就置身于宠物超市的情景中,充分调动他们的学习积极性。)

Step3 Presentation and practise A . Study the words 1. (1). frog

T : (出示荷叶图、蛙叫) Listen! What’s this? Can you guess?

T : (They have learned frog in Grade 3, so some of them can say frog ).

T : Oh! It’s a frog . (出示青蛙)

Follow me, frog frog (板书、领读) Do you like frog? T : If you like it , you can get it from your desk.(2). fish

T : (出示fish) Wow! It’s a lovely fish. Read after me. fish fish (板书、领读)

Who’d like fish? Please get it . (3). hamster

T : (出示hamster “Hi ! I’m a hamster . I like eating .”)

Hello, Mr hamster! Follow me , hamster hamster (板书、领读) If you like it, you can get it . (4). rabbit

T : Boys and girls , this way please. (出示rabbit) Look! This is a rabbit. Read after me, please. rabbit rabbit (板书、领读) Who likes rabbit? Take it, please. (5). dog

T : (出示狗叫声) Listen! Who’s it ? Please guess.

T : ( The pupils can say dog , because they have learned it in Grade 3.) T : Yes, it’s a dog.(出示dog) Read after me, dog dog (板书、领读) Who’d like dog? Please get it . (6). mouse

T : (出示mouse “Hi, everyone! My name is mouse. Do you like me?”) T : Hi, Miss mouse! Follow me, mouse mouse (板书、领读)

I don’t like mouse, do you like mouse ? Oh! You like mouse, you can get it . (7). cat

T : (出示猫叫声) listen! What’s it ?

T : Yes. It’s a cat.(出示cat) Follow me, cat cat (板书、领读) If you like it, please get it.

(8). budgie

T : (出示budgie)This is a budgie. It’s beautiful. Follow me, budgie budgie (板书、领读) I like budgie best, what about you? (利用学生提出的问题学习新单词,充分发挥了学生的主体性,积极性也更高一些,在教学单词时利用多媒体显示色彩鲜艳的宠物图片、单词及其叫声,既能刺激学生的视觉,吸引学生的注意力,又能给学生以直观感知,学生自然印象深刻。) 2. Practice (1)看图片说单词并将其贴黑板上。

T : Oh! I’m tired. Let’s play a game.Look at the pictures,I have got many pets. Now, please say their English names and mime the actions if you like. (师出示图片,生看图说单词并模仿动作)

T : Who can help me? Please come here. (请一些学生上台当小老师) (2)师出示单词,学生快速做动作或模仿其叫声。

T : Look at the words, mime the actions as quickly as possible.

(小学生注意力集中的时间比较短,约为17分钟,所以在他们大脑开始疲倦的时候做一些游戏活动,不仅调节了大脑,同时也巩固了所学知识。) B. Study the sentence

1. T : Now, I have got a pet. What is it ? Can you guess?

(When they guess the pets, they can go over the words again.)

T : Yeah! You are right, I have got a pet. It’s a cat. (板书领读I have got a pet.) T : Have you got a pet?( If you have got a pet,you can say: Yes, I have.) What have you got? Oh! You have got a dog? What colour is it? Black and white.Yeah! A lovely dog.(Ask several pupils in this way.)(连续问几名学并板书领读) 2. Practice

T : All of us have got pets. Now, please ask your partner: Have you got a pet? What have you got? What colour is it? Make a dialogue in groups. (学生拿宠物图片编对话)

T : Who’d like to act out your dialogue? Please come here.

(在这一环节,教师为学生创设真实的交际场景,让学生拿宠物卡片模拟表演,在真实的情景中去感知、体会、实践,从而轻松地掌握新知识,整个教学过程循序渐进,训练覆盖面广,更能培养学生大胆表达和创新的能力。) Step4 Homework

T : Today, we have learned many pets, they are frog、 cat、 fish、 dog、

mouse、 rabbit 、budgie and hamster. After class, you can draw your favourite pet and colour it, then ask your partner about their pets. Complete the form.

T : If you wan to know more pets information,you can surf internet and search


Step5 Consolidation

T : Now, let’s say the chant together. (出示课件)

(利用富有节奏感的来巩固练习所学内容,给学生一种感觉新颖的独特效果,增强了语感,培养了学生的音乐节奏智能,做到了首尾呼应,又活跃了课堂气氛。) Step6 Permeate virtue teaching (德育渗透,树立环保意识) T : Boys and girls, are the pets lovely? Yeah! It’s lovely! T : I like them. Do you like them? Yes. T : Pets are our friends, so we must love and protect them. (结合课堂教学,对学生进行思想品德教育,帮助学生从小树立“爱护动物”、“保护动物”、“保护大自然”、“保护环境”的意识,使学生对所学内容有一个更高层次的认识。)

Step7 Summary

T : (看表) Oh! It’s time to go home. Stand up, please. Please say goodbye to the pets.

Ss: Goodbye, pets.

T : Now lets go.(音乐起,学生跳着兔子舞出教室

第3篇:Unit4 身体语言教学设计

Unit4 Body Languange 语法项目:v-ing form used as attibute and adverbial的教学设计

一.The type of class: grammar 二.Teaching aims: Enable students to master v-ing form used as attribute and adverbial 三.Teaching methods: Combining explanation with practice; discussing in groups;acting in groups 四the aid of theaching Multi-medium 五.The procedure of teaching Step1 lead-in ( 2minutes) (语境中掌握语法;通过课文的学习,要求同学们背诵出下列句子,对doing 作定语和状语有一个感性认识,为下一步的理性认识做好铺垫。用多媒体展示下列句子) 课文原句再现:

1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously . 2.I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. 3. Yesterday,another student and I ,representing our university’s student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’s international students. 4. They also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance ,action or posture. Step2 v-ing form used as attibute ( 8minutes) (对doing 作定语理论上进行讲解,让学生对其科学地系统地加以把握。利用多媒体)

一、 动词-ing形式作定语

be+doing 谓语动词形式 doing 非谓语动词形式 Tom is reading a book now. Tom was reading a book at nine O’clock last night. The girl reading a book is my friend. 现在分词作定语往往与被修饰的词靠得很紧, 渐渐地成为一个复合词。这种分词叫分词形容词 (the Participle Adjective), 实际上相当于一个单纯的形容词, 表示“正在进行” 或“主动”的意义。如:

boiling water (沸腾的水);falling leaves (正在下落的叶子);smiling faces (笑脸)

a boy standing under the tree(正站在树下的一个男孩) 1. The boy standing under the tree is a classmate of mine. (站在树下的那个男孩是我的一个同学) 2.China is a developing country. (中国是一个发展中国家)


the waiting area=the area for waiting(等候区) a walking stick=a stick for walking(手扙)

a writing table =a table for writing(写字桌) 1.There is a swimming pool in our school. 我们学校有一个游泳池。

2.We are waiting outside the operating room. 我们等在手术室外面。 (1)前置定语

单个的动词-ing形式,一般放在被修饰的名词的前面, 作前置定语。

1.China is a developing country.(中国是一个发展中国家)

2.She recognized Tony ’s smiling face.(她认出了汤姆的笑脸) (2)后置定语

动词-ing形式短语作定语时, 通常要放在被修饰的名词的后面, 在意思上相当于一个定语从句。

1. The boy, standing under the tree ,is a classmate of mine. (站在树下男孩是的那个我的一个同学) (=who is standing under the tree)2.The person translating the songs can speak seven languanges. (翻译这些歌曲的那个人能说七种语言) (=the person who translates the songs) 3.He is a student,working hard at his studieos. (他是一个勤奋学习的学生)

(=a student,who works hard at his studies) Step 3 句子背诵(2minutes)

(理解的基础上加以背诵,达到脱口而出的程度,有力于形成同学们的语感,提高辨别doing 作定语的能力。利用多媒体展示。规定一分钟记忆时间。一分钟个别同学抽查。抽查中等偏下的同学,增强其学英语的信心) 1.There is a swimming pool in our school. 2.China is a developing country. 3.The boy, standing under the tree ,is a classmate of mine. 4.The person translating the songs can speak seven languanges. Step4 practice(6minutes)

(通过基础题,巩固提高对doing 作定语的认识。利用多媒体展示。三分钟独立做题时间,二分钟小组讨论,一分钟核对答案) Ⅰ用动词的适当形式填空。

1.Peter received a letter______(say) his grandma would come to see him soon. 2.There is a ______(swim) pool in our school. 3.The girl _____(sit) at the back of the classroom is my best friend. 4.Is the wallet ____(lie) on the ground yours? ⅡCombine the sentence by using attributive-ing verb forms. 1.The man held the front door open and bowed deeply. The man was smiling. 2.There was a man. He was sitting on the sofa. 3.He stayed in the room for over an hour during the operation. The room was for waiting. 4.The field of flowers seemed to go on for miles. The flowers were waving in the wind

Step 5 v-ing used as adverbial(8 minutes) (对doing 作状语理论上进行讲解,让学生对其科学地系统地加以把握.。利用多媒体)


①动词-ing形式在句中作状语表示“时间﹑ 原因﹑条件﹑让步﹑结果﹑方式或伴随等” Her husand died, leaving her 5 children. (表示结果)

(她的丈夫死了,给她留下五个孩子) She sat at the desk reading a newspaper. (表示伴随)

(她坐在桌子旁边,看报纸) Being ill ,she went home. (表示原因)


Working hard ,you’ll make great progress. (表示条件)

(如果你努力,就会取得 很多的进步)

Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant. (表示让步)

(虽然告诉他很多次,但是他还不理解我的意思) ②动词-ing形式作状语时,分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语保持一致;与主句的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系。 Watching television,_________ A.the doorbell rang B.the door bell rings C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings ③动词-ing形式在句中作状语时,位置可在主 句之前,也可在主句之后;有无逗号均可。

Her husand died, leaving her 5 children She sat at the desk reading a newspaper Being ill ,she went home Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant. ④v.-ing与句中主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,与句中谓语动词同时发生;having+v.-ed与句中主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,先于谓语动词发生;having been +v.-ed 与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且先于谓语动词发生; Having finished their work ,they had a rest. Feeling tired ,she went to bed early. Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant Step6句子背诵 (2 minutes)

(理解的基础上加以背诵,达到脱口而出的程度,有力于形成同学们的语感,提高辨别doing 作状语的能力。利用多媒体展示。规定一分钟记忆时间。一分钟个别同学抽查。抽查中等偏下的同学,增强其学英语的信心)

She sat at the desk reading a newspaper Being ill ,she went home. Having finished their work ,they had a rest. Feeling tired ,she went to bed early. Having been told many times, he couldn’t understand what I meant. Step7.Practice(8minutes) (通过基础题,巩固提高对doing 作状语的认识。利用多媒体展示。五分钟独立做题时间,二分钟小组讨论,一分钟核对答案) Ⅰ用所给词的适当形式填空

1._______(wait ) in the queue for half an hour ,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. 2._______(hear) the news,they all jumped with joy 3.He walked down the hill, ______(sing)softly to himself. Ⅱ把下列句子改写成分词作状语

Because I had experienced earthquakes before,I wasn’t frightened.

Having experienced earthquakes before, I wasn’t frightened. 1.When she woke up in the middle of the night she

saw her room as bright as day 2.Because I had spent all night reading the documents,I was very tired the next day. 3.The car raced past. It almost hit us as it turned the corner. 4.Your mother just called.She hoped to talk to you.

Ⅲ.Use the –ing forms of the verbs below to complete the following sentences laugh compete smile touch approach shake

1.We were all nervous about the ________examinations. 2.I always know when my mother is telling a joke. After a few seconds ,she always looks at me________. 3.Business leaders often look serious .They do not often have _____faces. 4.After the dog fell in the lake, it climbed out _______itself. 5.It is exciting to watch______athletes reach the other end of the swimming pool. 6.The blind man walked _____the walls of the building. Step 8 acting in groups( 6minutes) (提高同学们口语表达能力,加深对doing 作定语和状语的理解。小组练习四分钟,二分钟一组主动到前面表演。) work in groups of four Add more actions to these lists.Then combine the primary and secondary actions to make a sentence about a student in your group.That student must act out what you say. Primary actions

secondary actions

walk around the desk

frown(deeply) look for an eraser

jump(on one foot) sit on the desk

smile pick up a textbook


stand up

shake one’s head Possible answers: A.Cheng Hui walks around the desk ,jumping on one foot. B.The frowning girl,Wang Jing ,picked up her English book and threw it on the floor. C.Li Sen sat on the desk,laughing. D.Li Jing is looking for an eraser,shaking her head. Step 9 高考链接(3 minutes)

(利用高考题,检查学生的掌握落实情况,及时掌握反馈情况) 高考链接

1.Do you wake up _____energetic and ready to start a new day?(湖南2011)


B. to feel


D. felt 2.At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam.Then I changed my mind, _______that he could do nothing to help.(上海2011)

A.to realize B. realized C. realizing D. being realized 3.More highways have been bulit in China, ______it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.(陕西2011)

A.making B. made

C.to make D. having made 4._________around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.(辽宁2011) A.Gather

B.To gather


D. To be gathering 5.____ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.(重庆2008) A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 6._____around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.(陕西2008)

A. Having shown

B. To be shown C. Having been shown

D. To show 7.Recently a survey ____prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.(江苏2011)

A. compared

B. comparing

C. compares

D. being compared 8.Look over there---there’s a very long, winding path ____up to the house.(山东2011)

A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead Step 10 小结


第4篇:Unit4 My home 教学设计

《Unit4 My home》第四课时说课稿

西乡县沙河镇中心学校 裴丽



此次我的说课内容选择的是人教版四年级上册第四单元《Unit4 My home》PartB,此教材延续了以往人教版英语教材内容丰富的慝点,同时又体现了《新课标》所注重的“语言的实际运用”的新特点。在let’s talk部分,主要是让学生能用英语寻找物品。





①能准确听说认读新单词phone、table ②能听懂会说Where are…?Are they…?Yes,they are./No,they aren’t并能在实际情境中运用。


①通过跟读、拼读、练习等方法达到掌握新单词及句型。 ②通过小组合作、交流的方法达到对对话意义的理解和运用。 3.情感态度与价值观:

①通过本节课教学活动的参与培养其英语学习兴趣、信心。 ②通过小组合作和交流培养其交流能力。 2.教学重点:

听说认读单词phone table句型Where are …?

Are they…? Yes, they are. /No ,they aren’t并在实际中运用。. 3.教学难点:

句型Where are …?

Are they…? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t .








有关文具类的实物、PPT课件 2.教学媒体环境 多媒体教室



Warm-up 1.Greetings. 2.复习介词:in on under near 师发指令:Put your book on the desk. Put your pen in the pencil box. Put your eraser near the book. Put your ruler under the book.

二、Presentation and practice 1.出示自己的包,让学生猜测里面有什么?然后,再打开书包一起看看,并引导问:Is it a pencil?生答:Yes, it is. Are they rulers? 启发生答:No, they aren’t.师再问:Are they books? 启发回答:Yes, they are. 师领读上述句子。

2.出示John的房间,学习Are they on/ under/ in/near the desk/bed/ table…?

Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

a. 师介绍:Look, this is John’s room. There are many things in the room.Look carefully.What can you see in his room?

引导学生用Ican see…说出房间中的物品,并引出bed table phone指导学习。 b. T: Where are the pears? Guess like this: Are they on the table? c. Where are the toys/rulers?生用同样的方法猜测物品的位置。 3.Listen and choose a. 出示问题:Where are the keys? b. Listen to the tape, then choose. 4. 听音正音

Open your book and turn to Page 41, listen to the tape and repeat. a.听录音,跟读课文对话。b.抽生带读 5. 合作共建


三、Production 1.自编对话


b.生三人一组练习。 2. 回顾总结。

What do we learn today? 总结本课所学知识,表扬课上表现好的同学。 3.Homework 从以下作业中自选一个:(1)听录音,仿读对话;(2)听录音,仿读并表演对话;(3)让学生表演他们自己所编的对话。

第5篇:Unit4 My home 教学设计


Unit4 My home 教学设计



一、 整体设计思路、指导依据说明


本节课主要学习有关房间的五个单词及进行简单的对家的介绍、句型Go to„和五个有关房间的动作短句。在教学中借助多媒体课件,运用歌曲、游戏、脱口秀、竞赛等活动最大限度地发挥学生的主体性,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生之间的合作精神,完善和发展学生的综合能力。本节课学习的这些词汇都是学生在日常生活中经常见到的事物,与小学生的生活和学习密切相关。学过之后,可以让学生模仿书上的句子介绍自己的家,这种活动能使学生在较真实的语境中锻炼语言交际能力,从而发展他们的语言思维能力和运用语言的能力。

二、 教学背景分析

教学内容分析:本节课的教学内容主要是学习有关房间的五个单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room,kitchen及进行简单的对家的介绍、句型Go to„和五个有关房间的动作短句。




A.能够听、说、认读五个有关房间的单词 study, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room。

B. 能听懂、会说:Welcome to my home! (2)能力目标:

A.能够用This is my home. This is a living room„句型简单介绍房子。 B.能够听懂“Let’s do”的指令,并做出相应的动作。 (3) 情感目标: A. 培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,提高学生的口语表达能力和交际能力。 B. 培养学生对家的热爱、鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居。



1、听、说、认单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen.


难点:正确掌握单词bathroom, kitchen, bedroom的发音。


Step1: Warm up (1)教师播放歌曲“My Bedroom”。

(2)一句响亮的英语口号:East or west, home is the best. 设计目的:通过唱歌,活跃了气氛,激起学生的兴趣,让学生的注意力快速回到课堂上;一句响亮的口号可以振奋学生的士气,让学生很快融入学习英语的氛围。 Step

2、Presentation Let’s learn

1、通过口号:East or west, home is the best来渗透单词home的含义,教师教读home这个单词。

2、用多媒体课件出示由几个不同房间组成的home的图片,问学生:What can you see in the home?引出单词bedroom, bathroom, living room, study, kitchen的教学。在教学中,通过出示图片、单词与录音,力求做到单词教学音、形、意相结合,以帮助学生有效识记所学单词。

3、单词教完后,利用一个chant来加强对单词的记忆和运用,Bedroom, bedroom, go to the bedroom. Bathroom, bathroom, go to the bathroom. Study, study, go to the study. Living room, living room, go to the living room. Kitchen, kitchen, go to the kitchen.

设计目的:在这一环节中,利用多媒体图片来直观展示所要学习的单词的物品,学生一目了然就能明了home与其它几个单词的联系,同时,这些精美的图片能吸引学生的注意。利用朗朗上口的chant来巩固所学单词,并为下一步 “let’s do”的学习作铺垫。

Step3. Practice

Divide the whole class into four groups. The one who answers the questions quickly and correctly can get one point for his/her group. The group which gets the most points is the winner.

1、Have an English competition: Give the Ss two minutes to remember the five new words, then use the multi-media to show some pictures of the new words to the Ss quickly, ask the Ss to tell what they saw, and spell the words.

2、Play a game: Use the multi-media to play a cartoon , T asks : Where is she/he? Ss answer : She/He is in the „.(study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen)

设计目的:小学生的好胜心都很强,通过竞赛、游戏不仅可以激发他们学习的积极性,而且能够加强同学间的合作,更有利于记忆和巩固所学新单词。 Step4.Let’s do

1.用课件动画依次呈现五个房间的图片,构成一个家,教师对学生说:This is my home. Welcome to my home!然后带领学生理解、认读这个句子。

2、由This is my home.引出This is my bedroom./bathroom./study./...

3、Ss open their books and turn to page46,according to the pictures of “Let’s learn”. Four Ss work in a pair to practice the sentences . For example: Welcome to my home. This is my bedroom./bathroom./study./... 引导学生理解并有条理、有层次地练说句子。

4、询问学生What can you do in the bedroom/ bathroom/ study/„? 结合多媒体的生动画面来引出并让学生理解have a sleep, taka a shower, watch TV,read a book,take a shower和have a snack等指令的含义。

5.呈现let’s do内容,引导学生听音,说一说,并做一做动作。

设计目的:利用多媒体的生动画面,给学生以视觉享受,从而结合语境自然地理解了句子的词义。学生在说说、做做中更容易掌握新句子。 Step5. Consolidation and extension 让学生自己设计一套房子并布置各个房间,在各个房间里画上一些学过的物品,涂好颜色。学生以小组为单位用英语介绍自己设计的房子.

设计目的:鼓励学生大胆想象,创设情景,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,体现学生的主动性,让他们创造性地使用语言。 Step6 Singing 播放音乐,全班一起唱My bedroom. 设计目的:完成学习任务后,唱一唱歌,既是一种放松,也是一种奖励。

第6篇:Unit4 My family 教学设计

Unit4 My family 第三课时


Song time, Letter time, Checkout time 教学目标

1. Knowledge aim 知识目标

(1)学生能听懂、读准字母Ll, Mm, Nn,并能掌握它们比划、笔顺进行正确的书写。 (2)学生在语境中学习、理解歌曲。

2. Ability aim 能力目标

(1)会唱歌曲 Family song

(2)学生能在语境中通过介绍家人、表演、听录音标序号等形式复习本单元所学的语言知识 。

(3)能在老师的指导下对自己本单元的学习情况进行客观的评价。 3. Emotional aim 情感目标

(1) 增强学生学习英语的兴趣。

(2)在综合运用本单元所学知识的过程中激发学生关心关爱家人以及身边小动物的美好情感。 教学过程

Step1 Warm up 1. Greeting T: Glass begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Look, you can call me Miss Hu. This is my English name. Can you read it? 带读Candy一遍 2. Sing a song Let’s sing a song. Shake your hands. 第二遍改歌词Candy 3. Free talk

T: You sing the song very well. I’m happy to be your English teacher today. I want to know something about you. May I know your name? Hi, xxx. Step2 Presentation and practice Checkout time——Mike’s family 1. Review the words of family

T: I know some of you now. Do you know this boy? Who’s he? a) 出示Mike一家的人物图片

逐个出示迈克的家庭成员T引导学生说This is Mike’s …并将人物图片贴在黑板上 b) 出示单词卡片father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma 请学生认读并将卡片随意贴在黑板上

c) Ask three Ss come to the blackboard and put them in orders d) 教师快速指单词学生读

e) 扮演Mike介绍家人 This is my … 2. Listen and number

(1) Show the pictures of Checkout time. Ss try to say with the teacher together.

T: They are Mike’s family. This is Mike’s …

(2) Listen and number T: Let’s listen and number. From 1-6. Open your books turn to Page29 and pick out the pencils. (3) Check the answers Acting time T: You did a good job. You know Mike’s family very well. Look at this family. This is Bobby’s family. He is introducing his family. Let’s act Bobby. Try to introduce his family. 1. Bobby’s family (1) Ss act Bobby by themselves (2) The techer act Bobby, choose three Ss act the family members 出示情景:It’s 9:00 in the morning. We meet Bobby in the park. So let’s say: 引导全班说Good morning.

(3) 再请一组表演,教师指导

2. Sam’s family出示情景:It’s 3:00 in the afternoon. We meet Sam in the supermarket. (1) Sam是如何介绍他的家人的?

四人小组一起演一演吧! Hello, I’m Sam. This is my… (2) Try to act 3. Coco’s family 同上 出示情景:It’s 7:00 in the evenng. We meet Coco by the lake. Song time 1. New words (1)课件出示三个家庭

T: They are Bobby’s family, Sam’s family and Coco’s family. They all live togther.出现房子。 教学带读live together并释义


i-i-live to-ge-ther live together 开火车读,个别读 (2)课件出示爱心

T: They all live together. So they all love one another.

教学带读love one another并释义


o-o-love one a-no-ther love one another 个别读 (3) 出示两个完整句子并带读

They all live together. 带读,男女生读,齐读 They all love one another. 带读,分大组读,齐读 2. Watch the song 3. Answer the question What do you hear in the song? 你在歌曲里听到了什么? 4. Try to follow 难句子请个别人唱,小组唱,男女生唱,跟光盘逐句唱,自己唱,小组唱 5. Sing together

T: Let’s sing to all the teachers. Let’s sing beautifully. Letter time—— Letter family T: We all love our family. Look, there is a sheep. This is the sheep’s family. 1. Find and read: Sheep’s family 出示书上字母图片

T: Can you find some letters in the picture? (1) Ss read (2) Read after the teacher (3) Read one by one

(4) Play a game: 心有灵犀

(5) 字母Ll, Mm, Nn卡片认读,排序 2. Let’s write T: Now you can read the letters well. Can you write them? Let’s have a try. a. Watch the letters carefully and discuss in pairs how to write b. Write after the teacher 老师写一个学生跟着同时书空,学生在书上写一个 c. 后背写字母 T-S1示范

Work in pairs 3. Review the letters T: Now we can read and write letter Li, Mm, Nn. What letters have we learnt?

出示字母卡Gg Jj


出示字母卡Ll Ii


Say the letters from A to Nn Ticking time

T: You learn the letters very well. Today we have learnt the new lettters Ll, Mm, Nn. Can you say and write them very well? If you learn it very well you can tick three stars. 1.Self-estimate

How many stars, one, two or three? 2. Estimate in groups T: Introduce your family in groups one by one. Then estimate in groups and tick in the right blanket.

T: Today you did a good job. Most of you have got six stars. And your group gets many stars too. Thank you. Goodbye!
