
2022-12-31 版权声明 我要投稿







在21世纪随着全球经济一体化的进展及社会对复合型高级专业人才的极大需求下,双语教学应运而生。在2001年,教育部《关于加强高校本科教学工作,提高教学质量的若干意见》中明确要求本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学;在2005年,教育部《关于进一步加强高等学校本科教学工作的若干意见》中提出,要提高双语教学课程的质量,继续增加双语教学课程的数量;在2007年, 《教育部财政部关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》,教育部决定启动双语教学示范课程建设项目。双语教育作为我国新时期高等教育的一个重要内容,是提高教学质量的一个重要途径,也是我国教育与国际接轨的一个重要方面。











第三,整合申请人已有的研究成果,进一步深入探讨MBA商务英语教学改革:在内容上,形成商务英语教学20讲;在教学方式上,开创MBA商务英语班级大讲堂、MBA商务英语移动课堂、MBA商务英语Business English Party等内容。





Part Ⅰ、Writing ⒈避开扣分点(语法错误)的措施: ①对动词前面加情态动词。

②对名词单复数形式如果不确定,则这么处理(Knowledge → many kinds of knowledge)。 ③不能用You作为人称代词。 ④从句尽量少用,防止错误。

⒉内容上:要控制自己的思想,在汉语上控制,英语作文不要求思想内容是否深刻。 措施:

①有针对性地选定范文结构,按范文结构来写,加少部分自己的内容。 ②注意语言多样化,用好“七种武器”。

⒊经典句式: ⅰ、as ① 段首句:

As a matter of fact, ______. As is fairly well-known to us all, ______. 上述句型就是“万能句型,无所不在”,可以用在文中任何位置。 ② 列举:

……as follows, ______(First, ……) As will be listed below, ______ ③ 插入语:

主语:as it is,谓语______. 主语:as it were,谓语______. 插入语能提高句子的档次。 ④ 段末句:

As discussed so far, ______.(结论)

As for as(主题词)I am concerned, ______.(结论) As far as I am concerned, ______.(自己观点)

Just as an old and popular saying goes, ______.(谚语结束) Just as any coin has two sides, ______.(结论) ⅱ、It ①It goes without saying that ______.(不用说……)

②It is commonly(generally/popularly/widely)through(believed/argued/estimated/held)by a majority of experts that ______. ③It is quite obvious(clear/evident)that ______. ④It is for beyond any reasonable doubt that ______. ⑤It may seem pretty likely that ______. ⅲ、There ①There is no denying to the obvious fact ______.(不可否认) ②There is no exception to the rule that ______.(无一例外) ⅳ、to ①To be honest, ______(= To tell the truth, ______). ②To cut a long story short, ______.(文章结尾句) ③To put it in another way, ______. ④To put it more exactly, ______. ⑤To put it simply, ______ ⅴ、Intervention ①in a remarkable sense, ______. ②on any significant scale, ______. ③to a considerable extent, ______. ⅵ、List ①First/First and foremost of all/On one hand/To begin with/For one thing ②Second/What’s more/In addition/On other hand ③Third/Last but not least/Finally/For another thing For one thing ______ for another ______.(表示列举)

⒋文章类型及结构 ⅰ、观点类: ①两个观点论述:

P1:When it comes to a vital topic of …, there are always different viewpoint among the general public in our society, …(总体上介绍) P2(Ⅰ):It is commonly and wildly thought by a small group of people that …, in order to make this point clear, they put forward some interesting argument as listed below, …(赞同的观点) P2(Ⅱ):On the other hand, it must be admitted that other people may think otherwise, according to them, …, they also arise some remarkable points as follows, … P3:As discussed so far there is certain truth in both views. So far as I know, the first group of people seem to be on a form stand. Therefore I prefer to side with them. ②一个主观点:

提出观点→深入论述→结束(范文) ③问题型:

问题是什么→原因→解决办法(范文) ⅱ、图表作文:



禁止使用the more…the more… P2:叙述原因(1~3个) P3:预测趋势 ⅲ、商务作文: ①Claim ②Apology ③Demand for payment ④Offer 范文(教材303~306) ⒌谚语:

①Honestly is the best policy.(诚实为上) ②Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧) ③No pains, no gains.(熟能生巧) ④A friend in need is a friend indeed. ⑤Money is everything.(金钱万能) ⑥Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量) ⒍关于WTO语句(见写作宝典)

Part Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension ⒈时间分配

15分钟/篇 = 1分钟(主旨题)+ 6分钟(读文章)+ 8分钟(做题目) ⒉Facts做细节题步骤:

①缩小范围(根据Main idea)。

②找线索比较(题目Key Words对应文章Key Words)。 ③换词:找出出题者如何换词(Replacement of word)。 阅读理解三步走:①研究主旨题;②细节题;③看如何换词 推论题可暂时放开不做,做后再作。 ⒊Short answer(简答题) 答案必须简练,不必是完整句。 ①主旨题(idea):Common nouns.例:P&D of blacks in American. ②Facts 找Source→Copy(从原文中找) ③归纳题:自己找词归纳。 原则: a)、short


c)、conclusion ④新题型:论点在前,论据在后。到论据前找论点,论证方法,一般为:giving example ⑤回答Why:去掉Because of,直接答出关键词(注意不要大写)。 完整句回答:a)、so that


Part Ⅲ、Translation ⒈从句(重点)

① 定语从句:N(SVO)——总是一个得分点。

对于较短的定语从句,直接提前,长句则要注意拆分。 Where引导的从句90%以上为定语从句。 定语从句翻译后的注意位置变化。 ② 主语从句: 先译主语。 ③ 状语从句:

先译主句:原因是…,条件是…,结果是… ⒉同位语:

① 译成定语从句:N1N2→N2N1

② 先从句。例:The fact I passed the exam is true.(我考试通过是事实。) ⒊比较结构:出现省略结构,否定语等 ① more…, than… as…, as… 从后往前译

②no more…, than… ③A not so much … as B ④as much as ⑤歧义词组:as well a(也),as far as(就…来说),as long as(只要). ⒋非谓语动词: V-ing,to V,V-ed ①修饰名词:作定语 ②修饰动词:作状语

 时间状语:正当  原因状语:因为  结果状语:结果  目的状语:为了

Part Ⅳ、语法:

步骤:①Choice(选项)→②相似选项选出key(排除明显不相似词)→③、sentence 根据相似选项,前后观察,从结构上选key. ⒈从句:

①从句引导词:as → what → which → that ②状语从句:provided = given(= if),directly = immediately(=as soon as). ③unless(= if not),not…until(搭配) ④从句成分——SVD. 状语从句——逻辑含义,两句之间的逻辑关系。If, when, unless, not until ⒉非谓语动词:

①V-ing —— 主动;V-ed —— 被动 ②V-ing —— 现在;to V —— 将来

③N V-ing S V O;SVO,V-ing;独立主格结构 ④介词后,V,V-ing ⒊虚拟语气 ①倒装结构

②建议(命令,假设)that S V(原型) ⒋结构

①比较结构:A:more N. …than N.(谓语动词与more后的N一致)

B:倍数关系:twice more…than…;twice as…as…;

②倒装结构:Hardly(Only,No…)S V O What = That that


As a matter of fact, …

As is fairly well-known to us all, … ②列举:

……as follows, ______(First, ……) As will be listed below, ______ ③插入:

主语:as it is,谓语______. 主语:as it were,谓语______. ④结束:

As discussed so far, ______.(结论)

As for as(主题词)I am concerned, ______.(结论) As far as I am concerned, ______.(自己观点)

Just as an old and popular saying goes, ______.(谚语结束) Just as an old proverb goes, ______. Just as an old idiom goes, ______. Just as any coin has two sides, ______.(结论) ⑤

It goes without saying that ______.(不用说……)

It is commonly(generally/popularly/widely)through(believed/argued/estimated/held)by a majority of experts that ______. It is quite obvious(clear/evident)that ______. It is for beyond any reasonable doubt that ______. It may seem pretty likely that ______. ⑥

There is no denying to the obvious fact ______.(不可否认) There is no exception to the rule that ______.(无一例外) ⑦

To be honest, ______(= To tell the truth, ______). To cut a long story short, ______.(文章结尾句) To put it in another way, ______. To put it more exactly, ______. To put it simply, ______ ⑧列举:

First/First and foremost of all/On one hand/To begin with/For one thing Second/What’s more/In addition/On other hand Third/Last but not least/Finally/For another thing For one thing ______ for another ______.(表示列举)


AIDS in Modern Society Recently, there has been a wide concern among the general public with respect to AIDS. As can be seen from the newspapers and TV programs, there are already many cases of AIDS in our life. If the present situation goes on, serious sequences will be inevitable in the near future. Then how to prevent it from further spread. First and foremost of all, we should learn the facts that how AIDS is transmitted and how it is not transmitted. What’s more, we should share that knowledge with our family and community. Last but not the least, we need government support from both areas of finance and law. Only through these efforts, I believe, can the problem of AIDS be efficiently solved soon.

They also arise some remarkable points as follows, …, besides, … P3(My view):

As discussed so far above there is certain truth in both views. As far as I know, … , Therefore I prefer to side with them.


Position and Negative Aspects of Sports When it comes to a vital topic of sports, there are always different viewpoints among the general public in our modern society. It is commonly thought to majority of people that sports are of great important to people’s health. To begin with, as a matter of fact, sports stimulate blood circulation. In addition, it goes without saying that sports can help digestion. Last but not the least, sports, as it were, make one energetic. On the other hand, it must be admitted that other people may think otherwise. According to them, sports are time-consuming in the morning. Furthermore, if one takes exercise without taking in enough nutrition, it will do harm to his health, which is just the opposite to what he wishes. As discussed so far above there is certain truth in both views. As far as I know, the first group of people may seem to be reasonable and therefore I prefer to side with them.



When it comes to a vital topic of ______, there are always different viewpoints among the general public in our modern society. It is commonly thought to majority of people that ______. In order to make this point clear, they put forward some interesting argument as listed below. First and foremost of all, ______, what’s more, ______. Last but not the least, ______. P2(discussed):

On the other hand, it must be admitted that other people may think otherwise. According to them, ______.

第3篇:01 MBA英语冲刺总结


一、 阅读理解A

(一) 解题顺序

1、 题目标题:快速定位题目核心词及题型—目的文章中快速定位文章所在位置

2、 文首文尾:详读文首文尾,特别文首句,明白文章主体写什么;总-分-总;总-分

3、 顺序解题:按文章顺序,根据定位具体题目对应文章位置,详细解题;

(二) 总体原则

1、 开门见山点主题:关注文首/段首句;

2、 转折之后必答案,转折之后是重点,转折之后即观点,转折之后表态度;

转折单词:but ,however,though,yet ,hardly,while, certainly, 转折词组:in fact,of course,sad to say,as a matter of fact,

(三) 文章结构

1、 文章结构:总-分或总-分-总,要么转折、对比,要么举例说明。每段的第一句很重要,尤其总分结构的段。通过首段或者前两段,来把握信息点。也就是作者想说什么。

2、 中心论点:中心句一般在段首。举例段一般在举例前后。转折之后即中心(或者后一句,一般在该段的第三行上下浮动)。 重点词:that mean,the notion is that

3、 文章举例:举例都是为了说明观点的。这个观点(中心句),大部分会在举例之前已经表达了,部分在举例之后表达。一定要找出作者举例想说明的这个观点。

4、 关键转折:转折的时候,你要知道作者对什么进行了转折。

(四) 题型思路:

1、 细节题:

(1) 特殊选项即答案:一个与其他三个选项很不一样; (2) 根据题干找选项:

提问式问法:选项回答题干即答案what,which,why 补全填空法:选项带入题干,逻辑相符通顺;

2、 词/句义题:


(1) 考熟词:考生一般最熟悉的相近意非答案,不能按已知意思找选项; (2) 考生词:

并列关系:同义词;which means,in other words,to put it simply 转折关系:反义词


3、 推断题:

(1) 题干标志:infer,imply,indicate,暗示了推断了

(2) 选项不能与原文一样,但也不能没关系,原文某句话找到根据,同义词替换 (3) 最佳方法:排除选项法

4、 态度题:

(1) 题干出现:attitude,viewpoint,opinion,standing point; (2) 选词总结

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5、 事例分析:

(1) 题干标志:case,example: (2) 一般例前句为答案,例后面少;观点+例子证明; (3) 就近找答案,同义词替换为选项;

6、 主旨题

(1) 题干关键词:main idea,topic,title,entitle,purpose,maily above (2) 看文首开门见山点主旨;首段转折之后为答案;开头提问式,选项回答即答案; (3) 选项寻找关键词;文首段首高频关键词对应即答案; (4) 扩大/缩小信息非答案;例子/原句非答案;

(五) 解题技巧

1、 正确选项:

(1) 高频词对应法:特别文首、段首关键高频词;

(2) 同义词替换法:选项与文章出题处一个或几个词,同义词替换表相同意; (3) 选项矛盾选一:选项中意思完全相反的2个选项,其中之一是对的 (4) 词汇题的选项:在原文的该词汇附近的句子;


(5) 语气委婉不绝对的选项往往是答案:can,could,probably,may,maybe,might,be likely to,most,more or less,relatively,assumably,ordinarily presumedly,about,approximately,almost,nearly,perhaps等。 含有某种、某些、某人的不确定的指代含义的选项往往是答案some,someone,somebody,something,certain,somewhat,sometime,somewhere.含有表示“发展变化”含义的选项往往是答案:change,delay,improve,postpone,increase,alter,decrease,decline,expand,develop,grow,evolution,progress,influence,transfer,transform等。 含有表示“重要”含义的选项往往是答案:

important,necessity,essential,necessary,crucial,critical,fatal,main,concernful,momentous,significant,staple,vital. 正确答案几率较大的词:some,should,change,effort,endeavor.

2、 错误选项

(1) 同类项排除法:选项相同选项非答案; (2) 重复原文非答案;

(3) 扩大/缩小信息非答案;

(4) 文章例子非答案:用文章里举例的句子来作为选项,直接排除; (5) 张冠李戴偷换概念非答案;

2 / 5 (6) 无关选项非答案:与文章无关,节外生枝选项非; (7) 选项主谓宾与题干原文不一致非答案; (8) 选项中出现only的非答案;

语气过于绝对的选项往往不是答案:must,always,never,the most(最高级),all,only,any,none,entirely,utterly,every,completely,necessary, dispensable,indispensable,certainly,undoubtedly,definitely,surely, by all means,all to nothing,to acertainty,等。

二、 阅读理解B (7选5)

(一) 多项对应(易):

1、 寻找题干关键词:名称、人名、数字、谓动、信息词等

2、 回到原文定位:跳读,寻找题关键词在文章出处,标记;

3、 原文与选项比较:同义词替换

4、 解题技巧:先选择简单可确定的选项;反向选择最终难的题目;

(二) 选小标题(难):段落中心思想

1、 出题说明:横线为下面段落的主要标题内容;

2、 分析选项:寻找选项关键词,标出;

3、 段落定位:关注段首,细节精读;

4、 解题方法:高频词对应解题法;同义词替换法;

5、 解题顺序:先做确定简单的,再做难的-反选(最后的排除法)

三、 翻译题

1、 评分标准: 卷面分,内容分,不能有错别字,全部为中文。

2、 卷面形式:卷面整洁,字数满格,字迹清晰,内容“信达雅”,准确完整通顺;

3、 翻译技巧:

(1) 直译与意译相结合原则;尽量先直译,不行再意译 (2) 词汇翻译:


重复法:避免歧义和语义明确,把汉语重复; 比喻法:尽量适用中文,同比英语对仗发译; (3) 否定肯定转换:

肯翻否:rather A than B 选A非B,more than ,better than ,far from 否翻肯:not until,no less than Anyting but =not at all 一点也不

4、 翻译顺序:

(1) 简单句找谓动,长难句找连词;遇到长难分句翻。

(2) 正常主从正序翻,形式主/宾从还原翻,主从长难分句翻; (3) 方式/目的/时状/地状/定语从句提前翻,表语从句正序翻 (4) 同位语从句提前翻(被修饰的名词之前),若被隔开分句翻;

(5) 主从在句首,动词之后是宾从,系动之后是表从,名词之后同位从 (6) 非限定从句分句翻,英语有标点跟随翻;

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四、 写作

(一) 大作文

1、 柱状bar/曲线line chart (1)第一段:开篇数字

The given bar/line chart clearly illustrates great changes from the year__to the year__.According to the data revealed by this chart,the number of__ increased dramatically from __ to__,while the number of__ slided slightly and remained almost the same.In the meantime,the number of__ experienced a steady downturn./The number of __fluctuated sharply all though. 1000万 10 million(百万) (2)第二段:分析原因 From my perspective,a couple of factors can contribute to this phenomenon.There are numerous reasons accounting for such changes.To begin with,it is apparent that the prosperity of our nation and the improvement of living condition result in the popularity of this trend.What is more,there is no denying that government implemented proper relevant policies recently,which play a significant role in driving this tendency.Last but not least,it can be said without any exaggeration that the turning attitude of people,in combination with better education, promotes more people to make these choices.(In addition,it is universally acknowledged that confronted with life pressure in the highly developed society,people would like to manage and reduce their pressure.As a result,more attention is paid to do sth(tour Chinese traditional culture) (3)第三段:收尾总结

Base on what has been discussed above, we can safely come to a conclusion that this trend/phenomenon will continue in the following years.It is worthwhile to note that it surely can be inevitably widespread with better governmental policies.In my opinion,it is a positive trend and should be encouraged,for it is not only beneficial for A__,but also conducive to B__.

2、 饼图 pie chart (1)第一段:开篇数字

As we can see from the diagram, remarkable tendency that has occurred in the sphere draws our attention.The given pie chart clearly illustrates the percentage of_主题 _.According to the data revealed by this chart,the ranking first/the percentage of__ accounts for _% of the total. Meanwhile,The next two significant items are_A and _B,which take up _% and _% respectively. In the meantime,the proportion of the remaining part only makes up a small percentage in the whole chart.

3、 表格 table (1)第一段:开篇数字

As we can see from the diagram, remarkable tendency that has occurred in the sphere draws our attention.The given table clearly illustrates the percentage of_主题 _.According to the data revealed by this table,most A under __ are ,and In the meantime,the proportion of the remaining part only makes up a small percentage in the whole table.

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(二) 小作文:

1、 道歉信

2、 感谢信

3、 邀请信

4、 建议信

5、 询问信

6、 辞职信

7、 求职信

8、 祝贺信

9、 请求信

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第4篇:MBA 英语常用翻译技巧总结



1、专有名词(如operational research expert)、习惯用法(如depend on)及多义词的翻 译(如school、set 的多义)


3、具体句型(定从、状从、主从、宾从、表从、同位从、强调结构、并列、比较、倒装、插入、 被动、否定等)


英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到 很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、 合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用 于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练。

1. 增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、 短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较 多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动 语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言 在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说 到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时 需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子 与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在 汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在翻译时还要注意增补一些原文 中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译, 一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1)What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语)

(2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词)

(4) 就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。

Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物 主代词)


While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps. (增译连词) (6)这是我们两国人民的又一个共同点。

This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.(增译介词) (7)在人权领域,中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱。

In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增译暗含词语) (8)三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。

Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.(增译注 释性词语)

2. 省译法:这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表 达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。增译法的例句反之即可。又如:

(1) You will be staying in this hotel during your visit in Beijing. 你在北京访问期间就住在这家饭店里。(省译物主代词) (2) I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 希望您在这儿过得愉快。(省译物主代词) (3) 中国政府历来重视环境保护工作。

The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection. (省译名词) 3. 转换法:指翻译过程中为了使译文符合目标语的表述方式、方法和习惯而对原句中的词类、句 型和语态等进行转换。具体的说,就是在词性方面,把名词转换为代词、形容词、动词;把动词转 换成名词、形容词、副词、介词;把形容词转换成副词和短语。在句子成分方面,把主语变成状语、 定语、宾语、表语;把谓语变成主语、定语、表语;把定语变成状语、主语;把宾语变成主语。在 句型方面,把并列句变成复合句,把复合句变成并列句,把状语从句变成定语从句。在语态方面, 可以把主动语态变为被动语态。如:

(1) 我们学院受教委和市政府的双重领导。

Our institute is co-administrated by the States Education Commission and the municipal government. (名词转动词) (2)Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children. 孩子们看电视过多会大大地损坏视力。(名词转动词) (3)由于我们实行了改革开放政策,我国的综合国力有了明显的增强。

Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. (动词转名词) (4) I’m all for you opinion.


(5)The reform and opening policy is supported by the whole Chinese people. 改革开放政策受到了全中国人民的拥护。(动词转名词)

(6)In his article the author is critical of man’s negligence toward his environment. 作者在文章中,对人类疏忽自身环境作了批评。(形容词转名词)

(7)In some of the European countries, the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance. 在有些欧洲国家里,人民享受最广泛的社会福利,如医疗保险等。(被动语态转主动语态) (8)时间不早了,我们回去吧!

We don’t have much time left. Let’s go back. (句型转换) (9)学生们都应该德、智、体全面发展。

All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically. (名词转副词) 4. 拆句法和合并法:这是两种相对应的翻译方法。拆句法是把一个长而复杂的句子拆译成若干个 较短、较简单的句子,通常用于英译汉;合并法是把若干个短句合并成一个长句,一般用于汉译英。 汉语强调意合,结构较松散,因此简单句较多;英语强调形合,结构较严密,因此长句较多。所以 汉译英时要根据需要注意利用连词、分词、介词、不定式、定语从句、独立结构等把汉语短句连成 长句;而英译汉时又常常要在原句的关系代词、关系副词、主谓连接处、并列或转折连接处、后续 成分与主体的连接处,以及意群结束处将长句切断,译成汉语分句。这样就可以基本保留英语语序, 顺译全句,顺应现代汉语长短句相替、单复句相间的句法修辞原则。如:

(1) Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States. 同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。(在主谓连接处拆译)

(2)I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。(在定语从句前 拆译)

(3)This is particularly true of the countries of the commonwealth, who see Britain’s membership of the Community a guarantee that the policies of the community will take their interests into account 英联邦各国尤其如此,它们认为英国加入欧共体,将能保证欧共体的政策照顾到它们的利益。(在 定语从句前拆译)

(4)中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、 森林、城镇和其他用地。

China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.(合译)

5. 正译法和反译法:这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按 照与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方 式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯。因 此比较地道。如:


In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正译) In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反译) (2)你可以从因特网上获得这一信息。

You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正译)

This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反译) (3)他突然想到了一个新主意。

Suddenly he had a new idea. (正译) He suddenly thought out a new idea. (正译) A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him. (反译) (4)他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。

He still could not understand me. (正译) Still he failed to understand me. (反译) (5)无论如何,她算不上一位思维敏捷的学生。

She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正译) She is anything but a bright student. (反译) (6)Please withhold the document for the time being. 请暂时扣下这份文件。(正译) 请暂时不要发这份文件。(反译)


英语中被动语态的使用范围极为广泛, 尤其是在科技英语中, 被动语态几乎随处可见, 凡是在不 必、不愿说出或不知道主动者的情况下均可使用被动语态, 因此, 掌握被动语态的翻译方法, 对于 MBA 入学考试的复习与应考是极为重要的, 因为在MBA 入学考试中,英译汉文章的内容多以科 普文章为主。在汉语中, 也有被动语态, 通常通过“把”或“被”等词体现出来, 但它的使用范围远远 小于英语中被动语态的使用范围, 因此英语中的被动语态在很多情况下都翻译成主动结构。对于 英语原文的被动结构, 我们一般采取下列的方法: 1. 翻译成汉语的主动句。英语原文的被动结构翻译成汉语的主动结构又可以进一步分为几种不同 的情况。

(1) 英语原文中的主语在译文中仍做主语。在采用此方法时, 我们往往在译文中使用了“加以”, “经过”, “用……来”等词来体现原文中的被动含义。例如: 例1.Other questions will be discussed briefly. 其它问题将简单地加以讨论。

例2.In other words mineral substances which are found on earth must be extracted by digging, boring holes, artificial explosions, or similar operations which make them available to us. 换言之, 矿物就是存在于地球上, 但须经过挖掘、钻孔、人工爆破或类似作业才能获得的物质。 例3.Nuclear power’s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation. 核能对健康、安全, 甚至对生命本身构成的危险可以用一个词—辐射来概括。

(2) 将英语原文中的主语翻译为宾语, 同时增补泛指性的词语(人们,大家等)作主语。例如: 例1.It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well, but on television everything is much more living, much more real. 可能有人会指出, 无线电广播同样也能做到这一点, 但还是电视屏幕上的节目要生动、真实得多。 例2.Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series ofprogrammes which are both instructive and entertaining. (85 年考题) 人们常说, 电视使人了解时事, 熟悉政治领域的最新发展变化, 并能源源不断地为观众提供各种 既有教育意义又有趣的节目。

例3.It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality. 人们普遍认为,孩子们的早年经历在很大程度上决定了他们的性格及其未来的人品。 另外, 下列的结构也可以通过这一手段翻译: It is asserted that … 有人主张…… It is believed that … 有人认为……

It is generally considered that … 大家(一般人)认为 It is well known that … 大家知道(众所周知)…… It will be said … 有人会说…… It was told that … 有人曾经说……

(3) 将英语原文中的by, in, for 等做状语的介词短语翻译成译文的主语, 在此情况下, 英语原文 中的主语一般被翻译成宾语。例如: 例1.A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor. 原子反应堆需要一种合适的燃料。

例2.By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives. 大战结束时, 这个组织拯救了八百人, 但那是以二百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的。

例3.And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. 许多人认为, 普通人的思维活动根本无法与科学家的思维过程相比, 而且认为这些思维过程必须 经过某种专门的训练才能掌握。 (4) 翻译成汉语的无主句。例如: 例1.Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit. 应该尽最大努力告?nbsp| 年轻人吸烟的危害, 特别是吸上烟瘾后的可怕后果。

例2.By this procedure, different honeys have been found to vary widely in the sensitivity of their inhibit to heat. 通过这种方法分析发现不同种类的蜂蜜的抗菌活动对热的敏感程度也极为不同。

例4.Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft. 在我们这个世纪内研制了许多新奇的交通工具, 其中最奇特的也许就是气垫船了。 例5.New source of energy must be found, and this will take time…. 必须找到新的能源,这需要时间……

另外, 下列结构也可以通过这一手段翻译: It is hoped that … 希望……

It is reported that … 据报道…… It is said that … 据说……

It is supposed that … 据推测…… It may be said without fear of exaggeration that … 可以毫不夸张地说…… It must be admitted that … 必须承认…… It must be pointed out that … 必须指出…… It will be seen from this that … 由此可见…… (5) 翻译成带表语的主动句。例如: 例1.The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。

例2.On the whole such an conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed. 总的来说, 得出这种结论是有一定程度把握的, 但必须具备两个条件: 能够假定这个孩子对测试 的态度和与他比较的另一个孩子的态度相同; 他也没有因为缺乏别的孩子已掌握的有关知识而被 扣分。

(注意上述翻译技巧在该句翻译中的综合运用。) 2. 译成汉语的被动语态。英语中的许多被动句可以翻译成汉语的被动句。常用“被”, “给”, “遭”, “挨”, “为……所”, “使”, “由…”, “受到”等表示。例如: 例1.Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by Man. 地球上早期的火肯定是由大自然而不是人类引燃的。

例2.These signals are produced by colliding stars or nuclear reactions in outer space. 这些讯号是由外层空间的星球碰撞或者核反应所造成的。

例3.Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colours. 自然光或者“白光”实际上是由许多种颜色组成的。

例4.The behaviour of a fluid flowing through a pipe is affected by a number of factors, including the viscosity of the fluid and the speed at which it is pumped. 流体在管道中流动的情况, 受到诸如流体粘度、泵送速度等各种因素的影响。

例5.They may have been a source of part of the atmosphere of the terrestrial planets, and they are believed to have been the planetesimal-like building blocks for some of the outer planets and their satellites. 它们可能一直是地球行星的一部分大气的来源。它们还被认为是构成外部行星以及其卫星的一种类 似微星的基础材料。

例6.Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. 工具 和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。

例7.Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 政府是以减少技术的经费投入来增加纯理论科学的经费投入, 还是相反, 这往往取决于把哪一方 看作是驱动的力量。

例8.The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. 石油的供应可能随时会被中断;不管怎样,以目前的这种消费速度,只需30 年左右,所有的油井 都会枯竭。

MBA 英语常用翻译技巧总结



英语和汉语语言结构和表达习惯有很多差异之处,翻译时往往能死扣原文逐词逐句译出。下面拟谈谈形容 词的翻译问题。

(一)、一些原义并无否定意思的形容词和别的词搭配,有时可译成否定句。 1. These goods are in short supply. 这些货物供应不足。

2. This equation is far from being complicated. 这个方程一定也不复杂。

(二)、为了使译文自然流畅,读起来顺口,在一些形容词前可根据上下文内容加上副词“很”、“最”等字。 1. It was as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. 这是我度过最愉快的一天。

2. It is easy to compress a gas. 气体很容易压缩。

(三)、有时可将英语的“形容词+名词短语”译成汉语的主谓结构。 1. She spoke in a high voice. 她讲话声音很尖。

2. This engine develops a high torque. 这台发动机产生的转矩很大。

(四)、如果一个名词前有几个形容词修饰,英译时应根据汉语习惯决定其顺序。 1. a large brick conference hall 一个用砖砌的大会议厅

2. a plastic garden chair 一把在花园里用的塑料椅子

(五)、英语中一些表示知觉、情感、欲望等心理状态的形容词,同连系动词构成复合谓语时,翻译时可 将形容词译成动词。

1. You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying. 你完全不懂你在婚姻方面承担的责任。

2. Such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on America. 类似的批评在他后来写的评论美国的文章中屡见不鲜。

3. He is truly sorry for his past, and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever. 他诚恳地忏悔过去,并保证永远不再玩汽车。

(六)、由于语言习惯不同,英语里的形容词有时译成汉语副词。 1. I am going to be good and sweet and kind to every body. 我要对每一个人都亲切、温顺、和善。

2. He asked me for a full account of myself and family. 他详尽地问起我自己和我家里的情况。

3. Another war will be the absolute end of our country. 再来一次战争将彻底毁灭我们这个国家。


四、举例before 和good 具体译法

(一)连词before 的含义是“在……以前”(previous to the time when)。在句法上,它引导状语从句。 可见它的词义颇为单纯,功能比较专一。然而,由于汉英表达习惯的不同,在将before 汉译时,其译法却 多种多样。常见的有以下几种:

1,直译成“(在)……(以或之)前”。这时主句与before 从句中的两个动作按时间先后依次发生。 Before I enter on the subject I have something to say. 在讨论这一问题之前,我有些话要说。

They led a miserable life before their hometown was liberated. 他们家乡解放前生活很苦。

2,译成“(后)……才”。副词“才”在汉语中表示某事发生得晚或慢。如果在含有before 从句的复合句中, 强调从句动作发生得晚或慢时,就可以应用这种译法。这里又有两种情况,一种是主句主语为名词或代词, 另一种是主语与非人称it。

The train had left before he got to the station. 火车开了他才到车站。

It seemed a long time before my turn came. 似乎过了好大一会儿才轮到我。

3,连词before 与barely,scarcely, hardly 连用时还可译成“刚……就”。在汉语中,“就”强调事情发生 得早或快。如果原文突出主句与从句的动作一前一后紧接着或几乎同时发生,即可用此译法。 We had barely sat down before we heard bicycles outside. 我们刚坐下就听到外边有自行车的声音。

We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain. 我们刚离开学校天就下起雨来。

4,如果原文主句中谓语动词是否定形式则可译成“就”、“便”、或“快”。这又分主句主语为名(代)词和it 两种情况。

I had not waited long before she came. 我没等多久她就来了。

It was not long before he got to know it. 不久他就知道了。

5,假使原文目的在于渲染从句动作发生之前,主句动作业已发生,可译成“未……就”或“还没有(来得及)…… 就”。

The day began to break before we got to the hilltop. 我们还没有到达山顶天就开始亮了。

Before I could say a single word, he ran away. 我连一句话也没来得及说他就跑了。

另外,像before he knew it 一类习惯说法,则可译成“不……(就)”。 The boy fell down from the ladder bvefore he knew it. 那个男孩不知怎么一来就从梯子上摔了下来。

6,译为“趁(着)”,或用反说,译成“不然会”、“要不就”、“没”、“不”等。 Study hard before it is too late. 趁早努力学习。

I’ll do it now before I forget. 趁着还没忘记,我现在就做。

She arrived before I expected. 我没料到她来的这么早。

7,某些习语中的连词before 可译成“先……然后”、“先……再”或“而后”等。 One must sow before one can reap. 先有播种后有收获。 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

有些习语中的before 也可译成“未……先”。

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 鸡蛋未孵,勿先数雏。

此外,连词before 还作“与其……(宁愿)”(rather than)讲,通常可以为“宁可……也不(肯)”、“宁愿…… 决不”等。例如:

We will die before we give in. 我们宁死不屈。 He would die before he lied. 他宁死也不肯说谎。

以上罗列了连词before 的几种常见的译法。英汉表达方式很不相同,具体译法,须根据具体情况而定

(二)Good 一词,在英语中该算是最熟悉、最常用的了。它的搭配能力很强,而且也常见于科技文章中。 一看到good,我们便自然而然得会想到“好的”这一词义。然而,在一些场合,good 的译法却是颇费踌躇 的。

1,可译为“好的”,但概念模糊:如good fish(好鱼),是指品种,大小还是新鲜程度呢?

2,勉强可译为“好的”,但不搭配:如Good fire 若译为“很好的炉火”是可以理解的,但不如译为“旺盛的 炉火”。

3,译成“好的”反而错了:如good hard work 不是指“一项好的但却艰巨的工作”,而是指“一项十分艰巨 的工作”。

为什么这样普通的词在翻译时却难处理呢?其原因有二: 第一,只知其一,不知其


有的词有一个义项,有的词有两个或两个以上义项。good 一词,在《现代高级英汉双解辞典》中就有十 八项释义,如不能全面地掌握这些义项,翻译时就会遇到困难。 第二,不善举一反三,触类旁通

从语言的发展来看,一个词总会有一个最原始的或最基本的词义(叫做本义),而其他的词义是由这个词 发展或引申而来的(叫做引申义)。引申,就是由原义产生新义。选择词义难就难在这个“新”字上。一是 英语单词本身已有引申义。这就要勤查字典,从诸多词义中去挑选最合适的词义。二是词典中所有词义都 不贴切,要根据汉译的需要去创造新义,而新义又必须与本义相关联。如good 一词在英语中已有引申义 “strong,vigorous(强健的,有力的)”。因此,His eyesight is still good. 一句应译为“他的视力仍 然很强。”(good 由“好的”引申为“强的”)。而在下面的例句中,good 可引申为“高度的”。 To produce strong X-rays the tube had to be made a very good vacuum. 管子要产生强的射线,就必须制成高度的真空。而“高度的”这一词义,在《现代高级英汉双解辞典》、《远 东英汉大辞典》等的汉语释义中都是没有的,因而可算是新创的。现在,让我们以《现代高级英汉双解辞 典》为据,列举good 一词的几个义项来观察它在汉译时是如何引申和再引申的。为了节省篇幅,只探讨 作为形容词用的而且常用于科技文章中的几个义项的译法,不涉及用于生活、口语和文学时的译法,也不 涉及用于问候语、客气的称呼、赞扬之词以及片语和复合词的用法。为了方便,在此不再引用其英语的释 义而用其对应的汉语译义,每一词义只举一例。 (1)、美好的;良好的;令人满意的 a good knife 一把好刀 a good conductor 良导体 汉译时引申:

1,a good soil 肥沃的土壤 2,good oil 提纯了的油

3,a good money 真的货币 4,a good river 畅通的河道 5,good English 规范的英语

6,Good switches move quickly. 优质开关动作灵活。(good 引申为“优质的”) 7,That engine sounds good. 那台发动机听起来很正常。(good 引申译为“正常”) 8,the rocket travels better through vacuum than it des through the air. 火箭穿过真空比穿过空气容易。(good 引申译为“容易”)

9,A good example of a case where electricity is changed to power is the electric streetcar. 电变为动力的典型例子是电车。(good example 引申译为“典型的例子”) 10,In the absence of an outdoor aerial this telescopic aerial will give a good picture if the transmitter signal is sufficiently strong. 在无室外天线时,若发射机的信号很 强,这种拉杆天线可产生清晰的图象(good picture 引申译为“清晰的图象”)

11,Laser possesses a series of remarkable properties, which make it a better light source in a number of cases. 激光有许多显著的特性,这些特性使它在许多情况下成为一种更理 想的光源。(good 引申译为“理想的”) (2)、有益的

Milk is good food for children. 牛奶对小孩是有益的。汉译时引申: 1,good gradient 平缓的坡度

2,It is no good heating the material to such a temperature. 把材料加热到这样的温度是不恰当 的。(good 引申为“恰当的”)

(3)、能胜任的;有能力的;能干的 汉译时引申:

1,a good chess player 高明的棋手

2,A good human translator can do perhaps 2000 to 3000 words a day. 一个熟练的翻译人员一 天也许能翻译两千到三千个词。(good 引申译为“熟练的”) (4)、彻底的;完全的

The workers gave the machine a good checking. 工人们对机器进行了彻底的检查。汉译时引申: 1,have a good drink 喝个痛快

2,It has been thought of making good use of the sun"s energy to serve the well-being of the people. 我们早就设想过充分利用太阳能来为自己造福。(good 引申译为“充分”) 3,This set consumes so little power that a good 12 volt car battery can still start your car after you have been watching TV for 10 hours. 本机耗电极少,因而具有12 伏足电的汽车蓄电池在你看电视十小时后仍能用于开车。(good 引申为“充足的”)

4,Rivers provide good sources of hydropower. 河流具有丰富的水力资源。(good 引申译为“丰富 的”)

5,The CE circuit is widely favored since it can be designed for good voltage and current gains. CE 电路得到广泛的使用,因为它能获得高电压增益和高电流增益。(good...gains 引申译为“高……增益”)


a car with good brakes 刹车可靠的汽车 a good investment 安全的投资汉译时引申: good debts 确可偿还的债务__


1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)


In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I„m very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.医

学 全在线

2、What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also.

3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I„d planned. I‟ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor„s thesis.

4. What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I„m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.

5. How do you feel about your progress to date?“(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)


I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.


6.Why did you choose peking university?

7.Why did you choose MBA?

8.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?

9.What has been your greatest accomplishment?

10.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.

11.What have you learned from the jobs you have held?

三、行为面试问题(Sample Behavioral Interview Questions):

12.Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.

13Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done?

14.Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.

15.Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.

16.Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.

17.Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.

四、压力面试问题(Sample Stress Interview Questions):

18.What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?

19.What are some of the things you find difficult to do?

20.How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?

21.What interests you least about MBA?

22.How do you handle rejection?

23.What is the worst thing you have heard about our school?

24.See this pen I„m holding. Sell it to me.

五、案例面试问题(Sample Case Interview Questions):

25.A chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. What are the key considerations in making this decision?

A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits. She has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. How should she determine delivery quantities?


26.It is the 15th Century. How do convince the Pope that the Earth is round?

27. If I gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?

28. Why are soda cans tapered on the top and bottom?

29. How much RAM does a PC need to run Windows95?

30. You are in a boat on a fresh water lake. In your hand is a rock. You throw the rock into the lake. How is the lake„s water level affected?

31. If it rained music, what would grow?

32. Describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.

33. In what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?

34.What are your career„s strengths and how do you capitalize on them?

35. Are you a happy person?

36. According to JRM, Jr., a fast growing software company asked this question…… You have a wealthy aunt who weighs 300 pounds. Tell me how you would redesign her toilet.


37.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?

38.Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China?医.学.全.在线

39.Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a little about RENMIN University form your understanding.

40.How do the people around you review MBA?

41.What„s the difference between MBA program at home and abroad?

42.If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?

43.Why do you want to be a part of MBA students?

44.Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?

45.Do you have a career plan in 5 years?

46.Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?

47.What„s your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience?

48.How do you define marketing or management?

49.Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?

50.Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?

51.What do you want to do after your MBA study?

52.What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have?

53.Say a little about teamwork.

54.Say a little about management.

55.How communication works in organizations?

56.Tell me the relationship between the management and management theory.

57.What will you do if you can„t find a job?

58.Do you think that the economy will get better?

59.Who are you currently employed with?

60.What kinds of opportunities are you looking for?

61.What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?

62.What joy did you enjoy the most and why?

63.What would your former boss say about you?

64.Why did you leave your last job?

65.Please tell me a little about your working history? What kind of fields?

66.Say a little about your educational background.

67.What are your strengths and weakness?

68.What do you do in your spare time?

69.What is your impression of Beijing?

70.What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do?

71.What is the difference between sales and marketing?

72.What do you think is the most important as a manager?

在面试快结束的时候,一般考官都会问,你有没有什么要问的。除非你是最后一个面试者,你明显感到所有的考官都急切的想离开,一般不适合说“I don„t have any question.”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题(Questions you should ask the recruiter):

73.What changes do you anticipate in our school?(你希望我们学校会有些什么样的变化)

74.Which is the best course in our school? (什么课程是我们院最好的课程)

75.does our school provide some guidance of job to MBA?

最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon.(谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到您。)

Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is LiFeng. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2006. Hope a chance to work and develop in your department.

During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. With the help of my supervisor, I have successfully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, DNA extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. ..

I passed the CET band 6 test in2002, after that, I tried my best to learn Medical English and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. I can manipulate computer proficiently and master Microsoft Office software, also be familiar with SPSS and Photoshop, etc.

During three-year study in research, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. I benefit from working together with excellent colleague. I developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. My internship in college of ….. could qualify me for this job, and I believe I can be fit for the position quickly. I am looking forward to working in your department. If I am admitted, I will be thankful and try my best to work for you.


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* Lead the Field by Earl Nightingale

* The Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn



日期 Dear sir, (第一段) I am sorry to inform you that I am unhappy about__________________,so I regret to have to complain _____________(提出投诉,表示遗憾) (第二段) There are ________________(问题1),______________(造成的影响);___________________(问题2),_________________(造成的影响); (该段主要用于陈述不满的原因)。 (第三段)

I would appreciate it very much if your company could look into the matter and arrange for a replacement of the faulty goods promptly. So I propose that you___________________________________________, I am looking forward to your earliest reply. (该段主要提出补救的建议)

Sincerely yours XXX

常见词和关键词:late delivery,cause,fulfill order,on checking the goods receive(当验货时),I found that, since the late delivery has caused dissatisfaction among our customers, I considering, discount, I suggest that, I propose that, recently, refuse, as you known, after-sales service, breakdown, immediate, shipment, delay,


日期 Dear sir, (第一段)

Thank you for your letter of ______(时间). I am very sorry to hear about your problems with my faulty. I had no idea that you were in any way dissatisfied. (感谢对方告知实情,并表示道歉) (第二段)

If you had let me know earlier, I could have investigated this immediately. Please allow




what happened.__________________________________(解释原因); ————————————(提出解决方案);if you experience any difficulties, please call me or fax me at once and I will take immediate action.(该段用于解释原因并提出解决方案) (第三段)

Please let me apologize to express how sorry I am. I will make efforts to prevent a recurrence.(我们将尽力防止此事再次发生)

Sincerely yours XXX



日期 Dear Sir, (第一段)

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for your warm reception while I ______________________。(告之感谢对方什么) (第二段)

Your sincerity was most impressive. Without your help, things would not have gone so smoothly.___________;_____________;______________(l列举对方如何帮助我们)。It is hard to imagine what my life have been like without your care and help.(恭维对方,描述如何帮助我们) (第三段)

I am anticipating further cooperation. In return for your hospitality, I would like to invite you to ____________(邀请来做什么),I am looking forward to seeing you again at that time. (对未来关系展望)

Sincerely yours XXX

常见词和关键词:hospitality,warm reception,heartfelt thanks,colleagues


日期 Dear XXX, (第一段)

I am delighted to invite you and your delegation of 10 people to pay a working visit to china for a week in September or October 2011.the propose of visit is_____________________(邀请来做什么事情); (第二段)

I highly appreciate our undergoing the discussion on_____________(在什么地方的讨论),and expect a have fruitful meeting with you in China. By the way, your group’s board,lodging and all other expenses will be coverd by us. Should you have some questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Very truly yours XXX



The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题)。 The first thing we notice is that_____________(图表最大特点)/the changes in the number of _____over the period from______to_____.This means that as ___________________(进一步描述)。 (该段描述图表的性质,简单阐述其特点 )


As can see from the above chart, _____________(图表细节一)。 After ving_________(细节一的变化), the ____________(紧跟着的变化)。 The figures also tells us that___________________图表细节二)。 In the secondary, we can see that ______________accounts for _________(进一步描述)。

A number of factors may have contributed to this situation. Above all,________________(原因1),second,_________________(原因2),A major reason is that_________________________(原因3)。 (该段对图表的数据进行说明,并阐述原因)


Judging from this chart,we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论)。 It is high time that we ______________(发出倡议)。/there is every reason to believe that the trend will continue in the foreseeable future.总结 关键词汇:

increase,decrease,fell,decline,sharply,dramatically,significantly,rapidly,steadily,slightly,remained unchanged, rise gradually, peaked at, low level, reached the peak, three-fold increase, A increase gradually while B decrease, A and B are closely related, table,



In recent years, there has been a heated debate over the relative importance of _________versus_______. Whereas some people hold that __________is more important than _________, others argue that the reverse is true. (对全文进行概述) (第二段)

Those who take the first view assume that ___________(对观点进行介绍),in contrast, the second opinion is based on the assumption that_________________(对观点进行介绍). (第三段)

As for me, I advocate the first view point. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, _____________________________________________________ Secondly, ___________________________________________________ Finally, _________________________ (阐述自己选择的观点的理由) In my opinion, it does not make sense to generalize about which is more important, ___________ or ____________. Their relative importance depends on specific contexts. So the debate is essentially a chicken-and egg problem.

关键词:nowadays, for example,



In recent years, there has been a lot of debate over____________(问题)/ scandal was disclosed, people and government and international communities were shocked.

It is reported that________________(写一个报道内容),this situation calls for close attention from the general public.(该段对问题进行描述) (第二段)

A number of factors have contributed to the emergence of this problem. Firstly, _________________________________________________ Secondly, ________________________________________________ Thirdly, ________________________________________________ Another factors worth mentioning is that_____________________ (该段要写问题产生的原因或者影响) (第三段)

To solve the problem, several measures can be taken. Premerily, ____________________________________________ Secondly,_________________________________________ The most significant measure is___________________________ (该段要写解决问题的方法) 关键词汇:positive effect , negative effect, to reduce the negative effect, A large number of ,the situation is associated with several factors, incident,accident, is likely to harm the reputation of , address, issue, It is necessary to, domestic-brand, distributor, fundamental,



Across the world throughout history, it often happens that different people perceive the same objective thing differently. For example, two typical points of view have been expressed concerning_____________________ (引出文章讨论的对象) (第二段) Some people think that ________________, they cite the following as major reasons: firstly, ______________,secondly,__________________. (介绍第一种观点,并解释原因) (第三段) Others argue that _________________.they base this argument mainly on The following grounds: first, _______________.second,_____________. (介绍第二种观点,并解释原因)

For my point, I advocate the first viewpoint. My reasons are as follow: First,_______________. second,______________. third,____________. (发表自己的观点并说明原因) 或者都不同意,自己提出新观点:

I do not agree with other of the view. In my opinion,_______________, The reason why_______________________________________ 关键词汇:disagreement, whereas, different people have different view, thereby,


(第一段) In recent years, more and more people tend to______________________ /there has been a growing trend among___________________________ /with the development of economic globalization, more and more people___________________。This phenomenon is receiving more and more attention from the general public. (该段要求对事实进行描述) (第二段)

I think we should take a positive/negative attitude towards it. The reasons are as follows. First, _________________, second,_________________. Finally,_______________.(该段表明自己的观点,并说明原因) (第三段)

From the above analysis, we can see that _____________________.there is every reasons that this trend will continue and even grow stronger in the future, because_____________________. /I firmly believe that_____________________ (该段总结展望) 关键词汇:

opportunity, personally, oppose, convinction, rethink, strategy, owing to, appeal, on the practical side, as well as, benefit from this sort of, not only…but also, obviously,
