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1. Introduction

1.1. Title (underline)/author:

Jane Eyre is a novel written by charlotte Bronte (1816—1855).charlotte brought was born at Thornton in Yorkshire, England, the third of six children. She is a famous novelist as well as her two sisters in nineteenth century. They are all influenced by their father’s library of Walter Scott, Byron, Tales of genii and the Arabian Nights. Her novels have become enduring classic of English literature.

1.2. Publication information:

Jane Eyre was first published in1847 in London. Charlotte with her sisters, Emily and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.

1.3. A brief introduction to the book and the report/review

The main part of the story happened in Lowood and in Mr. Rochester’s house, Thorufield Hall. Jane Eyre experienced a hard life and found her happy life.

2. Body

2.1. What the book is about?

Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. The heroine of the book, Jane Eyre, is an orphan, born in a poor family. Because that her parents have contracted typhoid fever, one after another died in this. Young Jane goes to her uncle’s home, but her uncle died in a few days. Jane began to suffer a discrimination and abuse life due to the assault against the cousin. She was sent to an orphanage in Lowood. She lived in there and continued to be spiritual and physical destruction. After Jane experienced a tough life she graduates from Lowood, she found a job as a professional tutor in Rochester’s’, Thornfield. After they meet for some time, they began to love each other. Although they meet some unhappy things in their love, Jane married him and has an ideal happy life.

2.2. Characters:

Jane Eyre is a lovely, kindness, gentleness girl. She has a noble mind, a strong will and a capacity for love. Jane Eyre has a huge courage to pursue her own happiness; her spirits on this is very great.

2.3. My opinions about the book:

Jane Eyre is a story can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Bronte. Jane’s experience is very similar to Bront. the most impress me is that Jane while longer looks flats, as humble, but do not give up on themselves, and does not vanity, her kindness, gentleness, courage to pursue their own happiness. And finally as the original in order to repay. Her experience made me understood the formation of the original concept of love.

3. Conclusion:

3.1. Compared Jane’s experience with Bronte, the story can be looked as an autobiographical novel. The story is a pure fiction, it tell us we should overcome the unlucky life to find our happy life. Jane is a good example to us on pursues true love. No matte what happened, we pursued and will gain the things we wanted.


The Boy in White T-shirt

The book named Dragon Raja played a seriously important role in my high school .This popular Chinese novel has accompanied me for five years and is highly possible to become my company for the next fifty years.

The series of novels based on fantasy as well as reality make up an amazing world which just is the young’s cup of tea. Therefore, one of its shining spots is “Imagination and the perfect combination of youthful enthusiasm”. The book has not been finished, and the writer is writing nowadays.

To begin with, some critics regarded it as “the Chinese Harry Porter”. However, the Dragon RajaⅢ(The Dark Moon Tide)finished on 3/20/2014 and were extremely welcomed by readers, which proved its charm and strength as a classic in fantasy filed. In a simple way, it gives a vivid account of the process of the young’s growing-up; in a deeper level, it expresses the fight between people and machine in the modern industrial civilization. My favorite character in the novel is a supporting role, a Chinese boy named Zihang Chu .He is not only a typical top student but a “crazy”, a man as precise as a watch. The boy in white T-shirt with a black tennis bag on his back, just came into my life in a pouring rainy day, and became my idol and friend from the first sight. His parents divorced in his childhood and his mother married a rich businessman soon. He looked forward to the warmth of family but he cannot tell it. His father was missing in a mystery in connection with Cassel College in a rainy day. In order to get information about his father, after graduating from high school Chu applied to study at the Cassel College, a mysterious school in America.Certainly,the adventure started.

There is no doubt that Chu is an excellent person, physically and mentally. However, it is not his good looking or high IQ but his will and self-control that attract me and millions of readers. Influenced by his father, Chu is strict with himself .Whatever difficulties he is confronted with, he never backs away. Several times death is coming right straight, he just runs out. It is sure that “danger” is exaggerated in a fantasy. His spirits of facing things bravely inspire me a lot in real life, though. Whenever I get into tricky situation, thinking the boy that firmly handles the sword and never gives up, I will feel courage and motivation to go ahead. In fact, Chu is silent and has little facial expressions, what he really cares is action. In human society, he is like an alien. There is something with him, the loneliness. In the author’s word, Chu “is like a lonely wolf”, he tries his best to find out about his father’s secrets at any costs. He owns big power at the cost of lifetime, risks his life to complete tasks, never backs away.

In my heart, Chu is a just a kid, forcing himself to do everything he thinks he can.If he cannot finish, then that is his fault. He is someone that hasn’t gained warmth but wants others to feel warm. There is a word in the book, “lonely kid hides in heart”.Chu is that boy, the boy bound to be a king.

Loneliness, responsibility, courage, and warmth, these are cherished qualities I feel from Chu. The story of Dragon RajaⅣ has started and Chu plays an important part in it.The adventure continues, and the growing-up never ends up The boy in white T-shirt disappears in crowds.What fine weather it is!

第3篇:怦然心动 书评英文版

Everyone Should Have a Sycamore Tree

——Book review of Flipped

2015312179 于洋

When I read this book, my feelings changed with the characters. Sometimes I was even moved to tears. After finishing it, I kept thinking, why this book touched me so much? Then I realized that every book that made me think of myself impressed me most. In the process of this book, I saw myself sometimes so persistent in something, I saw my father held me and answered my confusions patiently, I saw how my best friend had ever hurt me... ... The following contents are how I feel about this book and what I learn from it. Do the right thing. Bryce’s grandfather was a very wise man. He ever told Bryce, “ The choices you make now will affect you for the rest of your life.Do the right thing.” Sometimes we are faced with choices, it really needs courage to do the right thing. At first, we may be shy or embarrassed and choose to lean back. In the long run, it will become our usual practice and shape our personality. What we should is breaking the ice. Just stand out and do the thing we really want to do, say the words that from our heart. After doing this one time, we will find how happy and released it is. Wearing a mask is so tough and awful. You didn’t give me the best, but you give me all. In the book, there was a paragraph between Juli and her dad.Her dad told her: “Julianna, I’m trying to tell you is I’m sorry.There was so much I want to give you.All of you.I guess I didn’t see until recently how I’ve actually provided.”

“I think you know my heart’s been in the right place, but if you line it up objectively,a man like,say,Mr.Loski adds up to a much better husband and father than a man like me does. He’s around more,he provides more and probably he’s a lot more fun.”

But Juli told him: “Dad, I don’t care how it cooks on paper, I think you’re the best dad ever! And when I marry somebody someday, I sure don’t want him to be like Mr.Loski!I want him to be like you.”

It’s so warm and touching. It is love that makes us feel the sunshine , kindness,and warmth in the world.That reminds me of my father.When I was a little girl, my family went through a tough time. We were too poor to buy me any toys , beautiful clothes, or delicious snacks. As I grow up, the situation becomes better and better in the efforts of my parents. But dad often felt guilty and said something like he didn’t give me I should have. Actually, I feel very satisfied and happy. Because he and mom are both kind and warmhearted people and they educated me to be like this. They seldom have arguements and provided a harmonious, loving home for me. We love and care about each other all the time.That is the most important thing. No one can compare with the one you love. How do you feel when you fall in love with someone? There are many descriptions about it in the book: “My heart stopped. It just stopped beating.And for the first time in my life, I had the feeling, like the world is moving all around you,all beneath you, all inside you, and you’re floating.Floating in the midair. And the only thing keeping you from drifting away is the other person’s eyes.They’re connected to yours by some invisible physical force, and they hold you fast while the rest of the world swirls and twirls and falls completely away.”

That’s a wonderful and beautiful paragraph, which is exactly the feeling of heartbeat, pure and clean. When Bryce flipped: “My heart lurched. What was she laughing about?What were they talking about?How could she sit there and look so...beautiful?”

It’s obvious he was very jealous at that moment. And he kept thinking no girls could compare with her, Juli was so different. Like his granddad told him: “Some of us get dipped in flat,some in stain, some in gloss...but every once in a while you find someone who’s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”

That’s one of my favorite part in this book. We always say that finding our Mr.Right or Miss.Right, but what kind of person is just the right one? The one who can be the best in your heart. It doesn’t mean ignoring her or his shortcomings, but appreciating that person’s difference, making it special. Juli was a kind girl. Maybe in the book, we tend to say she was how special, how different. Actually, she couldn’t be more ordinary. Her family was not rich, she didn’t have any super talent on anything.Then why she got so much love and happiness? She had the courage to be herself. She saw the amazing views in the tree, then she insist on protecting it; she liked Bryce, then she always followed him; she hatched the eggs, then she fed them in the yard... She did the things she thought was right and didn’t care what others said. Her family all of these experience made her cherish others’ love and care about other people very much. Such a good girl deserved to be loved. Everyone should have a sycamore tree, in which we watch different views and become different ourselves.


《人类理解论》简评 作者简介

约翰·洛克(1632.8.29~1704.10.28),英国哲学家、经验主义的开创人,同时也是第一个全面阐述宪政民主思想的人,在哲学以及政治领域都有重要影响。代表著作主要有:《论宽容异教的通讯》《政府论两篇》《人类理解论》《人类悟性论》等。 著作概述

《人类理解论》一书是英国著名哲学家约翰.洛克的哲学代表著作。本书从1671年写起,直到1687年才完成,在1690年出版。《人类理解论》这一著作在西方哲学史上起到承前启后的作用,洛克在这部著作中所提出并要解决的中心问题是关于人类知识的起源、可靠性和范围。 著作要点





正如他把经验分为两类一样,洛克把客观世界的事物的本质也分为两类,即第一性质和第二性质。第一性质是指客观事物的广延性、形状、不可入性、运动、静止、体积等等,他认为这类性质是不以人的知觉为转移而客观存在的,是在事物的任何变化下都会保存着的;而第二性质是指事物的颜色、声音、气味、口味等等而言的,洛克认为第二性质是主观的、即不是事物本身所固有的,它好像是认识的主体通过感官附加到客观世界事物上似的,这样说来,势必得出,如果没有眼睛来看,那么煤就不是黑色的,如果没有耳朵来听,那么打雷也就没有声音了。后来的英国哲学家贝克莱正是利用洛克关于第二性质的说法,指出第一性质也是主观的而不是客观事物所固有的。 著作地位


第5篇:Review of Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见英文书评)

Review of Pride and Prejudice

--Rassendyll Yan

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is regarded as one of the most famous English literature ever since it was first published in 1813. The book telling a story of the Bennets with five daughters but no sons has a micro but deep insight of society and human nature. The title covers two main psychological features of general people which are shown in the characters of the novel of which, more specifically, „pride‟ indicates Mr. Darcy, the hero, while „prejudice‟ indicates Miss Elizabeth Bennet, the heroin.

Summary The novel begins with the entrance of a rich bachelor, Mr. Bingley with his two sisters, Caroline Bingley and Luisa Hurst and his friend, Mr. Darcy to Longbourn and Mr.s Bennet‟s requiring her husband call upon the newcomers to see if one of theirs five daughters can marry the gentleman. Mr. Bingley is attracted by Jane Bennet, the eldest of the five at their first meeting, they fall in love with each other after several balls and at the mean time, Elizabeth Bennet the second eldest of the five seizes the attention of Mr. Darcy. However, because of family dignity from the man and the prejudice caused by imprudent judgment of the lady, the Darcy-Lizzy relationship hasn‟t the same development as that of Mr. Bingley and Jane, the prejudice of which has deepened even further with the appearance of Mr. Wickham, the son of Mr. Darcy‟s late father‟s steward, and his intended wrong saying of Mr. Darcy. And Elizabeth is even fond of Wickham herself. When the Bennets and the neighborhood observe the development of Mr. Bingley and Jane, Mr. Collins pays a visit to Longbourn who is the cousin of the girls and the heir of the property of the Bennets after Mr.. Bennet die. Mr. Collins is a clergyman and crazily admires his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh who happens to be sister of Darcy‟s mother. Mr.. Collins offers his proposal to Elizabeth Bennet during his stay in Longbourn, but rejected. The he turns to Charlotte Lucas and marries her to fulfill his purpose to visit Longbourn—getting married. As the consequence of the conspiracy of Caroline Bingley and Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley believes the indifference of the Jane, thus, they separate. Even when Jane pays a visit to Caroline when she is in London with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr.s Gardiner, they keep this as a secret to Bingley After the marriage of Mr. Collins and Charlotte, Elizabeth is invited to visit them in Hunsford, where they pay several visits to Lady Catherine de Bourgh. During Elizabeth‟s stay in Hunsford, she meets Mr. Darcy and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam, the former of which offers a proposal in an arrogant manner to Elizabeth but refused. The next day Elizabeth receives a letter from Mr. Darcy which tells the truth about his interfering of Bingley-Jane relationship as well as the evil of Mr. Wickham particularly the intended elopement with Georgiana Darcy, younger sister of Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth returns to Longbourn with mixed emotion and her feeling to Mr. Darcy begins to change. Lydia receives an invitation to Brighton with Colonel Forster‟s wife. Though trying to persuade her father, Elizabeth doesn‟t make it to prevent Lydia from the trip to Brighton.

After a long misery time in her home, Elizabeth is asked to go north with her uncle and aunt. They pay a visit to Pemberley, Mr. Darcy‟s estate. The earlier return of the master surprises both Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. And the change in Mr. Darcy‟s attitude confuses Elizabeth and he ever wants to make his sister Georgiana acquaintance with Miss Elizabeth. There she also meets Mr. Bingley and his sisters. When Elizabeth enjoying her journey, two letters from Jane ends the trip earlier than plan—their youngest sister Lydia has run away with Wickham. Elizabeth and her uncle and aunt hurries to Longbourn and Mr. Gardiner set out to assist Mr. Bennet in finding Lydia while Mr.s Gardiner remains at Longbourn to look after the Mr.s Bennet and rest of the family. Lydia is found at last and marries Wickham in town. When the new couple returns to Longbourn, Lydia gives out that Mr. Darcy was in the wedding of Wickham and Lydia. Elizabeth discovers that it was Mr. Darcy who help find Wickham and Lydia and persuade Wickham to marry Lydia. Bingley and Darcy suddenly return to Meryton and visit the Bennets again. Bingley soon get engaged with Jane. At the mean time, Lady Catherine de Bourgh suddenly drops by Longbourn to make Elizabeth promise not to marry Darcy. Elizabeth rejected firmly and Darcy comes propose again, accepted by Elizabeth. At last, they get married and live happily together. Characters

Elizabeth Bennet Elizabeth Bennet is the second of the five daughters of the Bennets who is the heroin of the novel. She is a smart independent woman, deeply loved by her father, Mr. Bennet. She has her own unique opinion of whatever she meets, and always likes to make judgments at the first sight, which naturally leads to some mis-judgment and prejudice—her misunderstanding of Mr. Darcy. She is a brave woman who is true to herself. She always follows her own feeling when dealing with different kinds of things happen in her life. Her dislike of Mr. Darcy, her travel to look after Jane, her initial fancy of Mr. Wickham, her rejection of Mr. Collins proposal, her temped prevention from Lydia going to Bridgton, etc, all of these show her loyalty to her own feelings. And because of her direct personality and braveness, she catches the attention of Mr. Darcy and makes his propose twice and, finally, get her happiness. She also shows her courage to court equality, (though not the main theme of the novel nor the author‟ tendency to court equality) when Lady Catherine de Bourgh rudely requests her not to accept any of Darcy‟s proposal. „In marrying your nephew, I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere. He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman‟s daughter; so far we are equal.‟ This what she says to Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her rejection to de Bourgh expresses her being true to herself which may has been lost and should be learnt by people or everyone who always thinks about surrender to limits and restrictions around them. Fitzwilliam Darcy Fitzwilliam Darcy, the hero of the novel, is the wealthy owner of a famous family estate of Pemberley in Derbyshire. His is the first been noticed by crowds because of his handsome appearance and big fortune. But he is soon regarded disagreeable because of his silence and seldom dancing with women. But his demerit is not pride as many people think. Mr.s Gardiner has corrected it as obstinacy—„ “He has been accused of many faults that he did not do himself; though I am sure (and I do not speak it to be thanked, therefore say nothing about it,) your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.” ‟ He is also deeply trusted by his friend Mr. Bingley and really loves and cares about his sister, Georgiana.

Readers always get to know his characteristic from the observer, from people around him like the neighbours in Longbourn or Mr.s Reynolds. It is showed from different angles but each of them has it own prejudice, otherwise, which forms a relatively clear image of Mr. Darcy. Here it doesn‟t mean he is a 100% perfect man. It shouldn‟t be regarded proper to make decision for others especially when it comes to the one concerning lifelong happiness and the interest of others. His interference in the relationship between Mr. Bingley and Jane which brings so many ups and downs in the plot and influences so many people around has been strongly opposed and criticized by Elizabeth. Though admitting later after Elizabeth‟s refusing his proposal and gaining her forgiveness and understanding, Mr. Darcy or part of his decision should not be regarded as morality. Mr. Bennet He is a gentleman with five daughters and because he doesn‟t have male heirs his property must be inherited to his nephew Mr. Collins. He is a wise and humorous man who loves reading. He really cares about his second daughter, Elizabeth. From the observation of Elizabeth, Mr. Bennet‟s marriage is unfortunate—„Her father, captivated by youth and beauty, and that appearance of good humour, which youth and beauty generally give, had married a woman whose weak understanding and illiberal mind, had very early in their marriage put an end to all real affection for her. Respect, esteem, and confidence, had vanished for ever; and all his views of domestic happiness were overthrown.‟ But still, here comes to respectful side of Mr. Bennet‟s character—„But Mr. Bennet was not of a disposition to seek comfort for the disappointment which his own imprudence had brought on, in any of those pleasures which too often console the unfortunate for their folly or their vice. He was fond of the country and of books; and from these tastes and arisen his principal enjoyments. To his wife he was very little otherwise indebted, than as her ignorance and folly had contributed to his amusement. This is not the sort of happiness which a man would in general wish to owe to his wife; but where other powers of entertainment are wanting, the true philosopher will derive benefit from such as are given.

The book gives a relatively thorough comment of the impact on the whole family exerted by Mr. Bennet‟s impropriety as a husband. It goes, via the feeling of Elizabeth, like this—„She had always seen it with pain; but respecting his abilities, and grateful for his affectionate treatment of herself, she endeavoured to forget what she could not overlook, and to banish from her thoughts that continual breach of conjugal obligation and decorum which, in exposing his wife to the contempt of her own children, was so highly reprehensible. But she had never felt so strongly as now, the disadvantages which must attend the children of so unsuitable a marriage, nor ever been so fully aware of the evils arising from so ill-judged a direction of talents; talents which rightly used, might at least have preserved the respectability of his daughters, even if incapable of enlarging the mind of his wife‟

Mr. Bennet is kind of man who has his own philosophy of life. He loves reading, and his own decision. He really cares about his family and daughters, which can be shown from his initial visit to Mr. Bingley and his immediate departure after Lydia‟s running away with Wickham. Besides his laziness also makes his family depressed—„The whole party were in hopes of a letter from Mr. Bennet the next morning, but the post came in without bringing a single line from him. His family knew him to be on all common occasions, a most negligent and dilatory correspondent, but at such a time, they had hoped for exertion.‟

Though not being the leading character of the novel, the author still paid much attention and efforts on the establishment of the character, which makes Mr. Bennet a real and lovable person. Mr. and Mr.s Gardiner This couple, though not the leading characters of the novel, witnesses and influences so much of the development of the story. Mr. Gardiner is Mr.s Bennet‟s brother and a successful businessman of sensible and gentlemanlike character, greatly superior to his sister as well by nature as education. And his personality and characteristic seem different by the traditional judgment and stereotype of others—„The Netherfield ladies would have had difficulty in believing that a man who lived by trade, and within view of his own warehouses, could have been so well bred and agreeable.‟ He wins the respect of Mr. Darcy by his character and promotes, to some extend, the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth. „Mr.s Gardiner, who was several years younger than Mr.s Bennet and Mr.s Philips, was an amiable, intelligent, elegant woman and a great favourite with all her Longbourn nieces.‟ She has an intimate relationship with the two elder sisters of the Bennets. Her existence is a great consolation to the two ladies. She witnesses all the relationships of the Bennet‟s ladies—she reminds Elizabeth to be careful about her affection towards Mr. Wickham, she picks up Jane in London to give her comfort, she bring Elizabeth to travel Pemberley where she meets Mr. Darcy and acquaints with Miss Darcy, she witness the marriage of Lydia and Wickham and she observes the affection of Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth. Mr.s Bennet Mr.s Bennet is one of the most interesting and vivid characters of the novel. Being a mother of five daughters, her major task and ambition is to marry her daughters to rich, handsome young men. The novel points out her personality and characteristics directly at the very first chapter—„Her mind was less difficult to develop. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous.‟ She judges people at her first sight and purely controlled by her temper and situation. In chapter 2, when Elizabeth refers to Mr.s Long‟s promise to introduce Mr. Bingley, she just says like this „I do not believe Mr.s Long will do any such thing. She has two nieces of her own. She is a selfish, hypocritical woman, and I have no opinion of her.‟ But after she regains hope that her eldest daughter, Jane, may marry well she just says something really kind about Mr.s Long. She doesn‟t set an ideal model to her youngest daughter and spoils her too much. Actually she doesn‟t know how to behave herself and pass her value directly to Lydia. However the demerit of her personality does really make Mr.s Bennet an impressive character. The amazing irony of the author makes Mr.s Bennet a true-to-life person. Mr. Collins Mr. Collins is the cousin of the five Bennet ladies and the heir of the Bennts‟ property. Mr. Collins is obsequious, pompous and lacking in common sense. „Mr. Collins was not a sensible man, and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society; the greatest part of his life having been spent under the guidance of an illiterate and miserly father; and though he belonged to one of the universities, he had merely kept the necessary terms, without forming at it any useful acquaintance. The subjection in which his father had brought him up, had given him originally great humility of manner, but it was now a good deal counteracted by the self-conceit of a weak head, living in retirement, and the consequential feeling of early and unexpected prosperity.‟ He meets Lady Catherin de Bourgh merely by a „fortunate chance‟ so that he admires the Lady with heart and soul, and regards all she says as golden words. The novel clearly shows his motivation of visiting Longbourn family—„Having now a good house and very sufficient income, he intended to marry; and in seeking a reconciliation with the Longbourn family he had a wife in view, as he meant to choose one of the daughters, if he found them as handsome and amiable as they were represented by common report. Also, as he says frankly to Elizabeth—‘But the fact is, that being, as I am, to inherit this estate after the death of your honoured father, (who, however, may live many years longer,) I could not satisfy myself without resolving to choose a wife from among his daughter, that the loss to them might be as little as possible, when the melancholy event takes place—which, however, as I have already said, may not be for several years‟, he console himself by marrying one of the daughter. He doesn‟t have any feeling or passion of love either. He merely takes it for granted that he may get the affection of Elizabeth because of his income, status and his connection with both Lady Catherine de Bourgh and the Bennets. (Elizabeth‟s rejection of Mr. Collins‟ marriage proposal is welcomed by her father, regardless of the financial benefit to the family of such a match.) The author made Mr. Collins an interesting and ridiculous character.

Besides, Jane Austen also painted other characters successfully, including Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Lydia, Mr. Wickham etc. She uncovered the merit and demerit of every character sharply and vividly and made all of them true-to-life. Readers can often find something in common in their daily life. Comments Plot

Most of Jane Austen novels were set in English village, where life is simple and where there is a seldom social change. Therefore, much of the attention of the author is paid on people—the changes of people as Elizabeth once tells to Mr. Darcy. As for a novel, the twists and turns of the plot are most important and catching. The main plot of the novel is the development of Darcy-Elizabeth relationship, during which the alteration of their attitude towards each other plays a very important role. But focusing mainly on these two people may make the story dull and tiresome, so the author skillfully use Mr. Collins, Mr. Wickham and also their marriage as ingredients to make the plot more lively and complicated (both Mr. Collins and Mr. Wickham have more or less affected Elizabeth‟s emotional life) Besides, the coincidences of the story are also attracting. What I want to mention here is the one-day earlier returning of Mr. Darcy to Pemberley which gives further development of the relationship between him and Elizabeth. Style Pride and Prejudice, like most of Jane Austen‟s works, employs the narrative technique of free indirect speech (the free representation of a character‟s speech—not the words actually spoken by a character, but the words typify the character‟s thoughts, or the way the character would think and speak, if he or she thought or spoke. By using narrative that adopts the tones and vocabulary of a particular character (like Elizabeth) Austen invites the reader to follow events from Elizabeth‟s viewpoints, sharing her prejudices and misapprehensions. We can find a lot in the story, and mainly from Elizabeth and Mr.s Gardiner who show their viewpoints and thoughts and let the reader know what exactly what they think. Theme

Though the novel is entitled with „pride‟ and „prejudice‟, the theme of the novel is not simply about these two feelings and I think the title just stands for the hero and heroine of the novel. This is a love and marriage story but talks more than love, or shows other things by presenting a love story.

One simple and obvious theme in Pride and Prejudice and much of Austen‟s work is the importance of environment and upbringing on the development of young people‟s character and morality. In Pride and Prejudice, the failure of Mr. and Mr.s Bennet as parents is blamed for Lydia‟s moral judgment; Darcy on the other hand, has been taught to be principled and scrupulously honourable, but he is also proud and overbearing. Kitty, rescued from Lydia‟s bad influence and spending more time with her older sisters after they marry, is said to improve greatly in their superior society. We can learn from some of Elizabeth‟s thoughts about her parents and how she looks into the education of the five girls of the family. The novel talks more about classes and freedom. Though Austen‟s novel doesn‟t aim at the social revolution and changes directly, it really uncover people‟s thoughts and awareness of the problem of the gap between classes and the pursuit of freedom and equality. The historical events which defined the social and political background of Jane Austen‟s adult life were the French Revolution and the subsequent wars between England and France. It is a well-worn fact that these events make little explicit appearance in her novels; but in so far as they highlighted the question of relationship between classes and also, though the repressive social response to them in England, the limits of individual rights to free expression, they are central to Pride and Prejudice, and specifically to the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth. No one has a stronger sense of the social impossibility of this relationship than Lady Catherine de Bourgh: „My daughter and my nephew are formed for each other. They are descended on the maternal side, from the some noble line; and, on the father‟s, from respectable, honourable, and ancient, though untitled families…and what is to divide them? The upstart pretensions of a young woman without family, connections, or fortune. Is this to be endured! But it must not, shall not be. If you were sensible of your own good, you would not wish to quit the sphere, in which you have been brought up.‟ She speaks for the aristocratic concept of marriage as a contract between families, Elizabeth and Darcy oppose to this the concept of marriage as a personal agreement between individuals. For Darcy, he is determined to pursuit his love and happiness in spite of convention and family dignity. And for Elizabeth, she has got great courage to enter into a superior class. The novel ends therefore with an emphatic statement that the social gulf, much stressed by Elizabeth in earlier passages of the novel, has been crossed. With her dangerous tendency to mock and challenge convention, she has brought „a little liveliness‟ to Darcy, but she has also, on a social level, brought the middle classes into the home of the aristocracy. Conclusion Though written more than hundred years ago, the characters in the novel still seems vivid and real today. And the themes of the story deserve people‟s thoughts and reflection through the social development of human society.


1. Introduction by Dr Ian Littlewood, University of Sussex in Pride and Prejudice, Wordsworth Classics 2. Pride and Prejudice from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 3. Pride and Prejudice published in 1813, Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2009


杨璟(武汉大学 社会学系,湖北 武汉 430072) [作者简介]杨璟,(1988—),女,苗族,湖南湘西人,武汉大学社会学系2010级硕士研究生,主要学习和研究城市社会学。


[关键词] 自杀 ; 自杀率 ;

社会整合 ; 自杀的分类





















































