
2022-07-28 版权声明 我要投稿











In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve

A. confidence.

B. speed.

C. clarity.


Student: Mm, that sounds good. What are some of the strategies that are presented? Officer: Well, we try to cover all aspects of of the strategies in writing, for example, wouldbe improving your planning for writing, organising your thinking and building some techniques to help you write more clearly „ 三立教育



Dr Merrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent because (选自《剑7》Test 2 Listening Section 3)

A. he has done his own research in the area.

B. there is geological evidence of this.

C. it is very close to South America.


Interviewer: How old is Antarctica?

Doctor: We’re pretty sure it was part of a larger land mass but it broke away from the rest of the

continent 170 million years ago.

Interviewer: How can you be certain of this?

Doctor: „ because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia.


本题的正确答案是选项B,解题关键是考生能听出录音中的fossils and rocks和 三立教育

选项B中的geological evidence属于同义替换。从语义上来说,这属于归纳总结性的词组同义替换,即录音中为举例,题目中出现的词汇为总结概括。很多考生在做这道题时都出现了错误,主要原因是把录音中的Africa and Australia听成了America,错选了选项C,或者即使听到了fossils and rocks,但没有将其理解为geological evidence的同义替换,结果选错了答案。

雅思听力考试的考查目的之一是培养考生多样化的语言表达能力,所以正确选项中往往不会出现原词重现的现象。所以,考生要知道“听到什么要慎选什么”的道理,不能在录音中听到什么就选什么。同时,考生还要明白雅思听力考试题目的题干和选项中出现的往往是学术词汇,而考生听到的录音则是口语化表达,所以结果就是复杂的题目词汇对应录音中简单的口语表达,比如本题中geological evidence是典型的学术用语,而与之对应的fossil和rock是相对简单的口语表达。考生了解了这一点,就需要在平时练习中多注意对学术词汇的认知性记忆,多训练对口语化词汇的反应敏感度。



23. The purpose of the Visitor’s Centre is to (选自《剑7》Test 2 Listening Section 3)

A. provide accommodation.

B. run training session.

C. show people what Antarctica is like.

录音: 三立教育

Interviewer: Really? And what does the Visitor’s Centre offer?

Doctor: Well „ the Visitor’s Centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctica. There’s a mock camp

site where you can see inside an Antarctic tent and imagine yourself sleeping there „


不少考生听完这道题的录音后, 选出的答案是选项A 。原因是在录音中听到了选项A 中accommodation的同义词sleeping there。这些考生没有注意到录音中sleeping there前还有一个动词imagine。原文的意思是说想象你睡在里面,并非真的是让你睡进去。在这道题中,同义替换的出现也成了干扰选项。本题的正确答案是选项C。考生在答题时需注意题干中的关键词purpose,在这个词的提示下,考生在听录音时要重点听对话中表目的的内容。录音中是“the Visitor’s Centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctic”来表示访问中心的功能,这句话不但与“题干+正确选项”的用词不同,连句式表达也变了样:“„ aims to do sth.”变成了“The purpose of „ is to do sth.”。



1、解决:Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle

2、损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize

3、给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

4、培养:Develop, cultivate, foster 三立教育

5、优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength

6、缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness

7、使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle

8、重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative

9、认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced

10、保护:Protect, conserve, preserve

11、确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge

12、有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental

13、要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition

14、消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away

15、导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate

16、因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this

17、增长至:Grow to, rise to, increase to, go up to, climb to, ascend to, jump to, shoot to

18、降低至:Dip to, fall to, decline to, decrease to, drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to 三立教育

19、保持稳定:Level out, do not change, remain stable, remain still, remain steady, be stable, maintain the same level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep at the same level, level off, stabilize, keep its stability, even out

20、急剧地:Dramatically, drastically, sharply, hugely, enormously, steeply, substantially, considerably, significantly, markedly, surprisingly, strikingly, radically, remarkably, vastly, noticeably




architectural style建筑风格, 
have aesthetic value有美学价值, 
energy-efficient 节能的
functional 功能型的,实用的
historic site 历史遗迹
cultural relics 文化遗迹
national identity 民族特征
skyscraper 摩天大楼
courtyard dwellings 四合院
well-structured 结构完好的
representation n. 代表
crystallization结晶/civilization 文明
exterior appearance 外表
interior 内部的
eye sore 丑的东西
demolish, pull down 拆除


environmental protection 环境保护
environmentally-friendly 环保的
preserve v.保护,保存 conserve 
Pollute= contaminate, pollutant 
垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter
处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill), dump,recycle 
plastic bags, drinking cans
biodegradable packaging可降解包装, 
throwaway 可丢弃的
disposable 可丢弃的 ~ product 
discourage v. 不鼓励
non-renewable 不可再生的
fossil fuels矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum
limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源
alternative energy替代能源
replace=substitute v.取代
(wind power, hydropower水电, 
solar (lunar) power太阳能, 
nuclear power核能 tidal power潮汐
radioactivity n. 辐射性
use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽
conserve v. 节省,节约, 
consume less v. 少消耗

damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地, 
rare breed稀有物种, 
endangered species濒危物种, 
extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear), 
animal rights activist动物权益保护者 , 
natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区, 
protect wildlife保护野生动物, 
disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, 
have disastrous effect on…对。。。有灾难性的影响
carbon dioxide二氧化碳, greenhouse gas emission destroy ozone layer 
acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀)
greenhouse effect温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化)
global warming全球变暖
ecological system=ecosystem生态系统
green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴, (filter v. 过滤)
arouse people’s awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识

vivisection 活体解剖
perform/conduct experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验 1 
animal rights 动物权益
cruel and barbaric 残忍和野蛮的
inhumane 不仁道的
alternative methods替代方式,其他方式
torture 折磨
right to live 生命权
life-threatening diseases威胁生命的疾病
medical technique医疗技术
clinical research 临床研究
vaccine 疫苗


primary school/elementary school小学, 
secondary school中学教育
higher education高等教育 tertiary level

further education进修
教育: parenting, schooling,
enroll 入学admit 招收,录取
Parents are obliged to do…父母有责任、义务去做。。。
compulsory education 强制教育、义务教育selective,compulsory military service ,minors 未成年人adolescence ,teenager/teen ,youth,youngster immature 不成熟的

learn skills学习技能
acquire knowledge学习知识,
enrich knowledge丰富知识, 
widen horizon开阔视野, 
inspire interest激发兴趣, 
stimulate interest激发兴趣, 
cultivate v. 培养 hobbies
develop potentials
conduce to mental development
lay a solid foundation for the future为将来打下坚实的基础

lack discipline缺少约束力/persistence毅力, 
test-oriented education应试型教育,

teacher-centred education student-centred education money-oriented

quality education 素质教育
cram for examinations突击考试, 
stuff 塞

memorise背, memorisation, 
rote learning死记硬背
Test-taking techniques应试技巧

discourage critical thinking 打击评判性思维
students stop questioning what they 2 are being taught
conduce to academic performance有助学习表现
Adversely influence 负面地影响(动作)
Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on对。。。产生负面影响
Emphasis on memorisation adversely influences one’s academic performance.
Creativity 创造性
Come at the expense/cost of creativity以牺牲创造力为代价
Lower/raise the standard of…降低了。。。的水平

Full-time, part-time, casual job,white-collar, blue-collar, semi-skilled, self-employed, freelancer, 
收入: income, earnings, wages, salary,revenue

职业好: enjoyable, pleasant, fascinating令人着迷的
provide many opportunities for…提供各种。。。的机会, 
give me a sense of satisfaction/accomplishment给我一种满足感、成就感, 
apply what I have learnt to my job把我学的用在工作中, 
put my talent into full play充分发挥我的天分, 
improve my interpersonal and communicative skills提高我的人际交往和交流能力, improve my independence独立能力,
benefit future development将来的发展, 
tiring累人的, exhausting令人筋疲力尽的,
routine work常规工作, 
work overtime/extra hours加班
repetitive strain injuries职业病, 
adverse conditions恶劣的工作条件, 
Personnel, human resources 人力资源

媒体: medium-media:

read newspapers
watch TV programs
surf the Internet
see movies
up-to-date information最新的信息, 
access v. n. 接触
The internet enables people to have easy access to various information. 
记者:reporter, journalist, paparazzi 狗仔队(复数)tabloid 
报道:news coverage/TV coverage

provide us with rich information给我们提供丰富的信息, 
entertain us是我们得到娱乐, 
enable people to relax使人们得到放松, 
disseminate/spread knowledge传播知识, 
keep people well-informed使人信息灵通 download, upload, write your blogs, share your feelings with friends

information overload/explosion, 信息爆炸
Uncensored information corrupts children’s minds.未经审查信息腐蚀小孩的心灵。
Violence n.暴力, pornography n.色情, 
obscene色情的, violent暴力的, pornographic色情的
objectionable content不良信息
cyber crime网络犯罪 (financial crime)

net cafe 
Internet-addicted 上网成瘾的
isolation 孤立, isolated 孤立的

3 新闻审查制度: censorship
filter objectionable content过滤不良内容, 
provide a safe and pleasant cyber environment 提供一个安全美好的网络空间
invade one’s privacy侵犯隐私, 
deprive people of the freedom of speech剥夺人们言论自由, 
freedom of the press新闻自由
People are deprived of the freedom of speech. 人们被剥夺了言论自由。

Means of public transport: airplane, ship, cruises, ferry, coach, shuttle bus, light rail
traffic conditions 
(worsen, deteriorate, go from bad to worse), 交通状况恶化
traffic regulations/codes交通规则 (obey遵守, violate违背), 
traffic congestions, traffic jams, 
heavy traffic拥挤的交通
light traffic比较畅通的交通, 
crowded street拥挤的道路
Cars dominate our roads. 车辆占满了我们的道路。

Drink-driving酒后驾车 careless driving talking on a phone

adopt effective transport strategy采取有效的交通策略
traffic-calming measures减轻交通拥堵的措施
Relieve the pressure on traffic, 减轻交通方面的压力
encourage people to use public transport, 鼓励大家使用公交
build more cycle lanes 自行车道, 
encourage Park and Ride 停车换乘
raise the price of fuels 提高油价
impose higher tax 征收高额的税
Subsidise public transport 补贴公共交通
City council市政府
No other means of transport can be compared with airplanes for its convenience and speed.

6.食品 健康
healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式
sedentary lifestyle久坐的, 
an active lifestyle积极锻炼的, 
excessive intake of…吃过多的。。
fast food快餐
convenience food方便食品
diabetes, diarrhea腹泻, respiratory disease,
balanced diet均衡的饮食
mineral矿物质, high in... canned food

incurable disease绝症

stress-related diseases和压力有关的疾病
therapy (非药物)治疗
treatment 治疗
Relieve=ease=alleviate 减轻stress
aerobic exercises有氧运动
refresh your mind and body 提神
train 4 your muscle肌肉
improve blood circulation血液循环
increase flexibility提高灵活性
drain 排出
cultivate stamina and persistence培养耐力和毅力
develop teamwork spirit 培养团队合作精神
conduce to physical fitness身体健康
jeopardize= damage 危害 pesticide ,genetic modification,genetically-modified food


commit crime犯罪, commit suicide 
robbery抢劫, murder谋杀, prostitution卖淫, gambling赌博, drug-dealing贩毒, drug dealer, heroin, marijuana, ecstasy, ADD/ADHD drug

social security社会治安stability稳定
capital punishment, death penalty死刑, 
sentence (v.) to death 判死刑
deter crimes威慑
right to life生存权,

rear a child养孩子
offense罪, offender罪犯, 
compulsory retirement 强制退休
nursery 托儿所
nursing house老人院
longer imprisonment 长期监禁

single-parent family单亲家庭, 
extended family大家庭, 
minors未成年人, adolescent青春期的, 
Peer pressure 同辈人的压力
foster, raise, bring up, rear a child抚养孩子, 
spoil溺爱, indulge放纵
run wild撒野, go astray走上歧途
juvenile delinquency青少年犯罪, 
obesity肥胖症, depression抑郁症, 
absenteeism缺席 (truancy, play truant)
give proper parental guidance父母的引导
set example for children为孩子树立榜样
encourage 鼓励
help build up confidence 帮助建立信心
motivate 鼓舞
discipline their children约束孩子
learn how to behave themselves学会行为得体
act properly 行为得体


breakthrough of technology科技突破, technology

5 innovation科技创新, 
innovative 创新的renovate v. 
up-to-date/ up-to-minute/cutting-edge最新的

accelerate/speed up the pace of life 加速生活节奏
reshape our life重新塑造我们的生活
improve life quality提高生活质量
assembly line流水线
give people more leisure time给人们更多休闲时间, 
The development of technology has made it possible for people to do 
increase life expectancy 增加平均寿命
find cures for some diseases
transplant organ 移植器官
two-edge sword/weapon 双刃剑
mass destruction weapons大规模杀伤性武器
chemical weapons化学武器 inspiration,inspire,promote space technology ,heart pacemaker,freeze dried vegetables ,microwave


cultural diversity文化多元化
cultural treasures文化宝藏
cross-cultural communication跨文化交流
cultural reconstruction文化重建
achievements of art艺术成就
human civilization人类文明
mainstream culture主流文化
cultural traditions文化传统
national pride民族自豪
local customs and practices风土人情
national identity and value民族特性和价值观
spread knowledge传播知识
nurture imagination培养想象力、
be closely interrelated with…与…有密切关系
cause irreversible damage造成不可逆转的损失
remove prejudice and misunderstanding消除偏见和误解

lesser-used languages 使用很少的语言
language acquisition 语言习得
linguistics 语言学
linguist 语言学家
on the verge of extinction 处在灭绝的边缘
universal language 世界语
intellectual development 智力发展
grammatical rules语法规则
context 上下文
technical terms 专业术语
read between lines读懂暗含的意思 解决游客过多的措施

There are various solutions to these problems. The first one is to limit tourist

numbers, because fewer visitors will result in less damage. Another solution is to enforce strict rules about which areas people can visit and what they can do when they get there. For example, special paths can be built and people can be forbidden to walk off the paths.



two: double = couple of = twice = two times three = triple 2 weeks = a fortnight = 14 days 1 months = 4 weeks = 30 days 3 months = a season 25% = a quarter 15 minutes = a quarter 少于 40%的比例 = a small proportion 多于 60%的比例 = a large proportion 50% = half the second = the next = the coming 表述数量(繁多)的短语替换

a wide/ large/ great/ massive range of = a variety of = various = large quantities of = a large/great number of = a large amount of = lots of = all sorts of = all kinds of = massive all over = throughout遍布

part = area = portion = component = proportion部分 some = a part of = certain = a few = several一些 range = distance = radius = part = area范围


现在 now = at present (time)= currently = at this moment (= this year/ month/ week) (=existing) 过去 in the past = once = … ago = before (= last year/ month/ week) (= the old …) (=used to …)

未来 in the future = will = be going to = in the coming (year/month/week) (= the next year/month/week) (=haven’t done yet, but …)


student = pupil小学生;= undergraduate本科生; = postgraduate研究生 teacher = tutor = lecturer = professor = director = conductor = guider = coach 老师,指导者

school = faculty院系 course = major学习专业 subject = module学习科目

class = lecture = tutorial = workshop = session = seminar课程

aid = help = conduct = guide = offer hand (= give/ provide advice and guidance = suggest)帮助;指导

assignment = paper; = essay; = coursework; = homework; = report; = project; = proposal; = dissertation作业类 deadline = due date截止日期

references = bibliography = reading list参考材料

research = exploration = survey = study = investigation = observation = discovery = experiment研究,实验

data = figure = information = statistical evidence数据 internet = online = website = web网络 evaluate = assess = test = estimate评估

test = quiz = exercise = examination = exam测验


plan = strategy策略 = schedule = arrangement = project = programme = blueprint计划

employee = worker = staff雇员

coworker = workmate = colleague = people in the same department = people who work with you同事

employer = boss = management = manager = director = interviewer雇主,管 理者

weekday = week工作日

company = firm = cooperate = organisation = business = group = institute公 司,企业,机构

sales = retail销售(retailing零售业) shop = store = department store商店

money = finance = fund = grant = capital = asset钱,资金

cost = fee = overheads = expense = spending = expenditure费用,成本 revenue收入 profit利润

其他相关词汇: charge收费/ investment投资 / tax税收/ income收入/


advertisement = commercial广告

creativity = innovation = inspiration = brainstorm创造力,灵感 consumer = customer = buyer = client顾客 risk = danger = adventure = threat风险,冒险


photo = photograph = photography = picture = image = camera照相,相片 place = area = region = spot = site = location = land = field = position地点,位 置

tourist site = attraction = interest = scenery = resort风景,景点 village = countryside = suburb = rural area/ setting乡下 town = city = urban area城市

ocean = sea = the water = undersea world = marine海洋 beach = coast = coastline = shore海岸,海滩

animal = creature = species = wildlife = living things动物

(= marine animal海洋动物; = mammal哺乳动物; = reptile爬行动物) livestock = sheep = cow = cattle家畜

marine animal = sea creature = fish & shell = seafood海洋动物 bones = skeleton骨骼

look = appearance外貌

characteristics = feature = what’s special about …特征 plant = trees = vegetation = vegetable植物 film = movie = documentary电影 computer = laptop电脑

family = with children家庭

parent / son / daughter / sister & brother = sibling / cousin savings = deposit储蓄

the masses = ordinary people = general public = public sphere大众 speech = lecture = talk = address讲座,演讲 goal = target = aim = orientation目标 choice = option = selection = alternative选择


advantage = benefit = positive side = good point = strength 缺点

disadvantage = drawback = negative side = problem = weakness = barrier障 碍 = obstacle阻碍

limit = restriction = boundary = bottom line限制 environment = surrounding = atmosphere环境 entertainment = recreation = leisure娱乐

fitness club = fitness centre = gym = keep-fit studio健身房 disease = illness = health issues = health problems = medical situations疾病

medication = medicine = pills = tablets = capsules = drug药物 toxin = poison毒素

bike = bicycle自行车 = cycling骑行 media = press = print = newspaper媒体

magazine = journal = periodical = article = newspaper报刊杂志 gift = present礼物

agriculture = crops农作物 = grain粮食,谷物= corn = wheat小麦大麦 = cereal谷类

fuel = gas燃气;= coal煤; = energy能量,能源 way = method = approach = technique方法 = skill = strategy = tactic技巧

example = representative = sample = case例子

= barley


ask = request = require = demand要求 ask … to do = invite … to do邀请

employ = hire = pay … = recruit招聘,雇佣

use = take advantage of = utilise = employ = apply使用 book = reserve预订

buy = purchase = consumer = invest in购买 change = alter = adjust = shift改变 disturb = interrupt干扰,打断

damage = ruin = destroy = undermine = break = vandalise破坏 attack = offend攻击

classify = categorise (classification = category)分类 make = produce = generate = create产生,创造

= build = construct建立 copy = duplicate = replicate = double复制

run = operate = handle = organise = take charge of = take control of = manage 经营,管理

provide = offer = give = contribute to提供

= allocate = distribute分配,分发 divide … into = break (down) … into把…分成

increase = rise up = grow = go up = strengthen上升,增多 decrease = decline = go down = drop = fall = weaken减少

look = investigate = observe = explore = check = find out = discover = examine 发现,探索

be seen = be sighted = be observed被观察到

focus on = emphasise on = pay attention to = notice关注 register = sign up = enroll注册,登记 deal with = handle = cope with处理

prevent … from = protect … from = preserve … from = stop … from = avoid避 免,保护

come from = originated from来自,源自

get in touch = contact = catch = call = phone联系 connect with = link with = relate to = refer to和…相连 called = named = titled名为 visualise = imagine想象

adapt … to = adjust … = fit … in适应… bury = move … underground埋 renew = replace替换 renew = update更新


typical = representative典型的

= traditional传统的

related = associated = relevant = connected = linked相关的 basic = elementary = primary = essential = necessary基础的 easy = not difficult = simple简单的 available = usable = valid有效的,可用的 latest = newest最新的 final = last = very late最后的

personal = private = individual私人的 original = old = ancient古老的

old fashioned = outdated = out of date过时的 economical = cost-efficient经济的

fixed = stable = standard = unchanged固定的 few = not enough = lack of缺乏

extraordinary = unusual = not common = quite different = rare不寻常的,罕见 的

often = usually = frequently经常 rarely = barely几乎不

only = just = merely仅仅,只是


A 普通图表作文

1. “millions” 或者“thousands”在句子中出现时不能加复数,只有“数字+million or thousand”的说法。 2. “the number of”后面一般接可数名词的复数 ,“the amount of”,“the quantity of”和“the volume of”类似,后面一般接不可数名词。

3. 图表作文中不可以出现“I”或者“We”,雅思图表作文需要正式的书面语言,因此在语言使用方面要减少第一人称的使用,减少非正式的说法。

4. 引用数据时不需要使用定语从句,直接引用数据即可。

错误的例子:North America had a lower proportion of degraded land, which was only 5%.

正确的例子:North America had a lower proportion of degraded land, at only 5%.

5. 上升”和“下降”这些词(Increase, drop 等)都是不及物动词,没有被动语态。也就是“was increased”错的。

6. Reduce 和 raise 这两个词小作文用不到,因为是及物动词;arise 也不能替代 rise;“ascent/descent”不能用在小作文里。

7. 表示“占据”的时候,最好不要用“occupy”,而是使用“account for/represent/constitute”

8. “outnumber”的主语一般是可数名词的复数,不能是不可数名词;而“overtake/surpass”的主语多用于不可数名词,或者是“number/figure/amount/proportion”这样的词;“exceed”表示超过某一个特定的数字或容量。

9. 对象词的错误。对象词就是图里的数字所代表的东西。

10. 时态的错误。多为一般过去时,有时候可能出现一般现在时或者将来时态。过去进行时不可能出现。 11. 动态图过分注重数据和小的波动,而忽视趋势。所谓趋势,就是一个区间内最主要的一个变化(譬如说,如果大部分时候是上升,就是上升趋势)

12. 静态图过分侧重读数据,没有将数据归类和归纳(具备类似特征的数据要放在一起)

13. 很多学生使用奇怪的上升或者下降的替换词,而忽视词性的变换(应该使用名词或者分词去替换动词)。 14. Increase/rise/drop 这些词用作名词的时候,要用不定冠词“a”,譬如说“saw a drop” 15. 比较句中,比较对象不一致。 16. doubled 不及物动词,没有被动。

17. rise 的过去时是 rose,而不是 rised。过去分词是 risen,而不是 rose。

18. “Percentage/proportion…accounted for”永远是错的,只有人或者物可以充当 “accounted for”的名词。

19. Per cent 前面要加数字,譬如说“40 per cent”,而 percentage 一般充当主语,后面要 加 OF,“the percentage of …”

20. While 是连词,要连接两个句子。

21. 副词修饰动词,应该在动词后面。譬如说“increased slightly”,但是不能说“slightly increased”;slightly 也不能修饰名词,也就是“a slightly increase”是错的,应该是“a slight increase” 22. 形容词不能修饰比较级别,譬如说“was slight higher than”是错的,要说“was slightly higher than”

23. remained 后面只能加形容词,也就是“remain constantly”是错的,只有“remain constant”。“Maintain”不是“remain”的替换词,譬如说,只能说“remained the most important means of transport”,而不能是 maintained 24. “reach”这个词后面直接可以读数据,譬如说“reached 32 million”,不需要加“to” 25. 在动态图里,一般是 rose “数字”-fold,而不是“rose five times” 26. 没有“comparing with”的说法,只有“compared with”的说法

27. 当表示“数字很低,几乎可以忽略”的意思,应该用 minimal,而不是 minimum 28. 表示年龄的时候,可以说“people aged between 20 and 40”,不能把“aged”写成“age” 29. 图表作文总结段不能表达个人观点、进行推测和预测,图表作文只需要根据数据进行总结和分析。 30. 图表作文总结段不能出现数据,因为数据的表述已经在主体部分完成。

B 流程图

31. Equipment 是不可数名词,facilities 是可数名词复数

32. Materials 是材料的意思,而 element 是元素的意思(不能用于流程图) 33. 如果 A 步骤是在 B 步骤之前发生,那么应该是“A happens, before B” 34. 流程图不能使用祈使句

C 地图

35. Cross 是动词,而 across 是介词(不能充当谓语) 36. Expand 是扩大的意思,expend 是花费的意思

37. Happen, take place 表示“发生”的意思,都没有被动语态

38. 地图题只能说西边和东边(western side 或者 eastern side),不能说左边和右边(left side 和 right side)



1-13 accelerate

vt. 使……加快;使……增速vi. 加速;促进;增加 increase the speed of, speed up, brisk up access

vt. 使用;存取;接近n. 进入;使用权;通路 approach, admittance, entry, get at acknowledge

vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到 accept, admit, answer, concede, grant, recognize adapt to

使自己适应于… adjust, conform, accommodate, sweep up adjust

vt. 调整,使…适合;校准vi. 调整,校准;适应 adapt, conform, line up, align alter

vt. 改变,更改vi. 改变;修改 change, deviate, diversity, modify, vary analyse

vt. 分析;分解;细察 examine, dissect ancient

adj. 古代的;古老的,过时的;年老的n. 古代人;老人 aged, antique, archaic, elderly, old apply to

适用于 go for, impement, utilise appreciate

vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别vi. 增值;涨价 acknowledge, revalue, take account, treasure,

price approach

n. 方法;途径;接近vt. 接近;着手处理vi. 靠近 access, adance, draw near, set about artificial

adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的 not real, contrived, stilted, fake, imitation,

man-made access

vt. 使用;存取;接近n. 进入;使用权;通路 evaluate, value, appraise, measure 14-26 Convention

n.会议; 全体与会者; 国际公约; 惯例,习俗,规矩


n.标准,准则,原则 standards , conditions , indexes curriculumn


course school


n. 投递,传送;交付;转让 bringing ;legal transfer ;manner of speaking ,pitch labour , handing

over demanding

adj. (工作)要求高的,需要高技能的;(人)要求极严的,苛求的fastidious , finicking

challenging , indicating depend on

1.依赖,依靠 2.取决于,随…而定

depend upon, devolve on, hinge on, rely on derive

vt. 源于;得自vi. 起源 to originate detect

vt.发现,侦察,察觉 explore , perceive determine

vt. 决定;判决; vi. 确定,终止 condition , conclude;identify , drop , finish , judge disaster

n.不幸,灾难,惨败 tragedy , evil , calamity , grief distinguish

vt. 区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出tell apart , differentiate;tell from diversity

n. 多样性;差异 difference , multiplicity domestic

adj. 国内的;家庭的

internal , household , home , family 27-40 due to 由于;因为 because of , as a result of emphasize vt. 强调,着重

stress , highlight


adj.巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的huge , tremendous , massive , macro ,vast erode vt. 腐蚀,侵蚀vi. 侵蚀;受腐蚀

vt. 腐蚀,侵蚀weather , eat into

vi. 侵蚀;受腐蚀eat into , burn into


vt. 使扩大;使增大vi. 夸大;夸张

vt. 使扩大;使增大enlarge , broaden

vi. 夸大;夸张 put it on , pile it on



n. [通信][计]交换;交流;交易所;[金融]兑换communication , conversion

vt. [通信][计]交换;交易;[金融]兑换turn , truck

vi. [通信][计]交换;交易;[金融]兑换trade , traffic, swapping and sharing(C7 p66) exclusive

adj. 独有的;排外的;专一的n. 独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者

adj. 独有的;排外的;专一的particular , antiforeign

n. 独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者scoop


adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的n. 专家;行家;能手vt. 当专家;在…中当行家

adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的skilled , accomplished , clever , diplomatic , practiced

n. 专家;行家;能手operator , specialist


adj. 灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的vt. 使熄灭out die out fertilise

vt. 使受精;施肥于;使肥沃enrich , top-dress ,chemistry financial

adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的monetary , fiscal 看到金钱的符号要小心

focus on

集中于、关注be centered on , centre around fragile

adj. 脆的;易碎的delicate , crumbly



n.[金融]基金;资金;存款capital, deposit, saving vt.投资;资助 invent money in, to invest fundamental

adj.基本的,根本的 elementary, basic, essential, organic, primary guarantee

n.[金融]保证;[法]担保;保证人;保证书;[经]抵押品assurance, certification, commitment vt.[金融]保证;[法]担保assure, undertake, swear for identify

vt.确定;[计]识别;使参与;把…看成一样 confirm, recognize, ascertain ignore

vt.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬neglect, pass sb by imitate

vt.模仿,仿效;仿造,仿制 simulate, model after immunity

n.[免疫]免疫力;豁免权;免除phylactic power, immunizing power inevitable

adj.必然的,不可避免的certain, necessary, automatic inherit

vt.继承;遗传而得succeed to, take sth over initial

adj.[数]最初的;字首的 premier, original isolate

[生物]使隔离;使孤立;使绝缘segregate, seclude legitimate

adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的legal, reasonable, valid, logical, rational limitation

n.限制;限度;极限;追诉时效;有效期限restriction, threshold, qualification, terminal loss

n.减少;亏损;失败;遗失 reduction, failure, decrease, losing, reverse magnetic

adj.地磁的;有磁性的;有吸引力的 geomagnetic massive

adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的huge, extensive, macro, substantial, tremendous,

enormous measure

n.测量;措施;程度;尺寸survey, size vt.测量;估量;权衡 sound, scale, estimate military

adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的martial, soldierly,war,weapon minimize

vt. 使减到最少;小看,极度轻视 vi. 最小化

make small or insignificant modify

t.修改,修饰;更改 alter, dizen

vi.修改alter, touch up 65-77 Option :n 选择,选项,选择权choice、alternative、selection、preference Original :n 原型,原著;有独创性的人; adj 创新的,最初的 first、initial、previous、 fundamental、unique、innovative、novel、inventive、primary Perceive :v 察觉到;看见 apprehend、descry、discern、espy、see Potential : adj 可能的;有潜力的 promising、likely、possible、latent、conceivable Prefer to :较喜欢,宁愿 favor、desire、would rather Primary :adj 第一的;最初的;根本的 basic、first、original Principle :n 原理,主义 rationale、basis、truth、principium Profit : n 盈利;利润;利益 v 有益于,有利于;得益,获利 n advantage、 benefit、interest、favour、profit、gain ; v avail、benefit Property :n 特性;性能;所有物

attribute、belongings、holding、proprietary Proportion : n 比例;相称;部分 proportionality、scale、part Provision : n 预见;预备;供应;粮食 supplies、stock、catering Quantity :n 量;数量 sum、amount、measure、quantum Rapid :n 急流;湍流 adj 快速的;敏捷的;险峻的fast、 quick、 rapid、swift、hasty、prompt、speedy、 instant 78-90 Rather than(而不是):instead of ; more important; Realise(认识到,明白):learn, see Rely on (依靠,依赖):depend on, lean upon,trust,need,on,purchase,by Remain (保持;留下):stay, stop, keep up

Resemble (类似,像):like, look like, similar, appear like, match, take after,

Restrict(限制,约束):slow down, limit,fewer, block,confine, retain, bound, hold back Result from (由…造成,起因于):root in,owing to, due to, thanks to, base on, as a result,because, Retain(保持):keep, keep up, hole, reserve, maintain, preserve Secrete(分泌,藏匿,私下侵吞):secretion---body fluid, excrete,

Separate(分开,隔开,分居):not attachment, different, disparate, break, divorce,split,come between (单独的,分开的):alone, independent, divided, isolated Settle(解决,安排;定居):settle on---not ignore, deposit, work out, figure out, decide, settle down, make home, establish, arrange, Shift(转移,改变):shift back to---revision, change, move, vary, transform, switch, convert, transition Similar(相似的;类似物):resemble, similar to---compare, as, like, alike, same, akin

91-100 sophisticated

精密的、复杂的、世故的 complex、complicated、experienced specific

n.特性 quality、identity、character a.特殊的、特定的、详细的 precise、detailed、particular substitute


exchange replace switch change shift Supplement


augment increase complete fortify reinforce Surrounding

环境,周围的事物,周围的,附近的 neighboring close-by Swift

迅速的; 敏捷的; 立刻的; 突然发生的rapid fleet hasty expeditious nimble speedy fast agile Thanks to

多亏了,由于 due to ,because of,because survive

幸存,活下来continue remain与extinct 相反!


特点,特性; 少许 quality, property, feature, characteristic, peculiarity, attribute, character Unexpectedly

未料到地,意外地; 竟; 居然; 骤然 suddenly headlong


多样; 种类; 杂耍; 变化,多样化 (多样性的同义:disparity diversity)(种类的同义:kind, sort, type, class, classification, category, species)


体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 标题:雅思作文培训班指出雅思写作常见的三大问题









