
2022-05-14 版权声明 我要投稿




英语演讲常用万能演讲句型 英语演讲常用万能演讲句型

1. i appreciate… 我感谢……

i really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today. 我非常感谢你们今天抽空来参加这个会议。

you for… 感谢您……

thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion. 感谢您给我这个机会在这个特别的场合介绍我自己。

3. it is/was my honor… 我很荣幸…… it is my honor to introduce the president

of our company, mr. jones. 我很荣幸介绍我们公司总裁琼斯先生。

4. on behalf of… 代表……

on behalf of our entire company, i want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable christmas party. 我代表全公司,我想感谢您邀请我们参加这样一个令人愉快的圣诞晚会。 5. i’d be happy to…我很高兴…… i’d be happy to tell you about my eperiences. 我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。

6. what i am going to talk about today is… 今天我想讲的是……

what i am going to talk about today is the energy conservation issue. 今天我想讲的是节能问题。

7. how can we…? 我们怎样才能……?

how can we work more efficiently? 我们怎样才能工作得更有效率呢?

you from the bottom of my heart for…我从心底感谢……

thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. 我从心底感谢你们今天给了解这个机会在你们前面讲话。

9. so long as…只要……

so long as we work together we can achieve great results. 只要我们一起努力,我们就能取得巨大的成就

10. working together… 一起努力… working together, we can make the future better. 一起努力,我们将把未来变得更加美好。

11. i should like to pay tribute to… 我想对……表示敬意

i should like to pay tribute to the dedication of all the professionals who worked on this project.


12. i want to leave you with… 我想留给你们……

i want to leave you with one final word to remember, “teamwork”.


13. we sincerely hope…我们衷心希望……

we sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight. 我们衷心希望你们今晚过的开心。 14. i look forward to… 我期待…… i look forward to seeing you again. 我期待着再次见到你们。

15. best wishes for… 对……致以良好的祝愿

best wishes for a very successful ehibition! 祝贺展览会圆满成功


英语口语演讲常用万能句型 英语口语演讲常用万能句型


1. i appreciate… 我感谢……

i really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today. 我非常感谢你们今天抽空来参加这个会议。

you for… 感谢您……

thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion. 感谢您给我这个机会在这个特别的场合介绍我自己。

3. it is/was my honor… 我很荣幸…… it is my honor to introduce the president of our company, mr. jones. 我很荣幸介绍我们公司总裁琼斯先生。 4. on behalf of… 代表……

on behalf of our entire company, i want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable christmas party. 我代表全公司,我想感谢您邀请我们参加这样一个令人愉快的圣诞晚会。 5. i’d be happy to…我很高兴…… i’d be happy to tell you about my eperiences. 我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。

6. what i am going to talk about today is… 今天我想讲的是……

what i am going to talk about today is the energy conservation issue. 今天我想讲的是节能问题。

7. how can we…? 我们怎样才能……?

how can we work more efficiently? 我们怎样才能工作得更有效率呢? you from the bottom of my heart for…我从心底感谢……

thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. 我从心底感谢你们今天给了解这个机会在你们前面讲话。 9. so long as…只要……

so long as we work together we can achieve great results. 只要我们一起努力,我们就能取得巨大的成就

10. working together… 一起努力… working together, we can make the future better.


11. i should like to pay tribute to… 我想对……表示敬意

i should like to pay tribute to the dedication of all the professionals who worked on this project. 我想对参与这个项目的所有专家的奉献表示敬意。

12. i want to leave you with… 我想留给你们……

i want to leave you with one final word to remember, “teamwork”.


13. we sincerely hope…我们衷心希望……

we sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight. 我们衷心希望你们今晚过的开心。 14. i look forward to… 我期待…… i look forward to seeing you again.


15. best wishes for… 对……致以良好的祝愿

best wishes for a very successful ehibition! 祝贺展览会圆满成功





万事开头难,写作也莫不如此。正如英语谚语所说,好的开端等于成功的一半(A good beginning is half-done)。加之在阅卷时,文章的开头就是你给阅卷老师的第一印象,因此,掌握好文章开头的技巧显得十分重要。


任何事物的发生与发展都属于某种社会现象或倾向。文章开头时直截了当的提出这种现象,然后进行说明或评论。这种开头方法开门见山,使读者一目了然 。

(1) Recently the phenomenon ( problem , issue ) of „ has aroused considerable concern . (近来,„„现象/问题已引起了)

(2) Recently the phenomenon ( question ,problem ) of „ has been brought to public attention. (3) One of the pressing (biggest) problems facing our society today is……

(4) One of the hottest topics (most serious problem, most popular things) many people talk about now is… (5) Here and there across the country, a(n) increasing number of……

(6) With the development of science and tachnology, more and more……

(7) Nowadays (Currently/, Recently), there is a growing tendency that……

(8) In the past few years, there has been a dramatic growth (decline) in……

(9) Whenever you see (find) „ ,you cannot help being astonished ( surprised) by „ (每当你看到/发现„„,你会不禁为„„感到惊讶不已。)



(1)When asked about… , the vast majority of people think (believe, say) that …;But other people think (believe, regard, say) that …(当问及„„的时候,绝大多数人认为/说„„。但也有人认为/说„„)

(2)When it comes to …, some people think (believe) that…; Others argue (claim) that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth in both statement, but…(当谈到„„时,有些人认为/相信„„;另一些人却持相反的观点。这两种观点也许都有点道理,但是„„)

(3)There is a much controversy (discussion) nowadays about the problem (issue) of … Those who criticize (oppose, object to) argue that… They believe that…But people who favor (advocate)…, on the other hand, claim (assert) that…(现在围绕„„问题正展开热烈的争论/讨论。那些批评/反对的人认为„„;另一方面,那些赞同/提倡这个„„的人却认为„„)

(4)These days we often hear about…They claim (argue, say) that…But is it true? Close analysis (examination) doesn’t bear out the claim (argument) .(最近,我们经常听到关于„„他们声称„„。果真如此吗?仔细分析一下,就证明这种观点站

英语写作常用句型 不住脚。

(5)Now a lot of people believe that…But although…, there is no (little) evidence that…(现在许多人都认为„„尽管„„,却没有证据表明„„)



(1)One of the great men (writers, philosophers, scientists) once said (remarked) that… If this is the case , then the present situation (view , attitude) should make us wonder whether…(有一位伟人/作家/哲学家/科学家曾经说过„„如果是这样的话,目前的趋势/观点应使我们沉思,是否„„)

(2) “Knowledge is power ”. Such is the remark made by Bacon. More and more people have shared this view now.(“知识就是力量”,这是培根的名言。这个观点已为越来越多的人所接受。)

(3) Awareness of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom”.Such is the opinion of one of the greastest men. This remark has confirmed time and time again by many historical events.(“意识到无知便是智慧的开端”,这是一位伟人的名言。这句话一次又一次地被许多历史事实所证实。)

(4) “…”. We are used to hearing such words like those.(“„„”,我们常常听到这样的说法。) (5) “…”. How often we hear such complaint as this!(“„„”我们多么常常听到像这样的抱怨。)

(6) “…”.That’s how one college student (citizen ,official) describe the… Many people have shared the experience like this.(这是一位大学生/市民/官员说起„„的时候的话。许多都与他/她有着同样的经历。)



(1) Should (What) …? Attitudes towards (opinions of) …vary from person to person.Some think of(regard,view) …as…Others argue (believe, claim) that…(„„应不应该„„/„„是„„?不同的人对此有不同的态度/看法。有些人认为„„是„„;其他人却争论/认为„„)

(2) How do you think of…? In reply to this question, we must …(你怎样看待„„?在回答这个问题时,我们必须„„) (3) What do you think of …? In answer to this question, we should…(你认为„„是„„?要回答这个问题,我们应当„„)

(4) “Why do (have) …?”Many people often ask the question like this.(为什么„„?许多人经常问这样的问题。) (5)What is…? By my understanding, …is…(什么是„„?据我理解,„„是„„)


(1) For years, …has been viewed (regarded) as…But people are taking a fresh look at it now. (多年来,„„被认为是„„。但是,现在人们正以新的眼光看待它。) (2) Until recently, …was seen (viewed) as …However , that is changing now. (直到最近,„„被认为是„„。可是,现在这种情况正在发生变化。) (3) People used to think that …in the past …But things are quite different now. (在过去,人们常常认为„„。但现在情况却与以往很不同了。) (4) It was once thought that … in the old days, … But few people now share this view. (在过去,人们曾经认为„„。到现在几乎没有人再持有这种观点。)

(5) Several years ago, people…Now people … Why has such a change taken place? (几年前,人们„„。现在,人们„„。为什么会发生这样的变化呢?)

(6) After a good many years of efforts to …, people begin to …(经过多年的努力,人们开始„„) (6) It is a traditional many practice (way) to … But now the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. („„是一个传统习惯。但现在钟摆转到反的方向去了。)

(7) In recent years, there is a general tendeney to … According to a study (survey, poll), there is X percent of…., compared with Y percent last year. Why…(最近几年,有一个„„的趋势。根据一项研究/民意调查,和去年的Y%相比,今年有X%的„„。为什么会„„呢?)

7.1.6 用于故事法开头的常用句型

在写作中,一开始就讲述一个作者自己或他人生活中的故事,用生动而熟悉的趣事紧紧地吸引住读者,然后再引 入主题。以故事法弄开首的文章常使用人们习惯的句型,或讲时间、 或谈地点 、或讲某人„„,与读者思路相通,感情相近。这些故事要和将要讨论的主题相关,它们可从日常生活中轻车熟路地信手。

(1)Some month ago (last Sunday), a friend of mine…The story is not rare. It is one of thousand of…(几个月前/上个星期天,我的一个朋友„„。这个故事并不偶然,它是千百万个„„之一。)

(2)The other day, I … The case is not unusual. It is typical of…(有一天,我„„。这个故事非偶然,它是„„的典型事例之一。)

(3)Once in a street (hospital, newspaper), I saw (learnt) …The problem (phenomenon) of …has aroused nationwide (public) attention (concern).(一次在街上/医院里/报纸上,我看到/了解到„„。这个„„问题/现象已引起全国范围内/公众的广泛关注。)

(4)Once upon a time there was a man who…The story may be unbelievable, but it still has a realistic significance today.(从前,有一个„„的人。这个故事也许令人难以置信,但直到今天,它仍然有现实意义。)

(5)I have a friend who…Such a problem we often meet in our daily life .(我有一个朋友,他/她„„。在我们的日常生活中常常会遇到这样的问题。)



(1)Nothing is more important (foolish, undesirable, essential) than …which is commonly held by…(没有比„„更重要/愚蠢/令人讨厌的了。现在„„普遍持有这种„„。)

(2)Nowhere in the world has the idea of …been more popular than …(世界上没有哪个地方比在„„更流行„„的观点了。)

(3)Maybe it is time to have a fresh look at the idea /attitude that…(也许现在给我们以新的眼光看待„„的观点了。) (4)Now people in increasing numbers are beginning to recognize (realize, be aware, accept) that…(现在越来越多的人开始意识到/接受„„。)

(5)Now people become increasingly aware of the need (importance) of… (现在人们日益意识到„„的需要/重要。)



(1) What is …? …refers to …(什么是„„?„„指的是„„。)

(2) The term “…” here means that …(这里,术语“„„”意思是„„。)

(3) When we talk about …, most of us think that …is …(当我们谈论„„的时候,我们大多数人认为„„是„„。)





(1) There are probably many (several, a number of) reasons for this dramatic change in …First…Second…Finally...(也许„„显著变化的原因有许多/好几个。第一„„第二„„第三„„)

(2) Why did (have are) …? For one thing …For another …Perhaps the most important reason is…(为什么会„„?首先,„„其次,„„也许最重要的原因是„„)

(3) It is not easy to offer the reasons for this phenomenon which involves several complicated factors .For some… For others… (要说出该现象的理由不容易,因为这种现象涉及了好几个复杂的因素。一些„„;另一些„„)

(4) You don’t have to look very far to find out the reason why …(找到„„的原因不很费力。)

(5) Why …? The answer to this question involves many complex factors (reasons). In the first place,…In the second place,…Firstly,…(为什么„„?回答这个问题要涉及到许多复杂的因素/原因。首先,„„;其次,„„;最后,„„)

(6) A number of factors could account for (contribute to, lead to, result in) the…(许多因素将说明/导致„„)

(7) The cause for…perhaps, are complicated. They include…Perhaps the main cause is…(„„的原因也许很复杂。它们包括„„。也许主要原因是„„)

(8) Thanks to (Owing to, Due to, Because of, As a result of) …(多亏/由于/因为„„) (9) …not only because …but alse because…(„„不仅是因为„„,同时也由于„„) (10) One tends to regard the …as a result of…(人们往往把„„认为是„„的结果。) (11) …is partly (solely) responsible for the …(„„要对„„负部分/全部责任。)

(12) There are a number of grave consequences of …Perhaps the most consequence is…(这里有很多„„的严重后果。或许最严重的后果是„„)

(13) It will exert a profound influence on…(它将对„„产生深远的影响。)

(14) The effect of …has not been confined to …It alse …(„„的影响不久局限于„„。它也„„) (15) It brings some serious consequences of…(它带来了一些„„的严重后果。)



(1) The advantages of A are much greater than the disadvantages A entails.(A的优点比它的缺点大得多。)

(2) The advantages derived from A far outweigh the disadvantages from B.(和B相比我们从A中换取的益处更大。) (3) Although A has a advantage of …, it can’t be compared with B in…(尽管A在„„方面有更大的优势,但在„„方面却不能和B相比。)

(4) When then advantage and disadvantage are compared , the most striking conclusion is quite obvious. (当对其优、缺点进行对比时,最清楚的结论就显而易见了。)

(5) A means nothing when B is taken into consideration.(当考虑到B的时候,A就没有什么意义了。)

(6) Indeed, A plays a more /less important role when compared with B.(的确,和B相比,A起着更重要/不很重要的作用。)

(7) A may be superior to B, but it has its own problems.For one thing …For another …(A也许优于B,但它自身也存在问题。首先,„„;其次,„„)

(8) In spite of disadvantages B has, it has its beneficial affects.(尽管B有这些劣势,但它还有其有利的方面。)

(9) There is no doubt that it has both negative affects and positive affects.(毫无疑问,它既有副作用也有积极的作用。) (10) However, it is not without weaknesses (limits) .The principal one is …Besides, …(不过,它并不是没有缺点/局限。主要的缺点/局限是„„。此外,„„)

(11) A and B have several things in common .Both …(A和B在许多地方有共同之处。它们两者都„„) (12) There are some marked differences between A and B. Unlike B, A…(A和B之间有显著的区别。和B不同,A„„) (13) A and B are different in several ways .(A和B在好几个方面都有不同之处。) (14) A…, on the contrary (on the other hand, whereas) B…(A„„,相反/而B„„)

(15) Both A and B …But they are quite different as to …Unlike B, A…(A和B都„„。但就„„方面来说。它们有很大的差异。和B不同,A„„)



(1)Although everyone believes that …I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis.(尽管人人都认为„„,我怀疑这个论点是否经得住分析。)

(2)Although the popular belief is that …, a recent study (survey, investigation) reveals that… (尽管普遍认为„„,但最近的一项研究/调查揭示„„。)

(3)While the tendency to … is understandable, one may wonder whether …is fair.(虽然„„的趋势是可以理解的,但人们可能会想这„„是否公平。)

(4)Although it is widely accepted that …,it is unlikely to be true that…(尽管大家都认为„„,但„„却不大可能是真的。)

(5)Many people claim (argue) that But this claim (argument) may be questioned.(许多人声称/争论说„„。但这种观点值得怀疑。)

(6)The majority of people have been taken in by the idea that …There is no such thing as the good …for …(大多数人都被„„观点所欺骗。对„„来说,事情却没有那么好。)

(7)They may be right in saying that …, but they seen to fail to take notice of the fact that …(他们说„„,那也许是正确的,但他们是乎没有注意到„„)

(8)It is true that …, but it doesn’t follow that …(„„这是对的,但这并不等于说„„)

(9)Admittedly, …, but it doesn’t necessary mean that…(必须承认,„„但这并不意味„„)

(10)Some people suggest that…But what these people fail to see is that…(有人建议„„。但那些被人们忽视的是„„) (11)There is an element of truth in these arguments, but they ignore a deeper and more essential fact…(在这些论点里的确有正确的成分,但他们忽视了一个更深层次、更重要的事实„„)

(12)This opinion sounds reasonable at first thought .A close analysis of it , however ,would reveal how groundless it is.(咋一想,这个观点听起来有道理。不过,仔细分析发现它是多么站不住脚啊。) (13)Some people argue that…but more often than not, the opposite is usually true. (14)It takes no sense to argue for …, but object to…(有些人认为„„,但通常正确的却是相反)

(15)It would be foolish to believe that…And it would be more foolish to think that…(相信„„是愚蠢的。认为„„就更加愚蠢。)

(16)The fatal flaw in the view is that it fails to take …into account.(这个观点的致命错误是它没有考虑到„„)



(1)For example (For instance)…(例如„„)

(2)…is frequently cited as a common example of…(„„是一个经常被引用的例子。) (3)A good case in point is best provided by…(„„提供了一个恰当的例子。) (4)As an example of …we may take… (作为„„的例子,我们可以列举„„) (5)This society is filled with the examples of…(社会中充满了„„的例子。) (6)Take , for example , a man who…(例如,有一个„„人。)

(7)A very similar example can be cited from…(可以引用的相似的例子是„„)

(8)Numerous other instances might be quoted easily, but this will be sufficient to show that…(还可以很容易地引用其它无数的事例,但这已足够说明„„)

(9)Let us suppose (imagine) that you…Would you …? 我们来假设你„„。你将„„?) (10)Just think of…(思考一下„„)

(11)Just imagine what would happen if …(想象一下如果„„,将发生什么呢?)


推理法常用于分析阐述作者观点,引出作者的判断和见解;通过假设、让步等推理手段来得出结论。 (1)It seems quite unlikely (possible, likely, impossible) that…(„„似乎有可能/不可能。) (2)There is very chance (likelihood, possibility) that…(„„似乎很可能。) (3)Chances are that…(很可能„„)

(4)It is perhaps more accurate to say that…(说„„,也许更正确些。) (5)It is extremely necessary to say that…(说„„,这非常必要的。) (6)It is …that really matters (counts) …(„„是真正重要的。)

(7)What really disturbs (interests, surprises) us is…(使我们真正烦恼/感兴趣/吃惊的是„„) (8)It is shocking to find that…(令人震惊地发现„„) (9)No wonder that…(无怪乎„„)

(10)We have much to be said for (against) the view that…(我们很有理由支持/反对„„)

(11)We can …; we can…But we can never…(我们可以„„;我们可以„„。但我们永远不能„„)

(12)Traditionally, our society has held a negative attitude toward…(从传统上讲,我们社会一直对„„持否定态度。) (13)If that is the case, we may…(如果是那样的话,我们可以„„)

(14)If our efforts were devoted to…, we would…(如果我们致力„„的话,我们将会„„) (15)Anyone with the slightest knowledge of…knows that…(稍有点„„知识的人都知道„„) (16)A careful study of…can help us to…(对„„仔细的研究可以帮助我们„„) (17)It is almost impossible that …(没有„„,„„几乎是不可能的。) (18)The more…the more…(„„越„„,„„就越„„)



(1)According to the recent survey (poll, consults) ,…has increased (decreased,spiraled) …from X percent to Y percent (at a rate of X percent,by X percent, to X percent) …(根据最近的一次调查/名义调查/普查,„„从X%增加/降低/上升到Y%;„„以X%的比例上升。„„增加/降低了/到X%。)

(2)According to the national Health Organization, …increased X times compared with 1990 (from1981 to 1998).(据世界卫生组织统计,和1990年相比/从1981到1998,„„增加了X倍。)

(3)A report by the State Statistical Bureau points out that the number of …is half (twice) as much as the national average. (国家统计局的一份报告指出,„„数量是全国平均数的一半/两倍。)

(4)According to reliable (official) statistics (data) provide by …the percentage (rats, number) has almost doubled, as against (compared with) 1990.(据可靠/官方统计,和1990年相比,这个比例/数字已几乎增长了一倍。)

(5)It makes up X percent of the total.(它占总数的X%。)




总结性的句型主要用于通过文章前面内容的讨论,进而总结出文章的中心思想和主要观点。 (1)From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that…(从上面的讨论我们可以有把握地得出结论„„)

(2)Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably reach the conclusion that…(考虑到所有的这些因素,我们有理由得出结论„„)

(3)The analysis we have made leads to an unshakable conclusion that…(从我们所作的分析,可以得出一个不可动摇的结论„„)

(4)In a word, we should…(总之,我们应该„„)

(5)In conclusion, it is more important than…(总之,它比„„更重要。)



(1)We must look (search) for an immediate measure (action), because the present situation of …If it is allowed to continue , it will certainly reasult in the heavy cost of … (我们应该寻求一个立即解决的措施,因为目前„„的趋势。如果听任其发展下去,就会给„„造成重大损失。)

(2)No doubt, if we can’t improve the situation, it is very likely that …will put in danger.(毫无疑问,如果我们不能改变这种状况,很有可能有„„的危险。)

(3)Obviously, if we are blind to the problem ,the chances are that …will be put in danger .(很明显,如果我们对这个问视而不见,很可能有„„的危险。)

(4)Any person who ignores the warning would pay a heavy price!(任何忽视这个警告的人将付出沉重的代价。)

(5)Any society that fails to learn from the lesson would come to no good end.(任何社会如不从中吸取教训,必将产生不良的后果。)

(6)We need to take a fresh look at the matter more seriously, otherwise ,we are doomed to fail.(我们需要以新的眼光更加严肃地看待这一问题,否则,我们注定会失败的。)



(1)It is suggested that great efforts should be made to achieve the goal.(有人建议,为实现这个目标,应作出更大的努力) (2)In short , we should …;we must …(总之,我们应该„„;我们必须„„。)

(3)In any case , it must …;it ought to …(在任何情况下,它必须„„;它必须„„) (4)We need to …; we need to …(我们需要„„;我们需要„„)

(5)What we need is …; what we need is …(我们所需要的是„„;我们所需要的是„„)

(6)It is high time that … Here are a few examples of some of the measures that might be taken immediately.(该到了„„的时候了。这里只是现在应该立即采取的措施的几个例子。)

(7)Although it can’t be solved immediately, still there are ways.The most important is …Another way is…(尽管它不可能立即得到解决,但还是有办法的。最重要的是„„。另外一个办法是„„)

(8)Awareness of the problem is the first step toward the solution.(意识到这个问题是解决它的第一步。)



(1)Following these methods may not solve all the problems, but they are worth the efforts.It will benefit …;it will contribute …(也许遵照这些方法不能解决所有的问题,但它们值得去努力。它将利于„„;它将助于„„)

(2)The suggestions mentioned above may not guaranyee the success, but they deserve our efforts.It will help …;it will benefit …(上面所提出的建议也许不能保证成功,但它们值得我们去努力。它将助于„„;它将利于„„)

(3)The importance of …cannot be overstressed. It will…; it can …(„„的重要性再怎样强调也不过分。它将„„;它能„„)

(4)The significance of … cannot be overemphasized.It can…; it will…(„„的重大意义再怎样强调也不过分。它能„„;它将„„)

(5)Anyhow it has a profound influence, for it stands for a sharp break with the traditional notion of…(无论怎样,它有着深远的影响,因为它和传统的„„观念有很大的区别。)

(6)Anyway, whether it does us good or harm, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly …(不过,无论它对我们是有害还是有益,有一点是肯定的,那就是它无疑将„„)

(7)We are entering a new era which requires …(我们正进入一个新的纪元,它要求„„)



(1)It might be time to take the advice of…and to put special emphasis on the improvement of…(应该到听取„„建议并特别重视„„的改善的时候了。)

(2)It is time that we put an immediate end to the unhealthy phenomenon of…(该我们马上结束„„这种不良的现象了。) (3)It is essentinl that effective measures shoud be taken to prevent the tendence.(采取各种措施防止这种趋势非常重要。) (4)There is no doubt that further attention must be paid to the problem of…(毫无疑问,一定要进一步地重视„„问题。) (5)Obviously, …. If we want to …, it is vital that …(显然,„„。如果我们要想„„,„„就很重要)



(1)Edison is right in saying that …(爱迪生说„„,这是正确的。) (2) “No pains, no gains.” Yes, if you …, you … should …(“不劳就无获”。是啊,如果你要„„,你就应该„„) (3)Yes, as …once said,”…”(是啊,正如„„曾经说过:“„„”)



(1)As a young college student, I should be aware of…(作为一个大学生,我应该意识到„„)

(2)As builders of the 21st century, we should be responsible for…(作为21世纪的建设者,我们应对„„负责任。) (3)As a youth of new China, I will…otherwise, I will not live up to…’s expectation.(作为新中国青年,我将„„。否则我将辜负„„的希望。)




(1)As can be seen from the table (graph, chart, diagram)…(从图表中可以看出„„) (2)According to the table (graph, chart, diagram)…(根据图表„„)

(3)As is shown in the table (figure, chart, diagram)…(正如图表中所表明„„)

(4)It can be seen from the table (figure,chart,diagram,figure,statistics) that(从图表中可以看出„„) (5)There was a very dramatic(slight,sharp,rapid,marked,steady) rise (increase,fall,decrease,deline,drop)…(……有一个显著/轻微/稳定的上升/增加/下降。)

(6)A…, while (on the other hand ,whereas) B…(A„„,而/另一方面B却„„) (7)A makes up X percent of the total.(A占总数的X%。) (8)A is about twice as much as B.(A是B的两倍。)

(9)One may see that there is a general tendency of …(我们可以看到„„是一个普通的趋势。) (10)A is considerably (rather, somewhat, a bit, a great deal) smaller (bigger, cheaper, higher) than B.(A比B要小/大/便宜/高得/多一些。)

(11)A is exactly (almost, nearly, more or less, just) the same as B.(A和B完全/几乎一样。)

(12)In 1990, it increased form X percent to Y percent of the total.(1990年,它由占总数的X%上升到Y%。) (13)By comparison with 1990, it decreased from X percent to Y percent.(和1990年相比,它由X%上升到Y%。) (14)The figure (percentage, number) has nearly (more than) doubled, compared with that of last year.(和去年相比,这个数字/比例已经翻番。)

(15)It has increased (decreased dropped) almst two and half times (twice, six times), compared…(和„„相比,它已增加/下降了几乎两倍半/两倍/六倍。)

(16)The number (percentage ) is half (four times ) as much as that of 1990.(这个数量是1990年的一半/四倍。)

(17)By 1990, less (more than) X percent of college students (workers, housewives) perferred to…(到了1990,不到/超过X%的大学生/工人/家庭主妇宁愿„„)

(18)The number (rare) was X percent, less than a half of the 1990 total .(这个数量/比例为X%,不足1990年总数的一半。) (19)There are a several (number, three) reasons (causes) for this significant increase (change, decline). First… second,...;finally…;(这种显著的增加/变化/下降有几个/三个原因。第一,„„;第二,„„;最后,„„)

(20)The change (increase decline) in … mainly results from (is due to, is owing to) the fact that.(„„的变化/增加/下降主要是因为„„)

(21)A number of factors could account for (lead to, result in, contribute to) the change (increase, decrease) in…(导致„„变化/增加/下降有许多原因。)



(1)I am delighted to hear form you .(非常高兴收到你的来信。) (2)How nice it was to hear form you .(收到你的来信多好啊。)

(3)I’m very pleased to have received your letter which…(非常高兴收到你的来信,在信中„„) (4)With great delight I learned that…(我了解到„„非常高兴。) (5)I’m very glad to hear that…(我十分高兴地听到„„)

(6)I’m sorry it has taken me so long to reply to you …(抱歉,我耽误了许久才给你回信。)

(7)I can’t tell you how much your letter delighted me …(收到你的信,我说不出我心里有多高兴。) (8)Thank you for how your letter of May 14, telling me that…(感谢你在5月14日的信中告诉我„„) (9)Your letter of Friday arrived this morning .(今天上午收到了你星期五写来的信。)


(1)I hope to receive an early and favorable reply. (盼能早日收到佳音。) (2)Expecting to hear from you soon .(盼早日回复。)

(3)I am looking forward to your early reply .(盼早日回复。) (4)I am looking forward to seeing you soon .(盼早日见面。)

(5)We thank you for a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. (你能在方便的时候尽早回复,我们将感激不尽。) (6)Please give my love (regards, best wishes) to …(请代我向„„问好/祝福。) (7)Kindest regards to you and your family .(请代我向你全家问好。)

(8)Hoping you will keep fit, study hard, and work well.(希望你身体健康,学习努力,工作顺利。) (9)All good wishes .(祝你万事如意。)




1. In general, I don’t agree with

2. In my opinion, this point of view doesn’t hold water.

3. The chief reason why… is that…

4.There is no true that…

5. It is not true that…

6. It can be easily denied than…

7. We have no reason to believe that…

8. What is more serious is that…

9. But it is pity that…

10. Besides, we should not neglect that…

11. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore…

12. Others may find this to be true, but I believer that… 13. Perhaps I was question why…

14. There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to…

15. Though we are in basic agreement with…,but

16. What seems to be the trouble is…

17. Yet differences will be found, that’s why I feel that…

18. It would be reasonable to take the view that …, but it would be foolish to claim that…

19. There is in fact on reason for us so believe that…

20. What these people fail to consider is that…

21. It is one thing to insist that… , it is quite another to show that …

22. Wonderful as A is , however, it has its own disadvantages too.

23. The advantages of B are much greater than A.

24. A’s advantage sounds ridiculous when B’s advantages are taken into consideration.


1. It has increased by three times as compared with that of 1998.

2. There is an increase of 20% in total this year.

3. It has been increased by a factor of 4since 1995.

4. It would be expected to increase 5 times.

5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.

6. It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996.

7. The total number was lowered by 10%.

8. It rose from 10-15 percent of the total this year.

9. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent.

10. The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.

11. It has decreased almost two and half times, compared with…


1.Everybody knows that…

2.It can be easily proved that… 3. It is true that…

4. No one can deny that

5. One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is…

6. The chief reason is that…

7. We must recognize that…

8. There is on doubt that…

9. I am of the opinion that…

10. This can be expressed as follows;

11. To take …for an example…

12. We have reason to believe that

13. Now that we know that…

14. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned…

15. The change in …largely results from the fact that

16. There are several causes for this significant growth in…,first …,second …,finally… 17. A number of factors could account for the development in…

18. Perhaps the primary reason is…

19. It is chiefly responsible of…

20. The reasons for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact…

21. Here are several possible reasons, excerpt that…

22. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that…

23. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon…

24. Different people observes it in different ways.


1. As the proverb says…

2. It goes without saying tan…

3. Generally speaking…

4. It is quite clear than because…

5. It is often said that …

6. Many people often ask such question:“…?”

7. More and more people have come to realize…

8. There is no doubt that…

9. Some people believe that…

10. These days we are often told that, but is this really the case?

11. One great man said that…

12. Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention.

13. In the past several years there has been…

14. Now it is commonly held that… but I doubt whether…

15. Currently there is a widespread concern that…

16. Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…

17. There is a general discussion today about the issue of …

18. Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently.





1)When asked about.....,the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that ....... But I think/view a bit differently.

2)When it comes to ....,some people believe that ....... Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements,but (I tend to the former/latter one...)

3)Now,it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that .... They claim/believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether.....2.现象法


1) Recently the rise in problem/phenomenon of ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/worldwide concern.

2)Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of ... has been brought into focus. (has been brought to public attention)

3) Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.



1)Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

2)Now there is a growing awareness/recognation of the necessity to......

3)Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ......

4)Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......


先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!

1)"Knowledge is power." such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people .

2)"Education is not complete with graduation." Such is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opnion.

3)"........." How often we hear such statements/words like thoses/this .

4)In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this "......".



1)For years, ...had been viewed as ... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ... , people ....... .

2)People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now share this new .


先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.

1)Once in (a newspaper),I read of/learnt .... The phenemenon of ... has aroused public concern.

2)I have a friend who ... Should he .... ? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.

3)Once upon a time,there lived a man who ... This story may be (unbelievable),but it still has a realistic significance now.

7. 问题法

先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.

1)Should/What ...... ?

2)Options of ... vary greatly , some ...,others ...But in my opinion , ......



1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.

2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that...

5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

6.Like anything else, it has its faults.

7.A and B has several points in common.

8.A bears some resemblances to B.

9.However,the same is not applicable to B.

10. A and B differ in several ways.

11. Evidently,it has both negative and positive effects.

12. People used to think ...,but things are different now.

13. The same is true of B.

14. Wondering as A is,it has its drawbacks.

15. It is true that A ... ,but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ...


1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.

2.A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the henomenon(problem).

3. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

4. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

5. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

6. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

7. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

8. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

9.One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

10.Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...

11.Perhaps the primary factor is that …

12.But the fundamental cause is that ...


1. It may give rise to a host of problems.

2. The immediate result it produces is ...

3. It will exercise a profound influence upon...

4. Its consequence can be so great that...


1.It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

2.There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

3.Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.

4.Many of us have been under the illusion that...

5.A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.

6.It makes no sense to argue for ...

7.Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...

8.Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...

9.Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...


1.A good case in point is ...

2.As an illustration, we may take ...

3.Such examples might be given easily.

4. ...is often cited as an example.


1.No one can deny the fact that ...

2.The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3.Unfortunately, none of the available data shows ...

4.Recent studies indicate that ...

5.There is sufficient evidence to show that ...

6.According to statistics proved by ..., it can be seen that ...


1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...

2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

4.Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ...

5.Nowadays there is a growing concern over ...

6.Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular.

7.Faced with ..., quite a few people argue that ...

8.According to a recent survey, ...

9.With the rapid development of ..., ...


1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

2.It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...

3.It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...

4.In conclusion,it is imperative that ...

5.There is no easy method, but ...might be of some help.

6.To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...

7.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

8.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.

9.We might do more than identify the cause ; it is important to take actions to ...

10.Taking all these into account, we ...

11.Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...



①As the graph depicts , …

②From the cartoon /picture , we can see that …

③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph ,

④The table shows / indicates / reveals that …

⑤It can be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that …


①Recently , …has become the focus of the society .

②…has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life .

③Nowadays there is a growing concern for …

④Nowadays it is common to hear /see …

⑤…has become a common occurrence in our daily life .

⑥Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of …⑦It is only during the last /past few years that man has become generally aware that …⑧There is an old / popular saying / proverb which says / goes …

⑨In recent years , there is a general tendency …

⑩Nowadays … has become a problem we have to face .三)用于比较、阐述不同观点的常用句型

①Some people like / prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to …

②There are different opinions among people as to … Some believe … whole hold …③Some people claim that … is superior to … Others , however , disagree with it .④Some people believe … Others maintain … Still others claim …

⑤Some people suggest … Others , however , hold the opposite opinion .

⑥On the one hand , people tend to … On the other hand , they feel …

⑦Some people argue that … Others , in contrast , believe that …

⑧Although more and more people come to believe … there are still others who insist that …

⑨On the contrary , there are people in favor of …

⑩There are some people who hold different opinions about …


①My own experience tells me that …

②In my opinion , we should attack more importance to …

③As for my own idea about … I believe …

④As far as I am concerned , I plan to …

⑤Personally , I prefer …

⑥In my view , both sides are partly right in that …

⑦But for me , I would rather …

⑧My own point of view is that …

⑨In conclusion , I support the statement that …

⑩As regards me , I tend to choose …


①Thank you for your letter of …

②It is a pleasure for me invite you on behalf of … to accept …

③Thanks so much for your letter , which arrived …

④I am writing to you with reference to …

⑤I am writing to you in connection with …

⑥I would be grateful if you could / would …

⑦I would like to know some information on …

⑧It will be appreciated if you can / could …

⑨I would also like to know if you can / could …

⑩I look forward to hearing from you .


①From what has been discussed / mentioned above , we may conclude that …

②Therefore , it is not difficult to draw / come to the conclusion that …

③It is high time that something was done about …

④From all the reasons / consideration above , it is evident / clear / obvious that …⑤Taking into account all these factors , we may reach the conclusion that …

⑥Given the reasons / consideration I have just outlined / discussed / presented , I strongly recommend that …

⑦It is clear , therefore , that …

⑧All in all ,what really matters is , in fact , to …

⑨It is essential that effective measure be taken to …

⑩From what has been discussed above , we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that …⑾ In conclusion ,the most important is …

⑿ On the whole , it is high time that every one …

⒀ As a result , we should take some effective steps to …

⒁ Judging by the figures / statistics , it is not difficult to see that …

⒂ Only in this way / in so doing , can be really …



1.Recently the problem has become a heated topic/has raised great concern among… 2.Nowadays there is a growing concern over… 3.Faced with …, quite a few people argue that…

4.With the arrival of the information age,… 5.There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for…

6. It is commonly(/generally/widely) believed (/he

ld/accepted/recognized) that….


1. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to rea

ding the book, we’ve learnt a lot.

2. Reasons/Factors accounting for this are as



1. From what has been discussed above, we may

safely draw the conclusion that….2. Taking into account all the factors, we may

safely come to the conclusion that….3. Judging from all the evidence offered, we

may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that….

4. From what is mentioned above, we may come

to the conclusion that…

5. To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that…. 6. In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is….


1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latte

r opinion to some extent

2. As far as I am concerned, I am really/complete

ly in favor of the policy.

3.To be frank, I can not agree with their opinio

n for the reasons below.

4. I hold the opinion that…..

5.. There is no denying/doubt that……

6.People’s views vary from person to person. On

one hand,……..On the other hand,……


1. It’s high time that we tried every possible mea

ns to put an end to….

2. It’s really high time we took measures to solve

the problem of/put an end to.…3. There is no easy solution/no quick answer to t

he problem of…, but… might be useful. 4. It is necessary that effective/proper/quick acti

ons/steps/measures should be taken to….


1. As is shown in the diagram/graph/chart/table, ….2.There was rapid/great/sharp/slow/little/slight/g



/drop/change in development in ….

3. The percentage remained steady/stable at….The figures stayed the same….


1. What counts/matters is that…… 2. …….is what it takes to do…… 3. ……is of great of benefit /importance/

significance to….

4. We are supposed to attach much importance

to …

5. We cannot thank/stress …too much 6. Only if we……can we …….
