
2022-03-24 版权声明 我要投稿



摘 要: 英语写作是大学英语四六级考试的难点之一。本文就大学英语四六级写作中存在的问题进行分析,探究成因并提出相应的解决方法,提高学生的写作能力。

关键词: 英语四六级写作 问题 成因 解决方案






词汇量是影响四六级整体成绩的重要因素之一。叶圣陶先生说:“厚积言有物。”现如今一些学生的词汇量掌握少,书面语言贫乏,究其原因,没有丰富的词汇量积累,词不达意。在写作过程中学生无法用丰富且高级的词汇表达真实想法。例如对于创办一个新企业的描写,“launch a new enterprise”是较好的描述,词汇量匮乏的学生会写成“build a new company”,因此重视词汇积累对于写作能力的提高有着很大好处。


由于不同的民族语言文化存在较大的差异,学生写作时往往以自身民族表达习惯为基准,容易受中式思维的影响,因此经常出现汉式英语表达。例如将“一个农业上的好收成”译成“A good harvest in agriculture”看似标准,实际上“in agriculture”是赘余的,因为“harvest”本身的意思就是农作物的收成。另外,由于受到从小到大运用的母语词汇和词义的影响,当学生在英语写作过程中找不到合适的词汇表达,就会凭借自己的想法制造出各种“中式英语”。例如把四世同堂(four generations under one roof)譯成“four generations living together”。由于多数时间生活在汉语为母语的生活环境下,汉语思维基本定型。在思维模式方面,卡普兰认为英语族人的思维形式呈“直线型”,包括汉语在内的东方语言呈“螺旋型”,这也是为什么我们在写作过程中倾向于将从句放在主句的前面,将条件放在主要内容的前面。









语言学家Michael Walter认为:“没有被归纳的语言材料和难度过大的资料都需要为学生提供,没有这部分的语言输入,学生的语言能力就不能够得到充分发挥。”英语阅读是以文章作为载体获取知识的重要过程之一,集词汇、语法等知识于一体,任何阅读材料都是获取知识的途径。阅读与写作是相互促进又相互依赖的两种过程,都属于英语书面语言学习与运用的范畴。语言学习的过程需要语言输入,阅读的过程是知识语言的获取,写作的过程是将获取的知识语言再现,即语言输出。通过大量的阅读训练,学生们从中学习到一些语言知识,获取一些需要的信息,并将这些知识消化吸收及储存在脑中,储存在脑海中的知识积累得越多,写作时所能运用到的素材便越多。但是阅读教学多采用应试目的的强化训练形式,学生处于非主动阅读的状态。且许多阅读材料被分解为语言知识点进行教学,弱化了英语材料的应有功能。


在英语写作当中学生不自觉地套用母语的形式和规则,导致生硬不自然的表达,即母语迁移现象。这是汉语思维方式、表达方式及对中西文化差异的不了解导致的。在四六级写作时学生经常根据汉语的思考方式将英语词汇机械地转换,例如将红茶“black tea”译成“red tea”。另外,汉语的思维方式和英语有着较大的差别,有时将汉语意思转变成英语时需要用相反意思表达,且汉语经常以主动语态为主,英语被动语态和倒装句出现频率较高。由于中西方国家各自的风俗文化、行为习惯和思考方式等存在差异,母语迁移现象在四六级写作中普遍存在。例如中国学生在写作描述一件事物或者事件时,更加注重语言的修饰和优美程度,添入更多的个人情感,而西方学生在描述时则显得更客观。















培养写作兴趣,提升写作的积极性是写好作文的前提。学生写作水平在低水平徘徊,从实质上说就是写作興趣丧失造成的。从教学出发,英语四六级写作需围绕主题进行,课堂上教师可根据教材内容制定主题,激励学生在课堂上表述与主题相关内容,营造轻松的课堂氛围。从学生角度出发,首先需端正目标和态度。即,学习是自己的事情,学习积极性就会有所提升。其次不拘形式地随想随写。被誉为写作圣经On Writing Well的作者William说:“学习写作的唯一方法是强迫自己定期写出一定数量的单词。”当我们浏览文章或者新闻时,可以尝试用英文将共鸣或想法写下来。最后可以尝试多样化写作方法。例如可以和朋友做个游戏,每人给出首字母相同的若干单词,例如cat, classroom, catch,cause等,根据这些单词联想场景进行写作,这样的写作毫无压力且过程有趣。










作者:陈露雅 陈白颖








It Necessary for a College Student to Own a Mobile Phone?

China is becoming a country with the biggest population of mobile phone subscribers and an increasing number of college students are joining the existing users. Statistics show that eight out of ten college students have got one. However, is it necessary for a college student to own a mobile phone?

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong for a college student to have a cell phone. With it, students will be better connected with friends and parents. What’s more, mobile phones play an important role in graduates’ job-hunting. Therefore, instead of banning the use mobile phones, schools should take measures to guide an appropriate use of them on campus. For example, students are required to switch off their phones in classsrooms and under no circumstances should they use a mobile phone during exams. In some public places, like libraries, a poster can be placed at the entrance to alert library users to switch their phones to vibration mode before they enter the library.

I believe mobile phones can bring benefits to our students as long as we can make good use of them.

Idle Young, Needy Old

This is an aged saying, but the truth in it is universal: if you do not work when you are young, you will live a miserable life when old. No one can deny it, for it is self-evident. The ancients realized this in the early time and the saying has passed on, but unfortunately, nowadays many people still turn a deaf ear to it. We can see from time to time teenagers engrossed in playing Internet games all night along, who do not care if these games do harm to both their body and their soul. More often than not, the harm becomes a hazard, and killings of the teenagers’ peers are not once in the press. Some of these kids were once excellent in their study, but do not have a good ending. There is another group of students, especially college students, who pay no attention to their majors and other knowledge, but only idle away, thinking that they have a lot of time in hand and the purpose to go to college is just to get a diploma without much effort. Such people must suffer hardship in the near future, let alone when they are old.

We all should keep in mind “Idle young, needy old”, and exert our efforts to make our due contribution to society.

A Poster

We, English Club, are recruiting new members. Those with a keen love for English may join us on the great trip of indulging in the world of English.

English Club is a 20-years-old student-run organization in our school, which has enjoyed great popularity among students over so many years. It is established to provide an environment for students with common interest in English speaking, writing and other related English areas. Our activities center around improving our members’ English skills and promoting friendship and fun among our members. The Club is most famed its traditional activity-English Corner held every Thursday, where English lovers gather together, making friends, exchanging ideas and most importantly improving their spoken English. We also play classical English movies free of charge to our members, and put on English dramas acted by our members, just to name a few. Come and join us if you have an interest in English studies and want to have fun as well. Interested students please call 2233567 or send an email to English . And 100 RMB membership fee is needed.

A Letter to the Local Government

Dear mayor,

I’m writing to tell you a serious phenomenon near my campus: there are a big number of Internet cafes near the campus, most of open to teenagers.

In those cafes, most school kids play Internet games or chat on QQ or MSN, or even visit some porn websites. Some underage Internet addicts turn to the visual world for fun and gradually are unwilling to face reality, which has a bad effect on their studies and health.

As I know, the minors are not allowed in Internet cafes. In order to keep the under-18 crowd away from Internet cafes, identity cards are required to get in. However, many Internet cafes are not strict with the policy because of the profit motive. So many teenagers are still sneaking in, with the majority of the young people developing addiction there, In my opinion, there should be better supervision of Internet cafes. Those that open to teenagers should be severely punished—even shut down.

Thank you for taking time from your tight schedule to read my words. I sincerely hope this letter may draw you attention to the seriousness of the problem.

Earnestly Yours,


On College Students’ Renting Houses off Campus

According to a recent survey, 18.7 percent of college students now live in their rented “homes” off campus instead of the assigned dormitories on campus. They say, in their own small kingdom, they are enjoying more freedom they deserve as grown-ups. It is estimated that another 4.8percent undergraduates are thinking of joining them.

It is undeniable that many dormitories are far from being satisfactory—small, shabby, noisy, stuffy in summer and freezing in winter. But the merits of living on campus outweight its demerits: by sharing a room with others, one learn how to understand, compromise with and help each other as well as how to live a regular life. Through more communication, one is better informed and thus enjoys more opportunities. Besides, a lot of educational facilities are near at hand and the accommodation fee is much lower than the monthly rent. Sure, if you rent a well-furnished room, you may live more comfortably and enjoy more freedom, but you are often lonely and insecure for lack of companions, and sometimes you might abuse your freedom.

So, move back to the dormitory. Maybe the conditions are not desirable, but it is real college life, and it is rewarding!

A Letter to A Laid-off Acquaintance

My dear aunt,

I’m greatly surprised and sad to hear that you’re laid off. But please don’t worry too much. AII roads lead to Rome. I believe we will find a way out.

I remember when I was a child, I had so many colorful and comfortable sweaters that I became my friends’ envy. Those were all your masterpieces. A survey I made recently in the city where I’m living now shows that unique hand-knitted things are much more welcome thanready-made clothes. Would you think about taking up knitting as your second career? I know all things are difficult before they are easy. We will meet some unexpected difficulties in the beginning. But I firmly believe that nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Maybe your products will turn out to be a name brand.

My dear aunt, please do think about it. I’ll lend you a hand when you need my help. Take care and cheer up!

Your dearest niece



﹢Technology helps to

the increase/enhance/promote

efficiency in people’s study and work, making our/their activities more economical and less time-consuming.

﹣The youngsters are more likely to/tend to/ incline to be overly dependent on technology, even getting addicted to it.

﹣Technology could make/render city-dwellers slaves to high

technology, alienating people from one another.

﹣Technology deprives the citizens of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.

素材二:Mind, soul

﹢enable the students to grasp their subjects better, helping them to broaden their horizons.

﹢relax their bodies and ease the minds.

﹣The citizens are more likely to be monotonous and un-motivating.

﹣The youngsters might even suffer from mental diseases/illnesses, such as depression.


﹢promote the development of society

﹢keep the society safe and stable ﹣increase the already high crime rate


﹣The proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish(such as disposable plastic bags)poses a

threat to environment and humanity.

how We should not develop economy at the expense of environment.

素材五:Employment, competition ﹢create more job opportunities

﹢enable the students to find jobs more easily

﹣The competition in modern society is increasingly fierce, which alienates the city-dwellers from one another and makes them cold and cruel.

素材六:Culture globalization ﹢It is manifest that globalization can bring numerous benefits to human.

﹢promote/enhance the cultural communication and interaction between people from different countries/ethnic minority.

﹣create tension and conflicts between…


﹣Youngsters today tend to be

money-oriented and are likely to fall prey to materialism and egoism.

﹣It is wrong to equate happiness with making more money and living in a spacious house.




作文的标题中的首尾单词的第一个字母要大写,另外,中间出现的单词中,除冠词,连词(and, or, but, nor, for),短的介词和不定式的to要小写外,其它词要大写:

my first visit to the palace museum

the people without a country

rules to abide by

dickens and david copperfield

what can the artist do in the world of today?

what reform means to china

the myth of a “negro literature”

the English-speaking people in Quebec

My First Visit to the Palace Museum The People Without a Country

Rules to Abide By

Dickens and David Copperfield

What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?

What Reform Means to China

The Myth of a “Negro Literature”

The English-Speaking People in Quebec

2. 段落开头空格不规范,应该空四至五个字母的距离;


3. 除去开头结尾一般就应该是文章的中心部分,这部分的内容不能太少。这部分的内容从字数上应该至少超过开头结尾的总和。而且,从语言形式上看,要把这部分内容分成几部分且用关联词语进行连接,使这部分从形式上看条理清楚。


4. 不论议论文写什么内容,请记住只要写一个中心观点。可以开头段或结尾段亮明你的观点。


5. 因为是议论文,文章的目的是说服文章读者认同你的观点,所以文章要客观,有说服力。为此,要避免主观偏激的议论,举出有说服力的事例或数据,引用名言,做出合理的分析讨论。

5. 因为是议论文,文章的目的是说服文章读者认同你的观点,所以文章要客观,有说服力。为此,要避免主观偏激的议论,举出有说服力的事例或数据,引用名言,做出合理的分析讨论。

6. 书写潦草会影响你的得分。单词拼写错误也常常出现,建议多查字典,考试中对那些没把握的词尽量不用。句子的语法错误也不少,对此要学好语法,也可通过多练笔请别人改的方法提高。有些表达令人费解,建议写作完成后尝试以一个读者的身份给自己的作文挑刺。

7.文章的开头是非常重要的,这是文章的引子。作为读者, 会从开头段传递出来的信息来对下文的内容有一个合理期待, 如果与期待不符, 会让读者觉得文章写作很不紧凑。



以校园内或社会上的某种现象或趋势作为文章的引子来开篇 1) With the steady growth in the country’s economy as well as the people’s living standards, ….

2) With the rapid improvement in …/ growing awareness of …, more and more …/ sth…

(e.g. With the considerable improvement in building industry, more and more structures are being erected to set the people’s minds at ease.)

3) Recently, sth./the problem of …has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern.

(e.g. Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.)

4) One of the universal issues we are faced with/ that cause increasing concern is that …

(e.g. One of the universal issues that draw (cause) growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.)

5) In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in…

(e.g. In the past ten years, there has been a sharp decline in the number of species.)

6) Nowadays, more/most important/dangerous for our society is …

(e.g. Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is the tendency to take advantage of each other in political circles.)


1) To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to …

2) In the face of …some people take the position that …/some people come to believe that …, to which I can’t attach/add my consent.

In the face of …people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/positions/standpoints.

3) But many people feel puzzled about/ perplexed at…

2 图表常用开篇语

1) As can be seen form the table above, some changes in …have taken place over the period from… to ….

(e.g. As can be seen form the table above, some changes in people’s diet have taken place over the period from 1986 to 1990.)

2) According to the information given in the table/graph, we can find that…

3) As can be seen from the table/graph/figure, there is a marked increase/decline/favorable (an unfavorable) change in …

 4) As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/great changes have taken place in …over the period of time form … to…


1)To get a sense of how …we must turn first to causes for it. 2) This is a (n) favorable/unfavorable/unhealthy/

essential/marked/grateful change/tendency/

situation, but factors/causes/reasons for it are not hard to find. 3)The progress/improvement/change(s) in …is (are) really tremendous/remarkable/marvelous, so it is necessary to understand what has caused it (them).


e.g. As modern cities have been brought into rapid development, more and more of vegetation is going out of urban life. Trees are being pulled down to make room for high-rise office buildings, and industrial pollution makes it harder for the rest of greenery to survive among the forest of apartment structures. This is a situation worth improving, as vegetation is as essential to health as fresh air to life in big cities.

 1) The current situation of …, if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that…

(e.g. The current situation of our reforms in political structure, if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that much of the achievement is far from satisfactory. For example, …)


1) This situation/phenomenon/trend/tendency is rather distressing/ disturbing/depressing/heart-rending, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/just what is to be expected.

2) This is what we are unwilling to see, so some way must be found

out to …

3) Fortunately, however, more and more people come/begin to realize that…

4) Unfortunately, things have worsened/come/developed to the point where…


Everyone would agree that, although our age entirely overshadows all previous ages in means of obtaining knowledge, reading still takes its leading role in all senses. But agreement ceases as soon as they attempt to determine how to read more profitably, upon which views vary from person to person. 1) To sb.’s mind/In sb.’s eye(s), sth. seems/means…

2) No one would deny that…

Or: Everyone would agree that…


1) If we take a further/closer look at this problem/matter, however, more secrets/grounds/chances/ways will be found out for … 2) If you push the analysis/study/

argument/comparison/exposure further, you will see that…

5.让步法:先承认其好的一面,再转而讨论其不好的一面。 1) The birth/invention of …has made an enormous/essential difference to …But it does not mean that…

(e.g. The birth of the computer has made a radical difference to the human progress. But it does not mean that this wonder does no threat to our society.)

2) Sth. has changed the way of our society develops,…. But its bright side should not keep us from following closely its dark side.

3) No/Little doubt that… But…

(e.g. Little doubt that the traditional schooling has contributed much to our social development. … But some grave defects in it begin to stand out against the modern times.)

 6.设问法:如题就是一问题,可用此方法

Title: On Youth

What does “youth” mean?.....

1) What is the best definition for …?

2) How/Why does sth. affect our life?

7. 情景法:设计情景,再引出讨论。

1)Suppose/Imagine that …/Let’s suppose/assume/imagine (that)…

(e.g. Suppose, by any chance, you heartily disagree with anything that is going on about you, you are less likely to stay on the good side of people around you.)

2) We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether…

(e.g. We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bear’s paw or for the shark’s fin/whether to reach for…)


1) In that case, however, I prefer to … rather than…

2) When exposed to/subject to the same conditions/challenge/choice, however, different people tend to behave in different ways.

8) 引言法:引用名言,不可用直接引语,可自己造名言,只要能说得通。

1) One of the great sociologists/psychologists once said that(e.g. One of the great sociologists once said that society affects human character as vitally as the clothes one wears, the food one eats and the friends one involves himself with.)


1) If this is true/the case, what accounts for such an issue:

2) His voice arouses echoes among people of insight, who have come up with some practical measures.





文章的段落,是文章的基本组成部分,一篇好的文章需要精心的段落构思和合理的段落安排,根据不同的题材确定不同的段落写作顺序。六级作文从结构上看,一般由三部分组成:引言部分(introductory part;展开部分(bodypart);结尾部分(ending part),而且每段往往只有一个主题,段中各支持句围绕明确的主题,层层展开论证并服务于主题句。整篇文章也是层层推进,环环相扣,条理分明,完整统一。下面进一步说明每一部分的具体写作技巧与要求:

引言部分 introductory part




主题部分 body part


结尾部分 ending part



该不该禁止鞭炮? 无可否认,放鞭炮在中国一直是个有争议的话题。在这个问题上人们的意见分歧明显。一些持正面看法。他们说,这是一个古老的传统习俗,应予以保留。他们还声称,爆竹让节日和假日的场合更加丰富多彩,给大人和小孩都带来快乐。没有鞭炮,节日将变得乏味和冷清。



假冒伪劣商品之我见 人们都注意到,假冒商品已成为我们面临的一个严重的问题。假冒伪劣商品充斥着市场。环顾四周,我们可以发现例子不胜枚举:盗版的书籍和电影,质量低劣的食品和饮料等。如果我们继续漠视假冒伪劣商品,它们必将产生严重的后果。首先,它们直接侵害消费者的权益,浪费他们的金钱,威胁他们的健康甚至生命。此外,生产和销售假冒商品造成诚实合法的生产者的严重损失。最后但并非最不重要的,销毁假冒商品是对国家资源的严重浪费。鉴于这个问题的严重性,必须采取有效措施,防止情况恶化。首先,至关重要的是,制定和执行法律和规则,以禁止假冒伪劣商品的生产和流通。其次,市民要增强意识,识别和拒绝不合标准的商品。有了适当的法律和公众的警觉,消除假冒伪劣商品将只是一个时间问题。 / 随着这些措施的采取,我们就有理由相信,这一问题将在不久的将来得到解决。















我相信我是这个职位的最佳人选。首先,我在中国最负盛名的语言学校 — 北京外国语大学学习了4年,这使我很好地掌握了英语技能。其次,在过去几年中我参与了很多社会活动,这有助于培养我的团队精神和创造力。此外,我还参加了口译培训课程,并获得了相关证书。最后但并非最不重要的的是,我做过兼职口译员,所以我对这份工作有很好的准备。




