
2022-08-18 版权声明 我要投稿



Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University

Personal Statement

For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work. When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning. My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America. And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater pressure.

Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technology Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true.

I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas. However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed. That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation. I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program. In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field.

Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit. I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests. But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University. Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university. Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software. Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated.

I have a good habit in learning and working. No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work. And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice. In addition, I am very creative. I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent

Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University

thinking; I could solve the problem of difficulties in managing the patch files by putting the client patch files on the server for Auto update, improving the clients’ satisfaction greatly. What’s more, I am very strict with myself and always keep a heart for excellence. I successfully became a formal employee in advance during the probation period. And I gained the Intermediate Engineer position in only one year which normally took three years by others. At the same time, my strong sense of responsibility helped me never disappoint my supervisors and colleagues even when it was necessary to work overtime continuously or all night.

Besides, I can even get enlightened when facing failures. My experience in taking charge of the GCM—Grandsoft Cost Management project can be cited here as an example. In this project, we adopted C/S structure using COM+/Web Service as the communication method, and SQL Server 2000 as the database. Although the SQL was optimized and different DB engines and components were tried, the querying efficiency was not improved obviously when dealing with mass data and complex business logics. However, I learned in the course how to improve the efficiency of database query for huge amount of data, how to conduct efficiency test and experiment and how to use the simplest query to realize the huge business logics. In trial use of the Qlikview software of a professional data query company, although I was not able to solve the problem, I learned the BI thoughts to cache data into the memory to improve the application efficiency.

However, though I have laid a solid foundation in my years of studies in Tsinghua University and my self-studies during the work, though I have improved my ability in practice and problem-solving, I still lack in theories which can be seen from the above examples. Only practice is not enough to solve problems completely. The importance of theories can be also seen in my adjusting the tree traversing algorithm. I improved the GCM product’s tree building efficiency by dozens of times after I analyzed the general law of data distribution. Therefore, I am more determined to continue my further education abroad.

Having gone through the thinking during the learning-working-learning process, I believe that I’ve already found what I need. The xxx program will be the most meaningful place for me in my life. The next ten years of concentrative research coupled with my determination to accept new challenges will enable me to become a paving stone on the road of CS development.



Applicant for Finance Program from Renmin University of China

Personal Statement

My interest in finance can be initially traced back to the bestseller entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad written by Kiyosaki Robert T. and Lechter Sharon L.. Though a ten-year-old boy at that time, I was much fascinated with the economic knowledge conveyed in simple expressions of the book which I read for several times and shared the cases in it with my friends. My motivation to explore the financial world also benefits from my parents both of whom have achieved higher education in finance and engaged in the relevant fields. Having received a rigorous academic training for my past undergraduate study in Renmin University of China, I’m eager to educate myself on an international scale.

Finance appeals to me by its extensive and profound nature. As far as I’m concerned, the relationship between finance and economy is akin to that between blood and body. Just as the physical conditions can be reflected from the circulation of blood according to the Chinese medicine, the economic operation of a country can be judged from its financial status, funds flow, etc. My exposures to the professional courses of Money and Banking, Corporate Financing, Macro/Micro Economics, Econometrics, International Finance, and Insurance as well as the mathematical courses such as Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics have enabled me to lay a solid academic foundation of finance. Meanwhile, bearing in mind sound interpersonal skills and hands-on ability are the basic personal qualities required of a successful financial person, I availed myself of various opportunities to undertake practices. I began to invest in the stock market in 2007. In face of the frustrations at the outset, I audited all the courses of security analysis and investment on campus, read a lot of financial magazines and newspapers and consulted some professors and my parents. I was uplifted during such a process, not only in money making, but also in grasping the principles and regulations behind the stock market. I value my experiences in conducting research programs which acted as bridges linking my theoretical knowledge with the larger world where it would be applied. More importantly, I got much enlightenment and inspiration from making presentations, like my presentations regarding the comparison and analysis of appreciations of Yuan and Yen along with the cases of insurances. In these presentations, I tried to arrive at flexible and comprehensive command of complicated knowledge. Besides, I derived self-confidence and sense of joy in immersing myself in the fields where my interests genuinely lay.

My other unique assets are attributed to my internships in different units where finance invariably plays an important role. When I worked in China Foreign Exchange and Trade Centre, I gained a full understanding of the trading systems of commercial banks and raised my own proposals which were soon adopted about their function setting. Meanwhile, I found a trader’s work busy but interesting, which allowed me to see my own strength and weakness gauged with the professionals. I had my professional skills and teamwork spirit honed during my internship in People’s Bank of China where I learned about the functions of the central bank and my prominent performance won recognition from the persons in charge there. Furthermore, my on-the-spot investigations in a goal

Applicant for Finance Program from Renmin University of China

mine enterprise and a copper mine enterprise allowed me to see other fields where finance matters tremendously through my exposure to the financial conditions, profit resources and development trends of the enterprises. These experiences, combined with my bountiful extracurricular activities such as the volunteer position of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, involvement in organizing exhibitions and shows have prompted me to set my own career goals—compared to the research work, I prefer a more practical career. And I have learned to focus on the way to achieving my goals—to pursue more advanced education in America, the ideal place full of practical opportunities regarding finance and economy as a whole.

I have long admired your esteemed university for its significant achievements in the teaching and research of finance. Your program of finance, with its well-structured curriculum, highly-productive faculty as well as a multitude of real-world projects matches my academic background and interest perfectly. I hope to work in a world-class financial institution or a transnational enterprise after the completion of my master program and your diverse student body and strong alumni work will no doubt become a stepping stone leading me to my career goal. Fully prepared and determined, I’m convinced that your university is precisely my starting point.









上中学的时候我就知道,意大利是欧洲文艺复兴的发源地,在艺术、时尚、宗教、料理、电影、建筑、经济及音乐等方面具有重要的影响力,现在的意大利走在时尚最前沿的国家,拥有无数顶尖的时尚品牌,在悠久的历史文化的衬托下,散发着无穷的魅力,去意大利求学是我一直以来的梦想。意大利优秀的学校很多,最吸引我的就是贵校--polimoda。我了解到,polimoda时尚学院是全世界最为著名的时尚专业院校之一,有着优厚的师资力量,是国际时尚奢侈品业备受推崇的专业院校,坐落在国际时尚创意设计与奢侈品管理教育之都、世界历史文化名城意大利佛罗伦萨 ,在实习和就业方面都有着巨大的优势,如果能在这样一所优秀的学校学习,会是我一生都为之自豪的事情。

时尚买手与产品管理是我一直以来都非常想上的一个专业。我认为,一个好的时尚买手,需要非常高的时尚敏感度,眼光要非常好,具有优秀的判断力和服装品位,必须是既理性又具有创造力,熟知服装的面料、流行,服装的设计要点、加工工艺及流程、周期 ,了解消费者以及市场,同时对报表、财务也非常熟知,懂得如何平衡成本和预算。我相信通过学习时尚买手与产品管理这个专业我能够拥有这些能力,我热爱这个专业。










从小我就很喜欢画画,在小学时参加学校的各种画画比赛,小时候也有受到妈妈的影响,经常见到妈妈踩着缝纫机制作衣服的情景,那一件一件精美的衣服穿在自己的身上是无比的欢喜,想着在我们这里也就只有我妈妈有这样的手艺。从小受妈妈的影响,有着一双巧手,做着自己喜欢的diy物品--布娃娃、手机链等。我希望通过在马兰欧尼学院的 学习是自己的能力有所提高,并把自己所学到的知识传播给更多的人,是他们对马兰欧尼学院有更多的认识,也使他们对意大利文化有更深入的了解。




通过这些都为我的专业知识储备了大量的信息以及资源。 本人很喜欢服装设计,先王通过在马兰欧尼学院的虚席是自己达到更高的设计水平,并了解到未来人们对服装的需求和定位,时代的发展离不开服装的发展,我们要在不同的时代做出不同的服装设计来满足人们的需求。毕业后回国,并把自己在马兰欧尼学院学习到的专业知识充分的运用到自己的工作当中,传播到更广阔的领域,实现自己的人生目标






出生年月: 年 月 日





















在我完成大学专业的学业后,计划在德国进行更加深入的专业知识学习,并取得大学硕士学位。赴德国留学后,首先我会努力学好德语,尽快融入当地的生活。 进入专业学习后,我将充分利用大学优良的教育条件与学术氛围,努力攻读计算机科学硕士学位,我相信多年的工作经验将有助于理论知识的学习。硕士学业完成之后,我会直接回国,争取在知名的德资企业任职,把我所学的知识运用在实践中,建设我的祖国,同事照顾我年迈的父母。








三、为什么去这所学校(根据这所学校的特点,表明出这所学校是最适合你发展的学校), 要写出你对这所美国高中学校的认识及你后期的目标,以上每部分写出你特有的真实的东西就好,给别人展示不一样的你! 注:以一篇记叙文要求去写:真实、可信、具有说服力。美国高中留学申请人:某某某 年月日



极端装B的PS,非大牛不能handle,作者同时被Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, NYU, Virginia, UCB Boalt, Georgetown, UCLA, BU, USC等录取,所以吧,仰望为主。


I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life, but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything, but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability, but so does nature...probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free to do as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would never profess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, but trust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religion is among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it is perhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their morals from religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead of morality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study the law just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law and economics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that either one can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize there is more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize the importance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law and philosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation about

the two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passion makes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed by economics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track of which beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about the practical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me two undergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarily entail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feel most like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at a college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incredibly passionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only one passion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hate the accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper starting from the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I will always be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I think everything through completely, but I am never through thinking about anything.

I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people without whom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point of forgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry about the next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but realize that it is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person, but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more than just a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

I am a study in contradiction, but there is not an inconsistency to be found.
