
2022-05-15 版权声明 我要投稿



一、 (21分)

1. 下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一组是()(3分)

A. 攻讦 奸细 旗杆 不刊之论

B. 愧怍 槐树 崔嵬 魅力四射

C. 脑髓 隧道 遂心 钻燧取火

D. 憔悴 淬火 荟萃 心力交瘁

2. 下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是()(3分)

A. 坐落 苍穹 自栩 勃然大怒

B. 烧灼 骐骥 诅咒 礼上往来

C. 蹂躏 齑粉 耸立 抗辞慷慨

D. 时髦 褶皱 苗裔 重蹈复辙

3. 下列各句中加点成语使用不恰当的一句是()(3分)

A. 富丽堂皇的建筑群,贵族老爷们养尊处优的生活场所已消失得无影无踪。

B. 盲目向西方学习,结果就像邯郸学步一样,别人的东西没有学好,自己的传统反而被遗忘了。

C. 如果我们选择了力不胜任的职业,我们将成为不能完成自己使命的社会成员,由此会产生妄自菲薄自己的结果。

D. 另一种人以为传统像文物,文物唯古是尚,应该保护其斑驳陆离,切忌刮垢磨光。

4. 下列各句中有语病的一句是()(3分)

A. 当徜徉在中国古典诗歌里时,体会到最细微的感情,捕捉到耐人寻味的思想,想像到优美的图景,感触到铿锵的节奏、婉转悠扬的韵律,领略到言外不尽的神韵。

B. 文化的发展离不开纵向的积累与创新,同时也离不开横向的沟通与借鉴。

C. 两岸山峰奇绝,连绵不断,巫山十二峰各有各的姿态,它们得到很高的评价和美的命名,给我们的江山增加了诗意,而诗意又是变化无穷的。

D. 几年过去了,我渐渐明白:那是一个幸运的人对一个不幸者的愧怍。

5. 根据句意和句式特点,填写下列空缺。(5分)


6. 请简述《林黛玉进贾府》中林黛玉的性格特征,30字以内。(4分)


二、 (35分)

沛公军霸上,未得与项羽相见。沛公左司马曹无伤使人言于项羽曰:“沛公欲王关中,使子婴为相,珍宝尽有之。” 项羽大怒,曰:“旦日飨士卒,为击破沛公军!”当是时,项羽兵四十万,在新丰鸿门;沛公兵十万,在霸上。范增说项羽曰:“沛公居山东时,贪于财货,好美姬;今入关,财物无所取,妇女无所幸,此其志不在小。吾令人望其气,皆为龙虎,成五采,此天子气也。急击勿失!”


7. 对下列句子中加点词语的解释,不正确的一项是()(3分)

A. 素善留侯张良 善:善良

B. 项伯杀人,臣活之活:使……活

C. 亡去不义 亡:逃跑

D. 籍吏民,封府库籍:登记

8. 下列各组句子中,加点字的意义和用法相同的一组是()(3分)

A. 项伯乃夜驰之沛公军 不知将军宽之至此也

B. 不如因善遇之 因宾客至蔺相如门谢罪

C. 长于臣 佚之狐言于郑伯曰

D. 良乃入,具告沛公 使杞子、逢孙、杨孙戍之,乃还

9. 下列各组句子中,与例句句式相同的一项是()(3分)


A. 以其无礼于晋,且贰于楚也

B. 秦城恐不可得,徒见欺

C. 沛公不先破关中,公岂敢入乎

D. 楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也

10. 下列对原文有关内容的分析或概括,不正确的一项是()(3分)

A. 鸿门宴是项羽和刘邦在灭秦之后长达五年斗争的开端,虽是开端,却在某种程度上预示了这场斗争的终结。

B. 本段交代了鸿门宴的缘起,文章先指出刘、项两军的驻地及双方兵力,表明刘邦占有绝对的优势,战争的主动权在他手上。

C. 司马迁笔下的项羽强烈的悲剧特质在于他本不具备超人的领袖气质和领导才能,却走上了时代的领军者之位。

D. 《鸿门宴》语言精炼生动,绘声绘色;寥寥几笔,就刻画出了人物的突出个性。

11. 把下面句子翻译成现代汉语。(9分)

(1) 所以遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也。



(2) 若舍郑以为东道主,行李之往来,共其乏困,君亦无所害。(《烛之武退秦师》)


(3) 欲予秦,秦城恐不可得,徒见欺;欲勿予,即患秦兵之来。(《廉颇蔺相如列传》)


12. 阅读下面一首诗,回答后面的问题。(8分)





(1) 这一首写春日风光的小诗取景以细小见长,试举例具体分析。全诗表达了诗人怎样的情感?(4分)


(2) 请从修辞手法的角度鉴赏三、四两句诗?(4分)


13. 名句填写(6分)

① 怨不在大,可畏惟人;_____________________,所宜深慎。

② 惟草木之零落兮,__________________。

③ 哀斯墓之徒有其石也,而为之记,亦以明死生之大,___________________。

④ 今两虎共斗,其势不俱生。吾所以为此者,


⑤ 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,________________。

⑥ 子曰:“__________________,好之者不如乐之者。”

三、 (共34分)

















14. 第三自然段中作者从哪个角度对四季的景物进行描写?这些描写给人在审美上有怎样的感受?(4分)


15. 作者描写肖邦故园景色的目的是什么?如何理解“何等的持久、深沉”?(4分)


16. 如何理解文中划线句子“在他心目中,这小小的庄子就是整个祖国乡村的象征”的含义?(6分)


17. 请谈谈你认为肖邦、肖邦音乐和肖邦故园对世界有什么影响?(6分)















18. 什么是传统文化?我们对传统文化进行分析批判,可以做那些工作?(6分)


19. “文化传统” 是怎样形成的?(4分)


20. 如何理解“文化传统”的“惰性”?(4分)


四、 (70分)

21. 请从你身边选择一位普通劳动者,叙写他们的生活以及透过他们的生活所洋溢出的人格美,如善良纯朴的天性,恪守道德准则,维护社会公正,追求人生价值,实现尊严和崇高,等等。




22. 阅读下面文言文,按要求答题。(10分)



(1) 将文中画线的句子用斜线(/)断句。(6分)

昼 尔 于 茅 宵 尔 索 绹 亟 其 乘 屋 其 始 播 百 穀 民 之 为 道 也 有 恒 产者 有 恒 心 无 恒 产 者 无 恒 心

(2) 概括这段文字反映了孟子的什么思想?请简要阐述。(4分)


23. 名著名篇阅读题。(15分)

(1) 下列对名著名篇的表述,不正确的两项是()()(5分)

A. 《呐喊》是鲁迅1918年至1922年所作的短篇小说的结集,当时正值“五四”革命精神高扬时期,作者创作小说意在描写“病态社会的不幸的人们”,并为新文化运动“呐喊”助威。收录了《狂人日记》、《药》、《祝福》和《孔乙己》等脍炙人口的名篇。

B. 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最著名的—部悲剧,它突出地反映了作者的人文主义思想。莎士比亚说过,他的作品就是“给自然照一面镜子,给德行看一看自己的面目,给荒唐看一看自己的姿态,给时代和社会看一看自己的形象和印记”。《哈姆雷特》正是一个时代的缩影。

C. 巴金的《家》中,觉新是性格内涵最为复杂的悲剧性典型。他清醒地认识到了自己的悲剧命运,但又对封建家长的专制意志处处退让、顺从。为了维护封建家庭,他付出了惨重代价。最终,他终于觉醒,毅然投奔了光明。

D. 《欧也妮·葛朗台》创作的时代,贵族阶级日趋衰落,一切封建的、宗法的和田园诗般的关系全都破坏了,代之而起的是飞扬跋扈的资产阶级暴发户和无所不在的金钱势力。小说正是通达对葛朗台及其侄儿查理充满血腥罪恶的发家史的描写,反映了这一时代特征。

E. 在《红楼梦》中,除了主要人物外,作者还塑造了众多具有独特、鲜明个性的人物形象。如:温顺世故的袭人,出世孤高的妙玉,怯懦的迎春,忍辱吞声的尤二姐,敢于反抗的尤三姐和晴雯,以及泼辣能干的探春等。

(2) 《老人与海》中的桑地亚哥是位怎样的人?在你看来,他是成功者还是失败者?(5分)


(3) 郭沫若的《女神》所反映出的时代精神非常鲜明,请举例简述之。(5分)


24. 文本材料要点归纳与分析题。(15分)


每年的2月21日是世界母语日。在2007年的这一天,联合国教科文组织发表了最新版本的《濒临消失的世界语言》地图册。这份研究报告指出,在过去300年里,地球上语言消失的速度一直在加快,而目前全世界近7 000种语言中,起码有一半濒临消失或受到严重威胁。

尽管人类有史以来,已有许多语言在诞生后就渐渐消亡,但语言以如此快的速度消亡那是前所未有的。1万年前,世界人口只有100万,说15 000种语言。现在,人口增加了5 000倍,语言却少了一半。




(1) 从短文看,“语言生态”具体指什么?“红色警报”又指什么?(6分)


(2) 目前,语言濒危现象严重,从文中来看,导致语言灭绝的因素有哪些?(9分)




1. D

2. C(A. 自诩B. 礼尚往来D. 重蹈覆辙)

3. C(“妄自菲薄”后面不能跟“自己”。)

4. A(缺少主语且搭配不当)

5. 示例:我们有头顶千年积雪的珠穆朗玛峰,有莽莽苍苍的黄土高原,有草树蒙密的西双版纳,有一望无际的华北平原,有一泻千里的黄河,有浩浩荡荡的扬子江,有兴安岭的原始森林,有海南岛的椰林碧海,有西北诸省广阔无垠的青青牧场,还有说不尽的江湖沼泽,祖国的大地山河哟!哪一个地方不经过劳动者双手的经营,哪一个地方没有流过劳动者的汗,淌过战士们的血!

6. 林黛玉:知书达理,行事十分小心,“不敢多走一步路,唯恐被人耻笑了去”。

7. A. 善: 与……交好。

8. D

9. B

10. B

11. (1) 派遣将领把守函谷关的原因,是为了防备其他盗贼的出入和意外的变故。(“所以”1分,“非常”1分,整句通顺1分)

(2) 如果不灭郑国而使它成为您东方道路上的主人,贵国使臣来往经过,供应他们的缺乏物资(食宿给养),这对您也没有坏处。(“东道主”、“行李”各1分,整句通顺1分)

(3) 想把这块宝玉让给秦国吧,恐怕秦国的那些城池得不到手,白白地被欺骗;想不让给秦国吧,又担心秦国的大军马上打过来。(“徒见欺”被动句1分,“患”1分,整句通顺1分)

12. (1) 这首诗把焦点对准了庭院一角:玻璃瓦,浮光闪闪;芍药花,灿然盛开,蔷薇花,娇卧枝头。(2分)既写出了春日美好的风光,又突出了诗人的春愁。(2分)

(2) 第三、四句用了拟人对偶手法。(2分)芍药、蔷薇经雨后,一个“含春泪”,一个“卧晓枝”,仿佛暗含愁绪,既写出雨后之花的娇弱之态,又包含了诗人的惜花之情。(2分)

13. ① 载舟覆舟

② 恐美人之迟暮

③ 匹夫之有重于社稷也

④ 以先国家之急而后私仇也

⑤ 虽令不从

⑥ 知之者不如好之者

14. 突出的点是“色彩”(2分),给人在审美上的感受是“朴素”“淡雅”(2分)。

15. 为了说明肖邦的音乐和肖邦故园风光的联系(2分)。家乡的风光给肖邦的创作留下了深厚的文化积淀(2分)。

16. 肖邦出生于此,这里朴素淡雅的景物在他的童年和青春时代甚至一生中都打下深深的烙印,这儿的一切对他的音乐创作有着不同一般的渊源关系(2分),他在流亡生活中抒发对祖国对故乡怀念之情的作品,在一定程度上都是寄托于这故园之上的(2分)。因此说,这小小的庄子对肖邦而言就是整个祖国的象征(2分)。

17. 肖邦被后世称为神童,“音乐诗人”,是第二个莫扎特,是始终心怀祖国的爱国者(2分)。



18. 其内容当为历代存在过的种种物质的、制度的和精神的文化实体和文化意识(3分)。明辨其时代风貌,确认其历史地位,接受或拒绝其余风遗响(3分)。

19. 唯有那些为这一民族生活所孕育、所熟悉、所崇尚的心理(2分),时刻得到鼓励和提倡(包括社会的推崇和个人的向往)成为巨大的精神财富和物质力量(2分)。

20. 一方面制约人的思维方式,支配人们的行为习俗,控制人的情感,左右人的审美趣味,规定着人的价值取向,悬置着人的终极关怀(2分)。另一方面,因为文化传统的指令作用,它具有了凝聚力量,是集团的象征,对社会的稳定和国家的巩固起着“举足轻重”的作用(2分)。

21. 作文阅卷请按照当地高考阅卷作文评分细则中的具体要求执行。

22. (1) 昼尔于茅 / 宵尔索绹 / 亟其乘屋 / 其始播百穀 / 民之为道也 / 有恒产者有恒心 / 无恒产者无恒心。

(2) 反映了孟子的民本思想(1分)。孟子认为,国家的根本在于人民(1分),所以对待人民的事情要积极(1分),要施行仁政(1分)。




23. (1) AC(A项,《祝福》选自《彷徨》。C项,觉新并没有“终于觉醒,毅然投奔了光明”。)(答对一个得2分)

(2) 桑地亚哥是位坚毅刚强的老人(2分)。在世俗的眼光看来,他也许是一个失败者,但在我看来,他却是一个不向命运低头的英雄,是一个无论在怎么艰苦的环境都凭毅力和智慧进行抗争的勇士,是一个捍卫“人的灵魂的尊严”的人,所以我认为他是一个成功者(3分)。

(3) 《女神》充分体现的是“五四”时期狂飙突进的反帝反封建的精神,一种充沛的爱国主义的激情(2分,答出“爱国”或“反帝反封建”即可得2分;举出具体实例,得3分)。

24. (1) 指不同语言的正常生存和发展(3分);指人类很多语言濒临灭绝或消亡(3分)。

(2) 包括自然灾害(3分)、各种形式的文化同化(3分)和种族灭绝等(3分)。



本学期共要学习两本书,即3.4.模块,每个模块共有3个单元,每个单元由Welcome to the unit、Reading、Word Power、Grammar & usage、Task、Project和Self-assessment共七个部分组成。



高一下学期英语既注重基础知识的考查,又强调能力的灵活运用。为了适应这一趋势,提高高一英语的教学质量,我们在高一英语教学中将常抓基础知识,有梯度地拓宽词汇,提高课堂效率,从而努力提高学生学习的自觉性、主动性与积极性,通过师生互动,更进一步提高英语成绩。 我校高一英语教学的现状分析






三、2012学期高一下英语教学做法 (1)认真落实集体备课

以集体备课为形式,集备课组全体的智慧做好日常的教学工作。 (2)拓宽教材,扩展学生阅读量,努力补充学生的词汇

1 补充自选阅读材料,培养学生的阅读能力,并以这些材料为基础,扩充学生词汇量,做到每学完一篇课文,就进行词汇检测。 (3)综合检查

准备每一周做一次练习,主要以结合当前教学内容为主要测试内容, 间或分块测试,适时引导学生自我评价,从而调整下阶段的学习。 (4)教学进度

课文每单元用9课时完成。1课时用于welcome,3课时用于reading, 2课时用于grammar,1课时用于task,1课时用于project,1课时用于练习。争取16周内完成牛津版模块3.4。


1.习题的训练在于精而不在于多。在教学中尽量按照高考的知识体系有针对性地选择典型性题目。针对共性问题进行精讲,让学生在书本中找到解决问题的源泉,学会思考、整理和归纳。 2.听力训练到位,锻炼学生听力能力

利用好学生《听力训练材料》的题目及《英语学习辅导报》上的听力,注重听力技巧的培养,锻炼提高学生的听力能力。 3.随堂巩固练习及单元综合检查

每部分教完后都有有一小张测试练习,以检测该部分是否掌握;每单元结束后进行一次小型考试,以便调整下一阶段的学习和教学活动。 五. 教学研究目标与效果展望

教师要注重学生听、说、读、写各方面能力的培养,注意拓宽学生的词汇量,提高阅读量,处处以提高学生能力为目的。 学生通过半年的学习,各方面能力都应有相应提高,词汇量较以前有较大的扩充,阅读、写作能力也有较大提高。

六、 教师专业发展计划(读书、培训、研究等)

平时注重阅读相关学科资料、论文,积极参加各种培训,老教师加强对新教师的指导,新教师注重备课的充分,并多向老教师虚心学习,全组齐心协力、共同提高,共同进步。 七. 本学期教学进度表

2 1. 第一阶段

第1 — 9周 Modal III 第10 周 期中复习(统练) 2. 第二阶段

第11--17周 Modal IV . 第18—20 周期末复习(检测)






1. In summer, you should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes _______ strong sunlight when you are outdoors.

2. I am twenty years senior _______ my students.

3. We can’t compete _______ other countries in trade if we don’t develop our national economy.

4. Our school advertises on the Internet _______ some outstanding graduates as new teachers.

5. No one could persuade me _______ accepting his conditions attached to the contract.

6. The fresh air in the open air cured him _______ his headache.

7. _______ hearing the proposal, an official from NASA claimed that the idea of space travel would be possible some day.

8. The audience were deeply impressed _______ the actors’ wonderful performance.

9. May all of you pass the driving test _______ the first attempt.

10. Western countries appealed to Russia _______ a political solution in Ukraine.



1. Walking and climbing stairs are beneficial (有益的) to our health.

Walking and climbing stairs are of _______ _______ our health.

2. He looked up the meaning of the new word in the Chinese-English dictionary.

He _______ the Chinese-English dictionary _______ the meaning of the new word.

3. The proposals they put forward at the meeting is very significant.

The proposals they put forward at the meeting is _______ _______ _______.

4. He is confident of passing the driving test after a period of practice.

He has _______ _______ passing the driving test after a period of practice.

5. The salesman was fired as he was accused of cheating customers.

The salesman was ______ with cheating customers, _______ he was fired.



1. We _______ the students _______ _______ _______ the shy children on April Fools’ Day.我们力劝同学们愚人节那天不要愚弄害羞的孩子。

2. The students are having a heated discussion about _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______, the happier you are.


3. It’s _______ _______ that we _______ _______ to solve the problem of the safety of the Internet.该是我们采取措施解决网络安全问题的时候了。

4. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ diabetes (糖尿病) at present.


5. _______ _______ _______ _______ her daughter made, she would support her.




1. The head teacher told us that most of his students _______ born in the 21th century.

A. had beenB. wereC. areD. have been

2.Your parents were really anxious for you. You _______ home without a word.

A. mustn’t have leftB. shouldn’t have leftC. couldn’t have leftD. needn’t have left

3. — Does Bendy take the subway?

— He should, but he _______ not. He likes walking home, as he regards it as a chance to take exercise.

A. mustB. canC. needD. may

4. There is somebody knocking at the door. _______ it be Jim?

A. NeedB. MustC. CanD. Shall

5. — I don’t think the police know who stole the car?

— Well, surprisingly they do. A suspect (嫌疑犯) has been arrested and _______ now.

A. has been questioned B. is being questionedC. is questioningD. has questioned

6. The flight MH370 _______ missing, which made all the Chinese worried.

A. was announcedB. is being announcedC. has announcedD. is announced



1. I asked him, “Have you found the real cause of the accident?”

I asked him _______ he _______ _______ the real cause of the accident.

2. “Always follow your heart when choosing your major (专业),” my teacher said to me.

My teacher _______ me always _______ _______ my heart when choosing _______ major.

3. The geography teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”

The geography teacher said _______ the earth _______ round the sun.

4. He said, “Mary, I passed the College Entrance Examination and was admitted to Zhejiang University.”

He _______ _______ that he _______ _______ the College Entrance Examination and _______ _______ admitted to Zhejiang University.

5. The boy said to me, “Never tell lies to my face.”

The boy _______ me _______ _______ tell lies to _______ face.参考答案:

一、1. from / against 2. to 3. against / with 4. for 5. into 6. of 7. Upon / On 8. by / with 9. at 10. for

二、1. benefit to 2. consulted; about 3. of great significance 4. confidence in 5. charged; so

三、1. urged; not to fool 2. whether the more money you have 3. high time; took measures

4. There is no cure for 5. No matter what decision

四、1-6 BBDCBA

五、1. if / whether; had found 2. told / asked; to follow; my 3. that; goes

4. told Mary; had passed; had been 5. told; not to; his



姓名___________学号___________ 得分__________ Translate the words (15 points)

1. 年长的, 级别高的 s_________________

2. 职员, 雇员e_________________

3. 农业a_________________

4. 经济的e_________________

5. 包括, 包含i__________________

6. 素食者v_________________

7. 构造体, 建筑物s_________________

8. 保存, 保藏p_________________

9. 正常的n_________________

10. 壮丽的, 宏伟的m________________

11. 影响i_________________

12. 击败, 战胜b_________________

13. 宇航员a_________________

14. 文明c_________________

15. 吸引a_________________

Translate the phrases (20 points)

16. 给某人留下深刻的印象 _________________________________

17. 缺乏眼神交流_________________________________

18. 解释, 说明_________________________________

19. 把。。。运用到。。。。_________________________________

20. 领先, 在。。。前_________________________________

21. 意识到_________________________________

22. 朝。。。匆匆一看_________________________________

23. 此为, 另外_________________________________

24. 静止不动_________________________________

25. 区分, 辨别_________________________________

Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions according to the texts (15 points)

26. We guarantee our hairstyle will make you feel __________ top of the world.

27. To ensure your hair looks its best, pay attention __________ what you eat.

28. To help preserve the buildings, only a few people are admitted ________ the Potala Palace every day.

29. A cameraman helped the woman ___________ the stage.

30. ________ white agriculture, plants are grown in water.

31. People who live in cities used to regard farming ________ boring and backward.

32. “ People always prefer Debbie ________ me. I cannot understand it.”

33. Debbie’s body language is making them feel welcome. That’s why they go to her _______ assistance.

34. _________ hesitation , she went to Simon and gave him a big smile.

35. Eye contact is sometimes the key _________ communication.

36. Dry your hair gently with a towel before using the hairdryer. Always set it _______ a low temperature.

37. Stress in your life can also secretly rob your hair ________ its shiny beauty.

38. The director hurried down from the control room _________ the stage.

39. It’s time ________ Travel Quiz and here is your host, Lester Li!

40. Many people believe that sugar is not healthy for you. Others say that sugar is the best source _______


Choice (15 points)

41. The waiter _________ me at a table and then went to fetch me the menu.

A. satB. was seatedC. seatedD. was sat

42. You may stay at home or come into the office _________ you can finish this work in time.

A. as fast asB. whileC. as far asD. as long as

43. The businessman bought a piece of land, _________ he built a new house.

A. at whichB. on whichC. thatD.as

44. The way __________ the teachers teach us maths in senior high school is quite different from that in

junior middle school. Which of the following is WRONG?

A. in whichB. thatC. /D. in that

45. Only those in authority can _________ the building.

A. have direct access toB. have directly access toC. have direct accessD. have directly

access to

46. Pass it on to _______ is in the office.

A. whoB. whomC. whomeverD. whoever

47. We have made ________ a rule to visit our former teachers on Teacher’s Day.

A.. /B. thisC. thatD. it

48. Do you know where _______ Jay Chou’s next solo concert will be held?

A. it is thatB. is itC. is it thatD. it is

49. The little boy ________ home because the film was so boring.

A. felt like to goB. felt like goingC. felt like goD. felt like went

50. Mary changed her hairstyle so ________ that we can’t recognize her sometimes.

A. thoroughlyB. especiallyC. carefullyD. frequently

51. ________ money and food if you can and many people in the flood will be saved.

A. GivingB. GivenC. To giveD. Give

52. The doctor advised the old couple to live _______ there is more fresh air.

A. in whereB. in whichC. whereD. the place where

53. The famous song reminded me ______ the singer, Michael Jackson, who passed away in June, 2009.

A. ofB. atC. toD. with

54. Recently I bought a house, _________face the street.

A. which windowsB. whose windowsC. the windows of whoseD. of which


55. In fact, I recognized you _______ I saw you at the airport.

A. the momentB. whileC. untilD. once

56. ---I don’t like the film but I enjoy the music in it.


A. So do I .B. So I do.C. Neither do I.D. So it is with me.

57. Rather than _______ a lot of money, Jerry preferred ________ a peaceful life.

A. make , to leadB. make, leadingC. to make, to leadD. to make, lead

58. All shoes, ________ their sizes are, are of the same price.

A. howeverB. whateverC. no matterD. in spite of

59. Is this museum _______ you paid a visit to last week?

A. whichB. whereC. the oneD. that

60. The reason _________ he was angry was _________ he lost the game yesterday.

A. why , thatB. which, /C. for which, becauseD. which , that

Cloze (20 points)

People are worried about the fact that the number of whales is getting smaller and smaller. Whales have

been ___61___since about the eleventh century. Certain types of whales have been hunted too much. Recently, their number has been ____62____so greatly that they are ____63____danger of becoming extinct. People are working to save the whales.

There are reasons why people want to __64___the whales. One reason is that whales help to keep a ___65___between plants and animals. People have been throwing their ___66____ into the oceans and seas, and these wastes increase the number of ___67__in ocean and sea water. The increased salt helps some plants and some very small creatures to grow. And these plants and small creatures are ___68___ to fish. However, whales are eating large numbers of plants and animals that grow in very salty water. In this way, whales are doing a ___69___job when they keep the ocean water clean enough for the fish. In addition, because fish __70__ necessary food to many people, whales become people’s good friends that we want to save.

Some people are now working to save whales by using the law. They hold meetings to ask fishermen to reduce the number of whales that can be killed in a year. They also work within countries to persuade law makers to decide that whaling , as well as the use of whale products are against the law.

61. A. takenB. huntedC. collectedD. gathered

62. A. increasedB. addedC. reducedD. decreased

63. A. ofB. atC. withinD. in

64. A. protectB. defendC. preventD. take care

65. A. battleB. balanceC. peaceD. friendship

66. A. foodB. sweetsC. wastesD. fruit

67. A. wastesB. sugarC. airD. salt

68. A. harmB. harmfulC. goodD. benefit

69. A. badB. dangerousC. goodD. terrible

70. A. cleanB. supplyC. findD. produce

Translation (15 points)

71. 你知道哪一种药物能使我们预防感冒吗? (keep…from…)

72. 他们安排了一个学生来参加这次电视竞答节目。(arrange)

73. 医生建议我们应该有一个均衡的饮食结构。(advise)

74. 儿子被警告不准再玩电脑游戏了。(warn)

75. 广泛的阅读让我受益匪浅, 现在我的英语有了很大进步。(benefit)





1.A noodleB. footballC. moveD. spoon

2. A. fatherB. blackC. carD. banana

3. A. thinkB. theirC. grandmotherD. this

4. A. stationB. shopC. shoesD. sure

5. A. whereB. whoseC. watermelonD. which

6. A. ideaB. theatreC. hereD. there


1、我们的教室 _________________ 2. 一个新来的学生________________ 3. 在冰箱上 _____________________

4. 我的好朋友 __________________ 5. 在医院里___________________6. 一些橘子汁 __________________

7. in the blue shirt _____________8. play football __________________ 9. how about________________

10. in the airport _________________ 11. let me see _______________ 12. about sixty __________________



1、-Welcome to our classroom ! - . A. Your classroom is big B. Your classroom is bright

C. Thank you


2、-Get up , Helen ! - . A .All right B. Thank you C. Great


3、- . Is this bus for Shanghai ? -No, it isn’t . It’s for Xuzhou . A. Hi B. Excuse me C. Sorry


4、-Shall we play football ? - . A. Yes , sir B. Good idea C. Me , too


5、-I’m thirsty . I’d like some . A. sandwiches B. noodles C. water


6、-It’s 7:00 in the morning . It’s time to . A. have lunch B. go to bed C. go to school


7、- is this dress ? -Sixty yuan . A .How much B. What color C. Whose


8、-I go to Falian Supermarket . A .by a bike B. by the bike C. by bike


9、-What’s breakfast ? -Milk and bread . A. on B. for C. in


10、We can see lots of books in the . A. library B. station C. theatre


11、Look , there is a nice bird the tree . A. on B. in C. at


12、There some songbooks and a guitar in the music room. A. am B. is C. are


13、-What do you want to be ? -I want to be a . A. girl B. boy C. policeman


14、The man over there is teacher . A .our B. you C. they


15、Harry• Potty (哈利•波特)is English boy . A. a B. an B. the



1、Is this bus for the supermarket?A、It’s in the tree .

2、Shall we go to the hospital by taxi ?B、 How nice.

3、Look, I’v got a new bookcase.C、No, it isn’t .

4、Where’s the bird ?D、There’s a small cat .

5、What’s in the box ?E、OK.


1、What’s her name ?A、She’s yangLing .

2、What are these ?B、No, it isn’t .

3、Are they drivers ?C、Here you are .

4、I’d like some pears , please.D、No, They aren’t .

5、Is this bus for the station ?E、Chopsticks


( how old , who’s ,whose , where’s , let’s , shall we , what , what’s , )

1. ______ the man with big eyes ? He’s my grandfather .

2. ______go to the the station by taxi . OK .

3. ______ my English teacher ? She’s in the computer room .

4. ______ blouse is this ? It’s Nancy’s .

5. ______ go to the supermarket by car ? OK.

6. ______ on your desk ? There’s a pen and a book .

7. ______ are these ? They are grapes .

8. ______ are you ? I’m ten .


1、我们乘火车去上海好吗?好的。 Shall we go to Shanghai by _____ ? All right .

2、那个在出租车里的女孩是谁? 她是我朋友。 Who’s the _____ in the ______ ? She’s _____ _____ .

3、你想要什么?一些面条和一杯橘子汁。 ______ would you like ? Some ______ and a glass of ______ ______ .

4、教室里有什么?有黑板,书架和一些椅子。 What’s in the _______ ? There’s a ________ , a ______ and some ________ .

5、冰箱里没有牛奶。 There’s no milk in the ______ .


My Room This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, a ruler, a pen and some flowers in the vase(花瓶). On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock on my bed . I can put my football under my bed. There is a chair near the desk . I sit(坐) there and I can see the trees and the flowers outside(外面) .

()1. What can you see on my desk? A. Some books B. Some flowers. C. A ruler and a pen. D. A, B and C

()2. Where is the picture? It’s _________ . A. on the desk B. on the wall C. above the end of the bed D. under the bed

()3. What’s under the bed? A. A ruler. B. A football. C. A cat. D. A clock.

()4. Are there any trees outside(外面)? A. Yes , they are. B. Yes, there are. C. No, they aren’t.

D. No, there aren’t.

()5. The clock is ____ the bed . A. near B. in C. on D. behind


Home alone Act one Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. Dad: It’s so nice to be home!

Mom: Yes, I can’t wait to surprise the boys!

Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. Eric: Mom! Dad! You’re back early! (looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but--- you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow! The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad. Mom: (Bending to touch dog) Eric, he’s so tired and hungry! (looking at table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! What did you do with the cash we left? Dad: And look at this room— garbage all over the place! Where is your brother? (shouting angrily) Daniel! Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explain--- Dad opens the curtains and light comes into the room. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper.

Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel. Dad: (sounding very angry) listen to me, young man----we left you in charge? We thought you could act like an adult! I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty--- Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions. Dad: How can we trust you any more? We won’t tolerate such behavior in our house!

Daniel: ( shouting) Stop shouting at me. I’m still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door. Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out. Act two, scene one Daniel and Eric’s bedroom. Eric sits on his bed. Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset. Daniel: They never even gave me a chance to explain. I hate them! Eric: You don’t hate them. I can tell them we had an emergency. Then they won’t be mad anymore. Daniel: No, don’t tell them anything. Anyhow they didn’t trust me. They don’t deserve an explanation. Let them think what they want. Eric: But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and we used the money to take him to the clinic--- Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him and that is why we had no time to clean the house --- but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me? Act two, scene two Mom: Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess…

Dad: Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he won’t respect us.

Mom: Oh, why does this have to be so difficult? Mom sigh End of act two.

Growing pains Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through. Day by day, everything seems different, yet the same. Life never seems to be going fast enough; yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control. Has anyone else ever felt this way? These feelings are a common part of adolescence—the time of life between child and adult. And, though it may some times be difficult to believe, you are not alone—every adult has gone through adolescence, and your friends are going through it right now along with you. It is common for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood. These feelings can be thought of as growing pains—the difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults.

As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world both inside and outside of them. During adolescence, teenagers go through great physical changes. They grow taller and their voices get deeper, among many other developments.

Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes. Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard. Many boys become risk-takers—they want to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their behavior. At the same time, girls often want someone—anyone—to talk to, as they try to deal with their strong feelings.

In the social world, as teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on themselves. They may badly want and need their parents’ love, yet feel distant; they may want to be part of the group, yet desire independence. Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society.

The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last. In the end everything turns out OK—the teenager becomes a healthy adult, and this period of change and challenge is traded for the changes and challenges of grown-up life.



enjoy: enjoy doing sth.

enjoy oneself

enjoyable: adj 有乐趣的,令人愉快的 experience:n:可数名词:经历


v: 经历

experienced :

be experienced in He is very experienced in looking after animals. earn:

earn one’s living:谋生

She earns her living by writing. respect: show one’s respects to; respect sb for sth. devote:v.致力于;献身 devote one’s time to…; devote one’s life to… average:

above/below the average on average ; an average of…

A reporter said that women lived an average of 5 years longer than men. struggle: struggle to do sth,

struggle with/for/against The children talked so loudly that I had to struggle to __________ (hear). challenging: face a challenge: 面临挑战; meet the challenge of :迎接……挑战

I am looking forward to the challenge of my new job.

School must meet the challenge of new technology. satisfaction satisfy


be satisfied with…

She was not satisfied with the outcome of her effort. She looked at his face with satisfaction. exchange:

in exchange for


exchange sth. with sb.

Would you like my old TV in exchange for the camera?

You can exchange your currency for dollars in this hotel. free :

free of charge

for free

be free to do

The expressways’ toll gates are __________ during the eight-day “Golden Week” holiday.

I can offer you breakfast for free. former: adj 以前的

the former

the latter

former president

Jane and Mary are good friends, the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse. graduate: graduate from(学校)

graduate in (专业)

graduation develop :with the development of… gift:

have a gift for:

gifted He has a gift for language, while his sister is a gifted pianist. independent : be independent of…

depend on


It was very important for me to be financially independent of my parents.

inform: inform sb. that

inform sb. of sth.

keep ab. informed

Please inform us of the further information as soon as possible.

We will keep you informed of our progress and look forward to hearing from you. approve: 批准,通过,赞成

approve of

No teachers can approve of cheating on exams. charge: in charge of

in the charge of

free of charge 免费

charge sb. … 要某人多少钱

be charged with: 被指控

take charge of: 接管 select:选择

select sb. as…

select sb. to do

more than

no more than 不超过

no more… than… 和


not more…than… 没有


more… than…


不如说 frighten : be frightened to do…

be frightened of doing…

be frightened to death bend :

bend over :附身

bend to : 屈服

bend one’s attention on…专心于 starve: starve to death

starve for… 渴望


tolerate: tolerate doing

Nobody can tolerate being laughed at in public. deserve:

deserve to do 值得…

deserve doing= deserve to be done

He deserves rewarding. can hardly wait to do …

can’t wait for…

be supposed to do… teachers are supposed to treat all students alike. be supposed to have done: He was supposed to have finished his homework last night. insist: insist on doing

insist that sb. should do worry : worry about

be worried about… harm:

do harm to …

be harmful to…

forbid: forbid sb. from doing…

forbid sb. to do… tend: tend to do…

tend to sb. 照顾…

mix: mix up 弄混

mix with


mix … up with

把。。。和。。。弄混 figure: 体形;数据;人物

figure out 想出 理解

We should try to learn from our mistakes and figure out how to do it better. ashamed: be ashamed of…

be ashamed that…

be shamed to do… recover: recover from…

prefer:prefer to do…

prefer doing to doing

prefer to do… rather than do

Rather than travel abroad with her parents, she preferred to do volunteer work during the holiday. suffer:


suffer from+ 疾病 伤痛

sufferings 痛苦

Although the old man suffered a lot in the disaster, he did not tell others his sufferings. consider: consider doing …

consider … as…

consider that


have no effect on… take effect 生效 come into effect 生效

side effect 副作用 make the most of : make use of…

make good use of …

make the best of…

make full use of…

make little use of… in the long term:从长远角度看

in terms of:就


Those who do everything in terms of money won’t lead a happy life.
