
2023-06-30 版权声明 我要投稿



面试 开头 结尾常用语 总结

























14、事业有成一帆风顺时许多人的美好想法,其实很难做到一帆风顺,要接受这样一个现实,人的一生不可能是一帆风顺的,成功的背后会有许许多多的艰辛,痛苦甚至挫折。在人生的一段时期遇到一些挫折是很正常的。只有经验知识和经历的积累才能塑造出一个成功者,许 多伟大的成功者,都经受过挫折的磨难。




















◆ I should appreciate the privilege of an intervies.I may be reached by letter at the address given

above,or by telephone at 1234651.

◆ I feel that a personal meeting would give us the opportunity to discuss your shout-and long-term

objectives and my ability to direct your organization towards successfully achieving those goals.

◆ I should be glad to have a personal interview,and can furmish references if desired.

◆ Thank you for your consideration.

◆ I will contact you in a few days to arrange a meeting for further discussion.In the interim,shold you

require additional information,I may be reached at 6666666 between 11:00AM and 6:00PM.

◆ I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your

needs.Thank you for your time and consideration.

◆ I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review.I look forward to

meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.

◆ Thank you for your attention to this matter.I lood forward to speaking with you.

◆ The enclosed resume describles my qualifications for the position advertised.I would welcome the

opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.

◆ I would welcome the opportunity for a personal intervies with you at your convenience.

◆ I feel confident that given the opportunity,I can make an immediate contribution to Any

Corporation.I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements.I will call your office on Friday,to schedule an appointment.Thank you for your consideration.

◆ I look forward to speaking with you.

◆ I can be reached at the telephone number listed above.I would appreciate any leads you could give


Again,I very much enjoyed our conversation.


法语和法式信件习惯法语是世界上最精确的语言,动词的变位不用说,还要视情况与人称的性 、数配合。难度最大的要数形容词和过去分词的搭配,根据不同情况搭配也要变化 ,一般来说,如果是阴性要加“e”,复数加“s”或“x”。虽然如此,还会有一些例外,如颜色的性数搭配就得看它是否来自水果、花或宝石的名称,因为这些颜色作为形容词是没有性数变化的。

大多数情况下,口语里好多音不读出来,容易蒙混过关,可是写起来就难免不出错,而且肯定会出错,连法国人都免不了。每年法国电视二台由比沃先生举办一年一度的全国性听写比赛,看谁错得少,不出错的常常是凤毛麟角,当然听写中肯定会有很多圈套。有朋友自称只错了三个地方,已经是高水平了。尽管法语如此之难,法国人仍对写错字或语法错误深恶痛绝,而且一点也不含糊,他们看到一个错处尤如眼中钉肉中刺,不除不快。如此,一般较正式的文字都要经过好几个人过目和修改。那些招聘人材的企业,但凡看到求职信中 有一处错马上就弃之一旁不再理会。

法国人对写信的格式十分讲究,如信的首句应避免以“我”字开头,结尾时根 据收信人的身份要使用不同的礼貌用语等。礼貌用语的格式一般都是现成的,但给一个平级的人,职位高的人,女士之间,女士给男士,男士给女士等用语都不尽相同。最简单的可以是“先生,请接受我崇高的敬意”,也可以是“请相信,女士,我最真挚的情感”,听起来似乎很肉麻,实际上人们并不在意这些信末用语的措词 ,但这也不是不注意如何使用的原因。而且它们虽千篇一律,不用却是无论如何说不过去的。












•1.拐弯抹角离题千里。落笔时,总爱兜圈子。有人把它比作大头娃娃。 •2.千篇一律格式固定。开头写来写去就是这么几句话。


















〖例5〗“我思念家乡,不仅因为那里有凫凫的炊烟,有翠绿的竹林,有会唱歌的小溪,说句实话,还有那令人馋涎欲滴的包谷,更有那乡亲们暖暖的的温情和温馨的笑语。” •〖例6〗“夕阳西下,我漫步河滩;身后,一串歪歪斜斜的足迹在不断延伸,而那一件痛苦的往事和经历却也随这足迹不断地涌现出来,使人不堪回首„„”





•〖例10〗“春夏季节,满山遍野一片雪白。那是家乡的酸枣花开了。看到了酸枣花,不禁又使我想起我的一位小邻居,她便如这可爱的小花,也这么冰清雪白„„” •〖例11〗“落了,深秋的枯叶洒满山野;近了,初冬的脚步踏进了南园。我的思维又一次回到小学母校,又一次想起曾经耗尽心血关心和爱护过我的张老师


















•〖例23〗“下课铃响了,同学们都谈笑风生或争先恐后地涌出课室。只有我呆望着黑板,回味着老师刚才对课文精彩透彻的的分析。我最爱上X老师的语文课了„„” •〖例24〗“我曾一度向往直线,喜欢它顺利和平直。而后来,我终于明白:曲线比直线更富有魅力。因为我的学习和奋斗过程,就便如这一条曲线„„”
















































•“这不是普通的眼泪,每一滴,每一颗,都是万金难买的友谊“我们胜利了?不,这仅仅是新生活的开始!”〖例15-夸张〗 〖例16-设问〗




1. The following characteristics may best demonstrate certain advantages of …

2. „ In general, the situation is still serious.

3. The bright side and the dark side of … have been summarized as follows.

4. Different people have different opinions(ideas) about „

5. In daily life, we often meet with various situations concerning …

6. People enjoy several benefits from …

7. Different attitudes towards … may be listed as follows.二、常用点明主题的句型。

1. It has been said that …

2. In my opinion, it is right to …

3. In a certain sense, …


1. „refer to …

2. „may be described as …

3. …can be defined as …


1. In order to … I write this passage.

2. The present author (笔者、本文作者)has written this essay so as to „

3. This article is written not for the purpose of …, but for the purpose of …

4. The composition is written for the sake of …

5. I have this report published in the hope of …

6. Owing to(Because of, Due to)„, I write these words.五、常用提出问题的句型。

1. What has caused the problem?

2. Have you ever thought about the factors which can be attributedto the phenomenon?

3. What is the nature of …?

4. What are the causes of this new phenomenon?

5. ____ now plays such an influential part in people’s lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing (福) or a curse (祸). Obviously ____ has both bright side and dark side. But does the former outweigh the latter?


6.It has never been explained why „

7.No one could explain why „


1. An ancient Chinese saying goes, “ … ”.

2. As an English proverb exposes one truth , “ … ”.

3. A motto (箴言,座右铭) reads, “ „ ”.

4. A famous philosopher once said, “ … ”.文章结尾


一. 意犹未尽。此类结束语往往能唤起读者的期待感。

1) The suggestion (proposal, plan, scheme, etc.) is open to question (discussion, argument, etc.).

2) The phenomenon remains to be further studied.

3) This article is only the beginning of a long essay.

4) What has been discussed above is only the tip of an iceberg (冰山一角).

5) The story is hardly unique. There are many similar stories in reality.

6) This is not the only case. It is worth conducting further research.

7) But this new application is another story — one we will talk about in another article.

二. 号召呼吁。有的作者往往在此类结束语中提出一些具体建议。

1) It’s time for us to realize the urgency of the situation. Complaint and gloom are useless; we should readjust to new challenges. Today we must take immediate actions to preserve a hopeful tomorrow.

2) Though we have made much progress, we must remember that it is only the first step in the right direction. Let’s continue to contribute our efforts and ideas. To solve the problem (To reach our goals, To realize our dreams, To carry out the project further, etc.), we still have a long way to go.

3) To realize „, we should initiate (开始,着手) a series of measures. Firstly, government must enforce strategic policy in the long run. Secondly, the development of has to come along with the perfecting of the country’s laws (or democracy or social security network, etc.). Thirdly, the power to implement laws (执法力度) should be strengthened. All this means that we must take immediate and efficient actions.

4) Ways of coping with the issue are many, but what really counts is that we should do more than talk about handling the problem. Only when the whole country (or the whole world) all go into action can we really solve it. Bear in mind the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”

5) To deal with the serious crisis, governments at all levels or governments worldwide (各级政府或各国政府) have had to adopt legal, economic and administrative (行政的) means. Besides, common folks should make consistent efforts. Let’s keep a close watch over the progress.

6) In order to prevent the bad situation from turning worse, all sides concerned must find an efficient way to cope with it. The authorities related should improve the system and carry out regulations more strictly. Meanwhile ordinary citizens should abide by (遵守) laws and regulations.

7) I am making this appeal for society to pay overwhelming attention to this essential issue. It is not enough for government to strengthen supervision of the management of ______ (加强对······管理的监督). All the concerned citizens musttranslate high spirit into more concrete (具体的) and practical actions. We need to work harder to achieve our goal.

三. 预测展望

1) Much of the worsening situation could be changed if all sides make more effective efforts. We have high hopes for people because they may translate high spirit into more concrete and practical actions.

2) Fortunately the solutions are in sight. The success of previous practice indicates a new dimension(direction方向). Advanced science and technology will be introduced and applied in solving the problem. The road is tough, but the future is bright.

3) Clearly, as the economy develops and society advances, ____ will play increasingly important roles in modern life, and will thus become an indispensable part for people’s life.

4) Every old game has a definite end, and every new one is a world reborn. The change will be a turning point from poverty to prosperity (繁荣). We are confident that we will bring our hopes to fruition, and we are certain that tomorrow will be better than today.

5) If the decline continues, the situation will soon be out of control. In this sense, the fighting is a life-and-death struggle. Therefore, the industrial insiders(业内人士) are likely to seek immediate solutions to halt (阻止) the worsening trend (趋势).

6) After carefully weighing the pros and cons (权衡利弊), the government will probably take some actions to prevent the current situation from worsening.

四. 归纳总结

1) Obviously, the use of ____(某种技术、发明、革新项目如克隆技术、互联网、转基因食品、数码电视或生活用品如汽车、电话、空调等), like anything else, has both advantages and disadvantages. While they are so indispensable to mankind they also bring serious problems. We can only hope that people, while making the best use of ____, will eventually find a satisfactory solution to the problems caused by them.

2) So we can conclude: ____ can give us enjoyment, and also bring some troubles. All that depends on how we make use of it. We should make it our good servant, not our bad master.

3) From the discussion above, it can be summed up that ____ is one of the most useful things in modern life. Its advantages are self-evident(不言自明), while its disadvantages are headaches. Now we must try our best to make it serve us well. At the same time, we should take measures to limit and reduce its side effects.

4) Clearly, like everything else, ____ has two sides — the bright side and the dark side. The dark side does not mean that we should abandon ____, of course. It does mean that we have had to find ways to deal with the problems ____ causes. The

key to the question is how we use it to its best advantage.

5) Weighing the two sides, both arguments seem to be reasonable. It is no denying(不可否认)that as a miracle(奇迹)of technology created by human beings, ____ has penetrated(渗透)nearly every aspect of our life, therefore, its influences on society are of a big concern. It also goes without saying(不言而喻)that ___ may be applied by evil people to harm public, thus____ should be brought under control.

6) There are many other arguments for and against____. I think, we must realize that in itself ____ is neither good nor bad. Actually, it is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to people and society.

7) In view of the mentioned features of ____, the use of ____ should be well controlled. We ought to find a safer means which will bring joy and comfort rather than blood and tears.
