
2022-07-21 版权声明 我要投稿



The increase of food production owns much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people say it has a negative impact on human health and community.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

It it evidentially true that advanced machinery and fertilizers, to a large degree, optimize food production. However, by giving it all negative comments, I believe it unreasonable and irrational since it merely represents only one single step rather than the entire processing procedure.

It cannot be repudiated that side-effects fertilizers and machinerybring about are somehow obvious.For instance, the chemical substances detrimental to health seep into crops and vegetables along withfertilizers. Sometimes, overdose of any chemical may directly result in certain degrading of body organs. More seriously, the universal application of machinery may replace human labor force as a more efficient substitute, which may lead to the rise of unemployment. Besides, the waste gas generated by all those units will definitely contribute to local air quality or perhaps global warming.Nevertheless, is it true that we, as human beings, should leave all these inventions behind and pretend they have never made a great difference?

On the other side, it is a logical error to take one certain step as the whole process. Currently, along with scientific advancement, people rarely take raw food as in the past. Thanks to the perfection of food processing industry, there are more procedures, such as filtering, degerming, or low-temperature evaporating, to guarantee food quality harmless to human bodies.In addition, many trace elements and other nutrient vitamins are, through advanced operation, compoundedin the food in order to improve the nutrient composition of the food itself. Therefore, it is fairly assertive and parochial to claim fertilizers and machinery have a negative impact. And more ironically, if human beings did not apply them in food production today,there would be no way to feed growing world population.

As was previously stated and well discussed, the role and function of fertilizers and machinery in food production is overgeneralized and misinterpreted.Personally, they both serve well in food production, and their flaws are avoidable most of time.




开头段1-2句 转述原题

主体段11+X句 每个主体段第一句话概括本段,X句介绍数字


结尾段1-2句 第一句介绍总数total(如果没有就不写),第二句作结论




proportion/ percentageinformation/ datanumber/ figures

family/ householdmales/ menfemales/ women

influence/ affect(v.) effect(n.)categories/ kinds/ typesdemand/ need

subway/ underground railwaystore/ shopuniversity/ college show/ describe/ illustrate/ demonstrate/ summarize/ indicate




1. 数据按顺序介绍,不要跳跃

2. 4类关键数据:maximum最大值,minimum最小值,trend变化趋势,intersection交叉点(线图)


As can be seen from the table that…

It can be seen from the table that…

We can see from the table that…

According to the xx chart, …

It is interesting to note that…

Noticeably, (Interestingly)


To be more specific, … = more specifically

To be more exact,… = more exactly



increased/ an increaserose/ a rise


rocketed (boomed)a rocket (a boom)


dropped/ a dropdecreased/ a decreasereduced / a reduction


slumpeda slump


stabilizedremained / maintained / stayedstable / constant / steady


fluctuateda fluctuation


peaked atreached the highest point at (as high as)


reached the bottom at


rapid rapidly/ slow slowly


significant significantly/ gradual gradually/ steady steadily/ slight slightly

大约:about/ around/approximately / just over/ just under


reached/ stood at / arrived at


A is expected/ predicted / estimated / projected to reach …




accounted for/ made up/ represented the percentage of / was responsible for / provided


As can be seen from the graph, the number of … fluctuated during the period of … .

As can be seen from the graph, there was a slight rise in the number of *** from *** to ***

The period between *** and *** experienced a slight rise of …, with the number reaching ***.

It can be seen from the chart that *** accounted for the greatest proportion of ***

As for other categories, …

After that, an opposite trend occurred.

The highest … was A, followed by…


Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the table that …


The process diagram illustrates in *** stages how …


In the first stage(picture, period), … / Initially,

In the next step, …

After that(Next/ Then), …

Finally, … (the whole cycle starts over again.)


at this stage/ at this point/ as the diagram shows

Therefore, the process diagram clearly shows that …

雅思大作文高分模版 – (1)



1. As the world continues to increase in complexity, ** (点题目的范围,比如education, crime, environmentalpreservation等) has triggered a wide public concern and discussion.

2. When it comes to whether … (这句从句一定要写对,就是点题) , people hold conflicting opinions.

3. Personally, I strongly think that …

第二段 (你反对的那一方的有道理的部分。一般1-2个观点)

双边结合:On the one hand, there is no doubt that sth. has certain advantages (disadvantages).

只选择一边立场:One’s first inclination might be to argue that sth. has certain advantages (disadvantages).

第一个观点To begin with, … .第二个观点Moreover, … .


as a result/ to be more specific/ in other words/ for instance

第三段 (你支持的那一方的观点,一般2-3个观点)

双边结合:On the other hand, we should not ignore the disadvantages it may bring along.

只选择一边立场:A quick look at the following facts, however, may show us a different picture.

连接词注意不要重复即可,如on top of that / besides / apart from

结尾段 (此类文章结尾必须要写)(仅以抽烟好不好为例)

只选择一边立场:Overall, despite the advantages smoking may bring, I think it has more disadvantages in terms of individual health and other aspects. Therefore, people should not be encouraged to take up smoking.

如果为双边结合的,结尾可用not only, but also 连接


雅思大作文高分模版 – (2)



As the world continues to increase in complexity, **(点题)has triggered a wide public concern and discussion. New solutions to this problem are being proposed, trialed and implemented with ever increasing speed.

This essay aims to analyze the reasons for and potential influences(effects) brought by this problem and tries to give some possible solutions. 一定要看清楚题目问了哪几个问题,cause, effect, solution不一定都问的。


The causes of the problem facing the world are diverse.


Obviously, the situation has had various influences (consequences) on our society, (both positive and negative ones).如果没有好的影响,逗号后面就写mostly negative ones.


Considering these causes, actions should be taken in several fields.

(The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable.) 这句话很好,但不适用所有的题目。

结尾段 (可以不写) 以下两种写法根据题目任选一种

1. In conclusion, I think there are many reasons why …, and corresponding measures should be taken. Only by

concerted efforts of governments and individuals, can this demanding challenge be addressed.

2. Progress is being made. The problem, though, remains the same. Will the change come quickly enough?


为大家整理了雅思大作文高分技巧:——对比,对比是雅思大作文写作中的高分方法,因为使用对比可以突出主题,也可以是文章更为吸引人。对比方法在雅思大作文写作这种的应用很多,可以把对比应用在事例中,也可以应用在顺序中。 华一留学的小编为大家转载这篇文章。


Those who believe in the measure say that students benefit a lot from traveling or working for a year before their formal university education. First, they can more broadly acquainted themselves with the society, deepen their understanding of the outside world, and thus better coordinate their objectives of learning with the needs of the society. In contrast, by immediate entrance to university they can not steer the direction of their study well and may display a poor combination of the theory with practice. Second, study at high school is really exhausting, especially when to win college

admission. So it is necessary to grant these children a relatively long period of relaxation or buffer, say, traveling or working for a year, to loosen the chords of their brain, so that when they go back to school later again, they can become completely refreshed and rejuvenated.



Then, since the transportation system is the lifeline of a country’s economic activities, its paralysis would lead to the disintegration of the economy, either industry of farming or daylife. Suppose all the means of transportation were halted for lack of oil, factories with insufficient raw materials would have to close, workers would be out of work, and ripe farm crops would have to stay in the fields at the mercy of rain and storms. People would try to store food and the price of all commodities would go up. If we take those power stations run by oil into account, situations would become even worse. In this sense, oil decides the fate of the whole economy and that of the government.













Putting criminals into prisons is not an effective way to deal with them. Instead, education and job training should be offered. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

How to handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face.Traditionally, the approach has been to punish them by placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done.Some, however, advocate for trying to make them better with training and education and it seems they may have a good point.

First of all, consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail.It doesn’t seem like a good use of public money if the people don’t actually get any better.Because most criminals eventually are let out of prison, our focus should be on making them better citizens.

In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didn’t have a good education or happy family.So if they can learn job skills they perhaps can find work and feel they can contribute in a positive way.If they do this, they won’t need crime.Surly everyone deserves a second chance.

Of course this does not mean that we should be too lenient on criminals.Those who commit crime should still be punished, but during their punishment they should also be treated.If we make an investment in them and show compassion, most will be able to make a new start.

To summarize, we must make more of an effort to go to the root of the problem.We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: education and training.By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healthier.

(271 words)



好文章。末段第二句的比喻给本文增色不少,:We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: education and training.十分贴切。










in jail监禁

end up最后结果

commit crime犯罪

make an investment in…投资于

make an effort to do 努力去做


In fact, the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because

they didn’t have a good education or happy family.

We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need:

education and training.

By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer

and healthier.



Topic: Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is true that using computers can facilitate children’s study, enrich their social life, broaden their knowledge and provide many other benefits. Yet, using computers on a daily basis introduces more problems than benefits on young children.

First of all, using computers everyday causes health problems. We all know that looking at computer screen for a long time will weaken children’s eyesight. Moreover, once a child gets used to this sedentary lifestyle, he or she would exercise less than used to be, and this unhealthy lifestyle will accompany he/she for long.

Secondly, computers usually lead to poor academic performance. It is undeniable that students can use computers to gathering information needed by their study. But do young children really need to use computers to do their homework everyday? We all have the experience that primary school or kindergarten homework can be easily finished by using paper and pens. So most children just use computers to play video games or watch Youtube. These activities will lower their interests on study. After all computer games or funny videos are much more interesting than learning math or history.

Finally, using computers can lead to the result of isolating children in a small world or

discouraging real interactions. An increasing number of children nowadays prefer to stay at home and play computer games or make friends online through social networks, like Facebook, rather than mixing with their peers. These ‘virtual’ relationships are poor substitute for real friendships.

In conclusion, young children can benefit from using computers, but they should avoid overusing computers.




特点一:太空探索话题再次出现 2013.7.6 Space travel has been possible for some time. Some people think space tourism can be more developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

这是一道是有关于太空探索的题目。而上一次出现此类话题的时间需要追溯至7年前,2006年4月8日的雅思A类写作考试。当时的考题是: 2006.4.8 In the past century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon, he said, ‘It is a big step for mankind.’ But some people think it makes little difference to our daily life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



space technology


astronomy 天文学

man-made satellite 人造卫星

aviation 航空

telecommunication 通信

weather forecast


military use 军事用途

risky investment 风险投资 public investment 公共投资 private investment 私人投资

以下关于一些有关太空探索的利与弊 Advantages:

general prestige for countries like China, Japan and India expanding our environment and saving humanity in case of global destruction Disadvantages:

the possible loss of life possibility of infection from alien viruses and bacteria yet comets spread these too high costs which could be used to help the needy or sponsor other experiments, yet money spent on all the space programs is paid to suppliers, services and personnel who again pay taxes. No cash is ever "lost" or "wasted" in space. There would be a high economic loss and some difficulty may appear.

Ø 特点二:旧题新面貌

在2013年的雅思大作文考题中,我们不难发现,有相当一部分的考题实际上是原来旧题的翻新题。也就是说,出题者在原有旧题的基本上,对题目进行改编从而形成一个新的题目。 例如:

对比以下两道题: 2013.6.22 (A类)

Some people think that the government should offer financial support and care to the elderly, while others think that people should save money for their future life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

2007.8.25 (A类)

Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Ø 特点三:G类和A类考题互通 经常有考生问,“我是A类考生,需不需要看G类的写作机经?”同样地,也经常有G类考生问要不要看A类的写作机经。在这里,我们通过以下两道题的对比,来回答考生们的提问。

对比以下两道题: 2013.3.9 (G类) The best way to protect the environment is to reduce the amount of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2006.2.18 (A类) Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the world’s fuel resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Ø 难题一:2013.1.19 (A类) 2013.1.19 (A类) Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


文章的结构可以如下: 第一段:开头段。


第三段:先是过渡一下。然后论证“为什么并非每个父母都需要参加育儿课程”。 第四段:结尾段。

Ø 雅思大作文难题二:2013.9.21 (A类) 2013.9.21 (A类)

Through history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but people have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like. What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society? How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?

这道题中有一个细节,很多考生会忽略。那就是第一个问题中“the most important element”。很多考生在回答第一个问题的时候,关于如何成就一个完美社会,会给出两个甚至两个以上的因素,忽视了题目中所强调的“最重要的一个因素”的概念,从而产生审题不清的问题,最终导致写作分数的下降。因此,在这里,笔者强烈建议考生,在考场上要看清楚考题中每一个细节,而不是粗略地读一下而已。

