
2022-11-15 版权声明 我要投稿


摘要:越南改革开放近30年来,农业取得了长足的发展,为整个经济的发展做出了巨大贡献。但是,在现阶段农业现代化的要求下,越南农业和农业机械化发展仍然存在许多问题需要解决和改善。本研究分析了农业机械化与农业生产中的劳动力、土地、资本等因素的关系,分析了越南农业发展的现状和面临的困难和挑战。机械化在农业生产中的地位分析表明,农业机械化是越南农业发展的决定性因素。目前,在自然条件、劳动力、化肥和化学品等其他投入因素已达到相当稳定的水平情况下,农业产量的提高将取决于农业生产机械化的发展。此外,机械化还与农业中的劳动力、土地和资本有互动关系。农业机械化有释放农村劳动力的作用性,并提高农业劳动力效率和增加农民收入。另一方面,劳动力从农业部门向非农部门转移,农业土地集中和积累,扩大农业生产规模,增加农户收入,也是加快农业机械化进程的动力。因此,必须制定越南农业机械化政策,选择适合各地区特色生产的最佳模式,提高农业生产资金效率。本文总结和分析了前人研究成果,综合运用系统分析的基本原理和方法,结合系统工程方法、计算机技术和数据挖掘技术,结合比较研究方法,实证研究方法,定量研究方法。得出以下主要结论:1)农业机械化程度较低,但呈现快速增长态势。机械主要用于重型作业,如土地准备和收获,它也可以用来减少收获后的损失,并确保产品质量,如干燥和保存后收获的农产品。越南农业生产中使用的农用设备多为中小型,马力小于 12的小型拖拉机占拖拉机总数的55%,12到35马力的中型拖拉机(42%),大型拖拉机超过35马力(约3%),和其他机器具有类似的比例。每100户农户平均设备只有1.05台拖拉机,动力为12马力以上,2.4台拖拉机动力小于12马力。2)根据越南进口农业机械的产值和结构数据,发现进口越南农业机械的产值增长非常快。根据这些数据,进口农业机械在越南农业机械中占70%以上,在农业机械化发展中发挥了巨大的作用。自2006以来,越南农业机械化开始出现实质性增长,农业机械进口数量开始急剧增长。在2000到2005年间,进口农业机械的年平均增长率为19%,而在2005到2012年间,年均增长率超过40%。进口农业机械的市场结构在2000到2013年间也发生了急剧变化。2005以前,农业机械主要是从日本和韩国进口的,当时从中国进口的农业机械仅占10%以上,而从2006到2013,中国农机几乎完全占领了农机市场。在越南,2012的农业机械进口总量为93%。3)越南机械工业发展的优惠政策和农机生产机制特别有利,但实施效果不理想。农业机械设备投资仍然困难。究其原因,主要是农业机械发展没有一个总体的、详细的规划,投资者在选择产品和开发符合扶持政策条件的项目上存在困难。国家起草的鼓励人们投资农业机械设备的政策带来了许多好处。由于这些政策使资金能够进入,它帮助农民轻松购买机器,从而加快农业机械化。但在实施机制方面仍存在诸多困难。农民和企业都很难获得贷款。许多长期投资项目在建设可行性计算方面尚不明确,因为利率仍然相对较高。4)每个地区都有其自身的土地破碎化程度和特点,因此需要改进不同的解决方案。在农用地分散化程度高的地区,需要进行土地整理,减少稻田地块的数量,减少地块间的距离。对于农地分散化或重点生产区,土地积累是提高农户农业生产规模的关键。农用地规模决定了生产的盈利能力。农地面积与生产面积单位的劳动天数成反比,增加农业生产的收益率,平均拥有土地面积小于0.25公顷的农户在一个生产周期中花费649个劳动日,而拥有自有土地的农户则是一个生产周期。超过3公顷的土地只花费88个劳动日。当农业生产中的劳动力价格越来越高时,这一点就更加明显了。以上分析表明,拥有一公顷以上农业生产的农户效率低下,因此在生产利润方面存在损失。农业生产机械化水平也很大程度上取决于农用地规模。耕地面积不足0.25公顷的农户机械化水平较低,只有当耕地面积大于3公顷时,才能看到较高的机械化水平。在湄公河三角洲地区,农耕地和农场内的土地破碎化也很明显,这是越南机械化程度最高的地区。5)近年来,经济结构和劳动力结构发生了积极的变化,但农业、林业和渔业的劳动力比重仍然很高,占劳动力总量的49%,但农业生产总值仅占GDP的18%。农业部门的劳动生产率仅为工业生产率的四分之一,相当于服务业生产率的三分之一。农村劳动力水平太低,其中89%没有受过培训,不符合生产和劳动力市场的要求。农业工人的就业率和劳动生产率也很低。劳动力从农村向城市的流动一直在增加,但工业和服务业发展不够快,无法满足劳动力流动的需求。农业劳动力剩余约400万人,占18.7%总农业劳动力,严重制约农业机械化发展。6)在越南农业现代化时期,农业生产户农业投资最大的是购买机械化农业机械。因此,有必要根据农业生产现状和人民收入选择机械化模型,以提高农业资金使用效率。同时,随着农业生产效率的提高,农民收入增加,农业机械购买力增加,从而带动了农业机械化。为了提高越南农业生产的投资资本,政府应该有适当的政策来帮助农民提高资本的使用和增加收入。这是为了增加农业生产所节省的资本量。政府对农业生产的支持占GDP的比重相对较高。最后,根据分析结果,为农业发展和农业机械化的政策提供建议。





1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and significance of the study

1.2 Research on the development of agricultural mechanization development in China and othercountries

1.2.1 The status of research on agricultural mechanization in China

1.2.2 The Status of Research on Agricultural Mechanization in other country

1.3 The main of research methodology and research content

1.3.1 Research methodology

1.3.2 Research content technical route

1.4 Chapter summary

2 Study of the Characteristics of the Development of Agricultural Mechanization in Vietnam

2.1 Current status of agricultural mechanization research in Vietnam

2.2 History of agricultural mechanization in Vietnam

2.3 Status of agricultural mechanization development in Vietnam

2.3.1 The level of agricultural mechanization

2.3.2 Production of agricultural machines and agricultural machine markets in Vietnam

2.3.3 Policies of the State of Vietnam to develop agricultural mechanization

2.4 History of mechanization development in China and Korea

2.4.1 Development of agricultural mechanization in China

2.4.2 Development of agricultural mechanization in Korea

2.5 Chapter summary

3 Analysis of Agricultural Development in Vietnam

3.1 Overview of Vietnamese agriculture

3.1.1 Agricultural production

3.1.2 Trade in agricultural products

3.2 Models of agricultural development

3.2.1 Todaro's agricultural development model

3.2.2 Sang Sung Park's agricultural development model

3.2.3 Harry T. Oshima's agricultural development model

3.3 Analyzing of agricultural development in Vietnam

3.4 Analyze agricultural development in the Mekong Delta on the model developed by Oshimamodel

3.4.1 Relevance of the Oshima model for agricultural development in the Mekong Delta

3.4.2 Quantitative analysis of agricultural growth in the Mekong Delta

3.4.3 Analyze results

3.5 Limitations on agricultural development in Vietnamese

3.6 Policy implications for agricultural development in Vietnam

3.6.1 Improved environment for agricultural production

3.6.2 Improve the effectiveness of agricultural policy implementation

3.7 Chapter summary

4 Analysis of Agricultural Land in Vietnam

4.1 Law factors affecting of land concentration and aggregation and impact of landconcentration and accumulation on agricultural development

4.1.1 Law factors affecting of land concentration and accumulation

4.1.2 Impact of land concentration and accumulation on agricultural development

4.2 Development history and agricultural land policies in Vietnam

4.3 The status of agricultural land in Vietnam

4.2.1 Definition and causes of land fragmentation

4.2.2 Current status of land fragmentation in Vietnam

4.4 Impacts of land fragmentation on economic efficiency in agricultural production andagricultural mechanization

4.4.1 Impacts of land fragmentation on economic efficiency in agricultural production

4.4.2 Impacts of land fragmentation on the modernization process in agriculture

4.5 Policy proposal for Vietnam's agricultural land reform

4.6 Chapter summary

5 Study of Agricultural Labor in Vietnam

5.1 Analysis of labor force and agricultural labor in Vietnam

5.1.1 Labor force

5.1.2 Employment

5.2 Surplus agricultural labor

5.2.1 The concept of surplus agricultural labor

5.2.2 Methods for determining the level of labor surplus

5.2.3 Calculate the level of surplus agricultural labor in Vietnam

5.3 Productivity of agricultural labor

5.3.1 Concept and methods of calculation

5.3.2 Analysis of labor productivity and agricultural labor productivity in Vietnam

5.4 Policy proposal for development of agricultural labor in Vietnam

5.4.1 Handling of surplus rural labor

5.4.2 Improve rural labor productivity

5.5 Chapter summary

6 Research of Investment Capital for Agricultural in Vietnam

6.1 Investment capital for agriculture and related concepts

6.1.1 Definition of investment capital for agriculture

6.1.2 Definition of efficiency of investment capital for agriculture

6.1.3 Factors that effectively influence investment capital for agricultural development

6.2 Investment capital for agriculture in Vietnam

6.2.1 Capital investment comes from the accumulation of agricultural producers

6.2.2 Capital investment comes from government support policies

6.2.3. Private and foreign investment

6.2.4 Bank credit to the agricultural sector

6.3 Effectiveness of using investment capital in agricultural production

6.4 Experience of foreign capital in agriculture

6.5 Policy proposal for development agricultural capital in Vietnam

6.5.1 General policies on funding

6.5.2 Credit Policies

6.6 Chapter summary

7 Policy Proposal for Development Agricultural Mechanization in Vietnam

7.1 Issues that exist

7.2 Proposing policy to develop agricultural mechanization in Vietnam

7.2.1 Development of agricultural production

7.2.2 Development of research and production of agricultural machines

7.2.3 Policy on development of mechanization for agricultural production stage

7.2.4 Policy on human resource development for agricultural mechanization

8 Conclusion



Papers published in the period of Ph.D. education
