
2022-11-07 版权声明 我要投稿




摘 要:本文在借鉴欧美学科与语言融合教学和保护性教学两种课程模式的基础上,提出了我国幼儿园英语浸入式教案书写应具备的五大要素。期望通过此研究,使幼儿园英语浸入式实验教师能够在备课时就开始思考英语浸入式教学中融合学科内容和语言教学之核心特点,并真正将此特点落实在教学中,提高备课水平及授课技巧。

关键词:幼儿园英语浸入式 教案书写要素 学科与语言融合教学 保护性教学


中国广东地区有两所英语浸入式实验幼儿园。A园是公立幼儿园,实验教师全部是本土培养的英语教师(native Chinese);B园是私立幼儿园,实验教师全部是以英语为母语的外籍教师(International teachers)。笔者从2005年起为这两所幼儿园的实验教师提供教师培训和教学指导。经过6年实践,实验教师的英语浸入教学理念、教学策略及评课等方面提高很快,在教学中有许多大胆的创意和创新尝试。但是两所幼儿园的实验教师都不同程度存在教案书写不规范、教学设计所覆盖的内容不能体现出浸入式教学“学科教学与语言教学的融合性”特点、学科目标与语言目标没有分别列出,还有,教学目标用词笼统、活动目的不清晰、没有评估方式,无法确定学生是否掌握所学内容等问题。




“他山之石,可以攻玉”。在欧美等国学校也有学科内容和语言内容相融合的课堂教学实践和探索,并总结出CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning,以下简称CLIL)[3]和SI(Sheltered Instruction,以下简称SI)等课程模式。CLIL课程模式有很多种,其中在幼儿园阶段最典型的模式即“浸入式”[3]。它在国外浸入式实验中被使用并被证明取得成功。

CLIL课程模式通过4C框架将学科内容与语言进行融合,它代表学科(Content)、交际(communication)、认知(cognition)及文化(culture)[3]。学科教学的重点在于学习者的认知发展,那么思考和解决问题的能力就成了学科教学的重中之重。语言教学的重点在于培养语言交际能力。语言学习和语言使用包括三种类型:language of learning, language for learning 和language through learning。第一种指围绕学科主題及基本概念所确定的语言教学目标;第二种指功能性“鹰架”语言(scaffolding language),如学习者为了使用目标语言进行讨论、提问、比较时所需要的功能性语言。鹰架语言促进了学科内容学习相关联的语域(speech acts)的发展,对学习任务的有效进行非常关键。鹰架语言需要教师备课时予以充分考虑。而以母语进行的学科内容学习则无需考虑这一点。第三种语言指教师在课堂上捕捉到的学习者在学习过程中需要表达自己的想法所产生的随机语言。根据这个定义,随机语言通常是不能提前预测的[3]。但是学习者一旦有了表达想法的需要,教师应该抓住这个时机进行输入,促进学习者语言学习的发展。文化是CLIL课程设计要考虑的最后一个因素,也被称为“被遗忘的C(forgotten C)”[3]。根据4C框架,CLIL的教案包含的要素有:学科、认知、交际、文化、评估标准[3]。


ed Instruction,以下简称SI)。它是母语为英语的国家(尤其是美国)针对越来越多的外国移民所进行的英语教学课程。学生来自不同的国家,他们或完全不懂英语(English as a second language)或英语水平 (Limited English Proficiency)极其有限,需要教师在教学中兼顾这种多样性,在教授学科内容的同时,提高学习者的英语水平,以保证所有学习者在学业上的成功[4]。研究表明,这种课程模式可以提高学习者在学科内容理解、认读及写作等方面的能力[4]。加拿大在80年代进行的法语晚晚期浸入式(大学阶段)教学实验所采取的便是“保护性专业课教学”课程[5]。根据SI课程模式,教师教学需要涵盖八个方面涉及的30个特点[4],包括备课、背景知识建立、可理解性输入、教学策略、互动模式、练习及运用、上课、复习及评估等。虽然其教案书写格式多样,但主要涉及六大要素:(1)学科内容目标和语言目标分别列出;(2)核心词汇;(3)教材;(4)建立背景知识;(5)有意义的学生活动;(6)复习和评估。


1 学科领域(或主题)——What (subject/domain)do I teach in English



2 学科学习目标及語言学习目标——what will my students be able to do after the lesson

在CBI和SI的课程中均要求学科学习目标和语言学习目标要分别列出,在幼儿园英语浸入式教案中尤其需要包括该要素。因为浸入式中“语言教学与认知教学并行[6]”的教学原则决定了这一点。学科目标确保幼儿认知发展,语言目标确保幼儿英语语言的发展。我采用“学习目标”而非“教学目标”,主要是鼓励教师在备课时思考:“学生会学到什么内容(What will my students learn)”,或“学生学完后会做什么(What will my students be able to do)”,而不是:“我要教什么(what I will teach)”。

实验教师之所以要分别列出这两个学习目标是要根据不同的学习目标设计不同的评价方式,以确保实验教师促进学习者在认知水平和语言这两个方面的共同发展,而非仅仅是语言。同时,在确定语言目标的时候,教师不仅要考虑围绕学科主题及基本概念所涉及的语音目标(language of learning),同时也要考虑确定功能性“鹰架”语言(scaffolding language)目标,可以促使小朋友利用这些语音顺利完成学习任务。这一点和传统的学习目标有区别。

3 可理解性输入教学策略(strategies of comprehensible input)——How do I make sure the kids understand what I do and say in class


Krashen[7]指出可理解性输入教学策略包括:提供语境线索(创设情景);提供非语言线索(手势,表情),平衡所知语言与未知语言的关系,语言调整(语调,重复,讲话清晰,放慢语速等),利用学习者已有的学科知识和经验等。对于幼儿学习者来说,教师要充分利用学习者已有的学科知识和经验(prior knowledge),使背景知识与新授内容有联系。


4 有意义的活动—— Can the kids learn and have fun in the designed activities


5 可以观察得到的评估(observable assessment)—— How do I know that the kids have learned






[1] 强海燕,赵琳.浸入式教学创举及英语浸入式教学实验[M]//强海燕,赵琳.中外第二语言浸入式教学研究.西安:西安交通大学出版社,2001.

[2] HARMER,J.英语语言教学的实践[M].北京:世界知识出版社,2003.

[3] COYLE,D.,HOOD,P.,MARSH,D.Content and Language Integrated Learning [M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2010.

[4] ECHEVARRIA,J.,VOGT,M., SHORT,D.J.Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners The SIOP Model.USA[J].Pearson Education,2008.

[5] 强海燕,Linda Siegel.加拿大第二语言浸入式教学发展概述[J].比较教育研究,2004(7).

[6] 迟延萍,主编,赵微,李闻戈,等.英语浸入式教学研究论文集[M].西安:陕西人民教育出版社.

[7] Krashen,S.Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition[J].London:Pergamon,1982.



摘 要:幼儿科学教育是科学的启蒙教育,我们应以科学素质早期培养为宗旨,保护幼儿的好奇心、激发幼儿的兴趣,鼓励和培养幼儿对科学的求知欲和探索欲望。因此,教师要在使用幼教教材时,强调系统的教学内容的选择、教学导入、教学环节设计等方面,并善于捕捉幼儿科学教育的契机。从幼儿的兴趣出发,更系统、更有效地开展科学教育活动。


































作者:刘丽娜 杨杰


















商务英语教师在课堂上,尤其在初期,要尽量少采用商务英语专业词汇或者一些比较抽象的词汇,如availability, productivity, profitability, staff turnover, staff morale, catering service ,corporate hospitality等等,学生刚开始是肯定听不懂的,因为商务英语专业的学生在中小学甚至在大学一年级,接触的大多是普通英语,很少接触专业的商务英语词汇,商务英语教师如果一开始上课就用这些词汇,学生很难听懂,特别是基础差的一些学生,听不懂课,跟不上课程进度,自信心受到挫伤,很容易就自暴自弃。在讲授商务英语课的初期,商务英语教师应多采用普通英语的词汇,来解释所学的商务英语词汇,承上启下,使学生的英语学习顺利地从普通英语过渡到专业的商务英语。

















Franchise(n):1,an authorization to sell a companys goods or services in a particular place;2,a business established under an authorization to sell or distribute a companys goods or services in a particular place.

Joint venture: a business or project in which two or more companies or individuals have invested, with the intention of working together.





Fulltime job→parttime job

Permanent job→temporary job



Competitor(n),competition(n) ,competitive(adj)

You went to work for one of our competitors.

There was too much competition among the employees.

You have to be competitive if you want to make progress.


The company produced circuitry for communications systems.

We manage to get most of our produce in Britain.

South Koreas imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.

It expected to maintain production of cars at the same level as last year.



Aircraft check in delay journey land luggage passport identity card

return/single ticket boarding pass passenger pilot air traffic controller

baggage handler flight attendant business/economy/first class






在商务英语专业的学生进入到商务英语学习之前,他们在中小学,甚至在大学一年级接触和学习的都是普通英语,到了商务英语阶段,很多专业性很强的商务英语词汇将成为他们最大的学习障碍,因为这些词不但难懂,而且这些专业性很强的正规词汇会和他们以前的普通日常英语表达习惯相冲突,例如《新编剑桥商务英语》(初级)第6.2单元“Travel arrangements”中的词汇练习标题“Hotel amenities”。“amenities”这个词对学生来说是非常陌生的,但如果教师在进入这个词汇练习部分之前,用普通英语解释一下:“Amenities are things such as shopping centres or sports facilities that are provided for peoples convenience, enjoyment, or comfort”,学生将会豁然开朗。在整个过程中,教师不但应该给予口头的解释,还应该用PPT在屏幕上展示出来,并将“facilities”这个近义词标注出来,便于学生将以前学习的普通英语与现在学习的商务英语联系起来,温故而知新,加深记忆。



典型的商务英语教材都会在阅读练习前面,或者写作、听力、口语等练习前面,进行相关商务词汇的准备性练习,否则学生会一头雾水。例如 《新编剑桥商务英语》(初级)第6.2单元“Travel arrangements”第一部分就是词汇练习,列举了如下很多酒店设施的专业词汇,要求学生选出旅行中最有用的酒店设施并说出理由:

A liftfree newspapersa directdial telephone

A Jacuzzi a swimming pool room service

A mini bar air conditioning an Internet connection

A hair dryer a conference room conference equipment

A fitness room translation services laundry service[2]

在这组同一商务环境的词汇中,有必要对以下几个词进行解释,一个是学生会比较陌生的词“Jacuzzi”,其意义为“a large circular bath which is fitted with a device that makes the water move around”。另一个“room service”本身字面意思很容易懂,但里面隐含的商务知识却是为大多数中国学生所未知:“Room service is a service in a hotel by which meals or drinks are provided for guests in their rooms.”





[1]Cunningsworth,Alan.Choosing Your Coursebook[M].Cambridge University Press,1995:73.

[2]Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson.新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书第三版[M].北京:经济科学出版社,2008:56—60.

Analysis of Semantic Cohort Module Construction of Business English Teaching in English


(Guangzhou Modern Information Engineering College, Guangzhou 510663, China)

Key words:business English; teaching in English; semantic cohort; module; business environment



第4篇:新版小学英语六年级下Unit 3全英教案

Unit 3

I Knowledge aims:Can read ,say and use the words:went,camp,rode,bought gifts.Can use the sentences:Where did you go?Did you go to Turpan?How did you go there?We went there by plane,What happened? To talk exactly.Can write a dairy by the past time sentences. II Learning aims:Can depand on different way to talk with sb.Can write dairy by the past time setences.Can talk about Where did you go?What di you do? III. Emotional Aims: Can communicate in English and good moral character of the initiative to care about others. IV.Teaching plan: Use 6 lessons. The first period:Main scene Part A Let’s try. Part A Let’s talk. The second period:Part A Let’s learn .Part A Listen,answer and write. The third period:Part B Let’s try. Part B Let’s talk.

The fourth period:Part B Let’s learn. Part B Look and say. The fifth period:PartB Read and write. The sixth period: PartB :Let’s check.PartB Let’s wrap it up.Part C Story time.

Unit3 The First Period I.Teaching contents: Main scene Part A Let’s try. Part A Let’s talk. II.Teaching aim: Can use the sentences:”Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. “in the real life. III.Teaching key points: Use the sentences:Where did you go over your holiday? I went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang.

IV.Teaching difficulties: Where did you go over your holiday? I went to„sentences parten. V.Teaching aids: The PPT and the Multi-Media. VI:.Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warm- up and revision

1、Enjoy the song: At the zoo

2、Daily oral practice Good morning. Glad to meet you. How are you? What day is today? What’s the weather like today? Step 2. Presentation Let’s talk Show out the video to learn the dialogue. Look, our classroom. It’s very clean and tidy. But who cleaned it. I don’t know. I want to thank him. Can you help me to find him? J: I can help you to find him. John ran to find J: What did you do last weekend? Sarah: Hmm! I watched TV. John ran to find Sarah. J: What did you do last weekend? W:Hmm! I played football. Act out the dialogueT: Look, John come to our class. He wants to find who cleaned the classroom last weekend. T: What did you do last weekend? S1: I „

T: What did you do last weekend? S2: I „

T: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom? Lead the student to answer the questions. Step 3. Consolidation

2、Activity 2

3、Activity 3 Make the chant.

4、“Find out”

Depand on the video to learn the dialogue. J: What did you do last weekend? Z: I played football at school. J: Did you help the teacher clean the classroom? Z: Yes, I did. J: Oh, Zoom. You are great!

5、Say after the tape.

6、Read the dialogue together. StepIV Bb writing: Unit3 Last weekend What did you do last weekend? Where did you go over your holiday? What did you do? Teaching reflection:

Unit3 The Second Period I.Teaching contents: Part A Let’s learn .Part A Listen,answer and write. II.Teaching aim:Can





parten words:rode,hurt,went camping,went fishing.Can use the sentences:Where did you go last Saturday?What did you do there?Understand the dialogue . III.Teaching key points:Can use the phrases exactly.

IV.Teaching difficulties:Use the phrases to make a new dialogue V.Teaching aids: The PPT and the Multi-Media. VI:.Teaching procedure: Step 1. Warm- up and revision

1、Daily oral practice. Good morning! Glad to meet you. How are you? What’s the weather like today?

2、Hang–man game. ( watch, wash, clean, play, visit) 3. Guess, what’s my favourite animal?It’s my favourite animal. It’s „cm tall. Its tail is „cm long. It likes to eat„..It can„.Guess, what’s this? Step 2. Presentation

1、Free talk.Sunday(weekend), What’s the date today? What day is it today?

2、T:On Sunday (weekend),I usually wash clothes, clean the room, play football, watch TV and visit grandparents.Show out the pictures.

3、:What do you usually do on Sundays?

4、What was that day? It was last Sunday?last It was last Sunday. It was the last weekend. last weekend。

5、Draw out the sentences:What did you do last weekend?

6、Show out the phrases:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents.Pronounce/t/, /t/, /d/, /d/, /id/。

7、Activity one: Bingo!

8、Ask and answer the questions

9、Activity two: Pick Up apples. 10. Read” Let’s learn”. Step 3. Consolidation Let’s find out.

1、Show outthe pictures and ask the question What did Zoom do last weekend? do-did, water-watered.

2、What did you do?

3、Do a survey. Step IV Bb writing: Unit 3 Last weekend rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot went fishing Teaching reflection:

Unit3 The Third Period I.Teaching contents: Part B Let’s try. Part B Let’s talk. II.Teaching aim: Can read ,say and write the words: ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures. Listen and say the sentences:How was your summer holiday? It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures III.Teaching key points: Listen,say and read the words: ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures. IV.Teaching difficulties: Grasp the past of the irregular verbs.

V.Teaching aids: The PPT and the Multi-Media. VI:.Teaching procedure: Step 1.Review Read the text in P25,translation the phrases and sentences. Translate the fllowing sentences. What happend? Are you all right? I’m OK now. It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did. Step 2. Presentation (1) Learn the phrases from the PPT: Eat fresh food. I often eat fresh food.Use the same way to learn: take pictures, buy gifts, go swimming. (2) Show out some pictures and talk:I ate fresh food last Sunday. Use the same way to learn:went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts (3)T: What did you do last Sunday? Ss: I ate fresh food . 3. T:How was your summer holiday? Ss: It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures. 4. Play the tape of Let’s learn. Let them read out of the tape. Step 3.Practice Read and act out the phrases Role play: Act out Amy and Wu Yifan’s dialogue. Finish “Look and say” and read these sentences. Read the dialogue in P27. Step 4.Bb writing Unit 3 Where did you go? ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts. eat—ate take—took buy -- bought -- How was your summer holiday? -- It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. Step 5 Homework 1. Write the phrases for 3time. 2. Make a new dialogue.

Teaching reflection:

Unit3 The Fourth Period I.Teaching contents: Part B Let’s learn. Part B Look and say. II.Teaching aim:Can





parten words:ate,took,bought.Can say and use the sentences. III.Teaching key points:Can write the 4skills words and sentences.

IV.Teaching difficulties:Can use the phrases to talk. V.Teaching aids: The PPT and the Multi-Media. VI:.Teaching procedure: Step 1.Review Show pictures and go over the phrases: Eg: ate fresh food, I ate fresh food/... Free talk: T: How was your holiday? Ss: It was good. T: What did you do? Ss: I went swimming. / ... Step 2. Presentation 1. T: Where did you go last summer holiday? Ss: I went to ... T: How did you go there? Ss: I went there by plane./ ... T: Sounds great! 2.Listen to the tape and learn to say the dialogues. 3. Show out of the picture in P26. 4..Read and answer the questions: (1) Where did Amy go last winter holiday? (2) How did she go there? (3) What did she do there?(4) How was the beach? 5.Ask some students to answer the questions. Step 3.Practices Role play. Use the phrases and sentences to talk their winter holiday. As: S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went to ... S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by ... S1: What did you do there? S2: I ... S1: Sounds great! 3. Finish Let’s try. Unit 3 Where did you go? S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went to ... S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by ... S1: What did you do there? S2: I ... S1: Sounds great! Teaching reflection:

Unit3The Fifth Period I.Teaching contents: PartB Read and write. II.Teaching aim: Understand”Read and write”and finish the exercises.Can listen,say and read the words: basket, part, licked, laughed.Can say and use the sentences :Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! III.Teaching key points:Can read the text.

IV.Teaching difficulties: Can listen and understand the sentences.

V.Teaching aids: The PPT and the Multi-Media. VI:.Teaching procedure: Step 1.Review 1. Go over phrases: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts 2. Free talk: T: How was your last Sunday? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to ... T: What did you do there? Ss: I rode a bike./ ... Step 2. Presentation 1. T: Something may happen everyday. Something is good and something is bad. But Wu Yifan had a bad but good day. Then, What happened? Please turn to page 28. Read the passage and finish the task of page 29. You can discuss with your partner. 2. Write down the words:basket, part, licked, laughed. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! 3. Read the text and answer the questions 4. Play the tape to listen to the passage. Step 3.Practices Lead to read”Read and write”

2.Traslation:basket, part, licked, laughed. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! 3. Write about students’ bad but good day. Step4Bb writing: Unit 3 Where did you go? basket part licked laughed Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressd up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! Step5 Homework: 1. Write the past time words. 2. Read the text. Teaching reflection:

Unit3 The sixth Period I.Teaching contents: PartB :Let’s check.PartB Let’s wrap it up.Part C Story time. II.Teaching aim:Can listen,say and read the words:dinosaur,was were,drank ,ran museum,moon spaceship.Can use the 4skill sentences to talk. III.Teaching key points:Can use the 4skill words to talk. IV.Teaching difficulties:Can understand the meaning of the story.

V.Teaching aids: The PPT and the Multi-Media.

VI:.Teaching procedure: Step I Warming up Show up the spaceship from the PPT.Let them to talk about something about it. Step II Presentation 1. Play the Bangbang game.To review the 4skill words. 2. Finish the exercise in Page 30”Let’s check. 3. Watch the Video for the story.Try to answer some questions about it.As:Where did Zoom go?What did he do? What did he see?Did he take any pictures? Was it a dream? 4. Try to read after the Video then find out the pasten words. 5. Change the pasten words to present words. 6. Act the story in group,then ask some pairs to show it out. Step III Practice Do some execises about the pastern words and the story. StepIV Homework 1. Retell the story. 2. Write the past time words from the story. Bb writing: Unit 3 Where did you go?

--- Where did you go?

--- How did you go there? --- What did you see?

Teaching reflection:

-- I went to the moon.

–- By spaceship.

-- I saw the rabbit.




Good moning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my geat hono and pleasue to be hee shaing my lesson with you.I have been eady to begin this epesentation with five pats. Analysis of the teaching mateial, the teaching aims, the impotant and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching pocedue.

Pat 1 Teaching Mateial

The content of my lesson is New Senio English fo China Book___ Unit____________________. This unit is about____________________ (topics)。 By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the inteest in___________________. At the same time, let the students lean how to____________________ (functional items)。 Fom this lesson, it stats___________________________(stuctues)。 (As we all know, eading belongs to the input duing the pocess of the language leaning. The input has geat effect on output, such as speaking and witing.) Theefoe, this lesson is in the impotant position of this unit. If the Ss can maste it well, it will be helpful fo them to lean the est of this unit.

Pat 2 Teaching Aims

Accoding to the new standad cuiculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and afte studying the teaching mateial, the teaching aims ae the followings:

1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can maste the usage of the impotant wods and expessions.

(2)The Ss can use the __________________ (gamma) in the pope situation.

(3)The Ss can undestand the content of the lesson, talk about _______________________ (infomation) and get thei own idea about _______________________________.

2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, eading and witing

(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying stategies.

(3) To impove the student’s eading ability, especially thei skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To tain the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and coopeating .

3.Emotion o moal objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

(1)By completing the task, the Ss incease thei inteest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.

(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moal education in the language study.

Pat 3 the Impotant and Difficult Points

Based on the equiement of the syllabus.

The impotant points ae__________________________ such as ______________.

The difficult points ae_________________________ fo example_____________.

Pat 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method equies that the teache should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. Fo achieving these teaching aims, (afte the analysis of the teaching mateial and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods accoding to the moden social communication teaching theoies(现代社会交际教学理论) .

1. Communicative Appoach(交际教学法)

2. Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法)

3. Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法)

4. Total Situational Action (情景教学) a "scene — activity" teaching method , it establishes a eal scene and the inteaction between the teache and the Ss. At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can povide a eal situation with its sound and pictue, it can develop the Ss ceativity in leaning English.

Pat 5 Teaching Pocedue

Step 1. Lead-in. (_____min)


Pupose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’ attention about the class/topic/passage.

(2) To set up suspense/develop inteest in _______________.

Step 2. Pe-eading

Task 1. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

Let Ss _____________________________________________________________

Task 2. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)


Now, let’s see what happened to the_______________/ let’s check whethe it is ight o not.

Pupose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________.

(2) To have a bette undestanding about the impotance of ___________________.

Step 3. While-eading

Task 1. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

Skimming: Ss should ead the mateial fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence fo each paagaph.

Paa 1 ___________________

Paa 2 ___________________

Paa 3 ___________________

Task 2. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

Scanning: Listen to the tape pat by pat to finish ___________________________.

Task 3. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

Scanning: Guide Ss to ead the mateial caefully and take some impotant notes, then answe the following questions.

Task 4. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

Scanning: Ask Ss to ead the mateial caefully and find out the coect answes to finish the following chat.

Pupose of my design: Enable students to undestand the given mateial bette by using diffeent eading skills. And pope competition can aouse the Ss’ inteest in English leaning. "Task-based" teaching method is used hee to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also thei ability of co-opeation will be well tained.

Step 5. Post-eading

Task 1. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

(接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summay accoding thei notes.

(接task4)etell the stoy /Sum up the passage in Ss’ own wods accoding to the chat.

Task 2. (Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok; _____min)

Discuss _______________________________________________with othe goup membes and then choose a epote to shae thei opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole class.

Pupose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in thei spoken English. Most Ss can take thei pats in the activities, especially fo the Ss who have touble in English study.

Step 5. Homewok

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

Pupose of my design: Homewok is so impotant and necessay fo to maste the knowledge they leaned afte class. It will check whethe the Ss achieve the teaching aims.



The lesson I am going to talk about is fom the teaching mateialBook One ,Unit 8.the thid pat that is used by the kids in Gade One .

一、Analysis of the teaching mateial (说教材)

This is a dialogue that happens in the fuit shop .seveal sentences suound selling and buying the fuit will be leaned .Duing the fist and the second pat in this unit ,the kids have undestood simple instuctions and act accodingly ,and they can say simple wods ,phases o sentences by looking at objects and the pictues .eg: lychee, banana, apple,"What’s this ?It’s an apple."In Unit seven ,we gasped the numbes fom one to ten .The main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fuit and numbes feely and communicate with othes in English in the fuit shop. And pay close attention to the single and plual foms of the nouns .Accoding to the kids’ English level and the coesponding content in the daily life ,I give them some exta extending .To tain thei ability of communicate with the othes in English ,I pepae the following design .Teaching aims (教学目标)

1. knowledge and skill aims :(知识技能目标)

eview the names of the ten diffeent kinds of fuit and ecognize the numbes fom one to ten .

Undestand simple instuctions about the numbes and act accodingly.

Pactice English and communicate with othes in the situation.

2. Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、态度、价值目标)

Cultivate the spiit of co-opeations in the goup wok

Bing up the good quality of potect and make fiends with the animals .Teaching impotance :(教学重点)

1. Make sentences using the fuit and the numbes . "Six oanges ,please .’

2. Distinguish the diffeence between the single fom and the plual foms of the nouns ."one apple / two apples …"

3. The sentences used when selling and buying the fuit in a fuit shop.

Teaching difficulties :(教学难点)

1. Distinguish the diffeence between the single and the plual foms of the nouns .

2. Tain thei ability of communicating with othes in English .

Teaching aids ;(教具准备)

Multimedia , flash cads ,fesh fuit and aangements and decoations of the fuit shop .

Teaching methods :(教学方法)

Task objective teaching method .TP method , pefomance and games methods .

二、Analysis of the leanes :(说学习者)

We ae facing the 5 to 6-yea-old little kids who just gaduated fom the kindegaten ,and they can not tell the diffeence between kindegaten and the pimay school. sometimes they even don’t know how to behave in the class. So ,I think the most impotant thing fo me to do is to attact thei inteests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject .so ,I will play some inteesting games with them ,show them the funny catoon movie and ole the plays in the text o have a competation. we should not only focus on the language point itself ,but also set up the eal cicumstance whee I can encouage them to expess themselves bette .What I ty my best to do is to aouse the kids’ inteests and potect thei enthusiasm.三、Analysis of the teaching methods (说教法)

says that duing the Foundation Education peiod ,the total goal fo English lesson is to impove the pupils’ ability of compehensive using language .It pomotes task teaching stuctue .Accoding to the little kids’ physical and psychological chaacteistics of keeping cuios ,active and imitating and showing themselves .I adopt the "task –eseach—constuct " teaching methods and oganize the class to focus on the impotance and solve the difficulties .I give the pupils an open and elaxed cicumstance in which they can lean to obseve ,think and discuss .duing this pocedue ,the pupils’ ability of thinking and using language is developed vey well .四、Analysis of the teaching pocedues .(说教学过程)

1. Wam up .(歌曲热身)

All the class sing English song "Ten little Indian boys " to aouse thei inteests and help them to step into English leaning cicumstance happily.

2. eview the fuit and the numbes those we leaned in the fist and the second pat in this unit .(复习数字和水果)

A. Watch a funny video . and answe the questions .(lean moe fuit and pactice moe sentence pattens eg: stawbey / watemelon/ pineapple /chey) ask some questions .

What’s this ?

What colou is it ?

How many bananas ae thee ?

Do you like eating bananas ?

What is you favouite fuit ?

Encouage them to open thei mouth and speak English as much as they can .

B. Play guessing game .to eview the spelling of the wods using the basic ponunciation knowledge .

C. Play a game named "up and down ".emphasis on distinguishing the single and plual foms of the nouns .

3. Guide the pupils to the main teaching points .(引入新课)

To compehensive use the numbes and the fuit that is a needed in a fuit shop .Ask two voluntees to come to the font and choose the ight numbe cads and stick it beside the ight fuit accoding to the othe pupils’ instuctions .The quicke one will be the winne .

Eg: Six oanges ,please .

4. Time to pactice fo all the class (全体同学操练)。

The pupils choose the ight cads they have pepaed and put them up above thei heads when they hea the teache’s instuctions and give them to the teaching answeing loudly: "Hee you ae .’

5. Watch a video (观看多媒体,了解本课故事情节)

undestand what’s happening in the stoy ,(This pat is impotant, easonable and effective)and guide them to potect and make fiends with the animals .

Pesent the situation of a fuit shop .the teache will act a shopkeepe and invite a bette pupil to be the custome and finish all the buying steps .

Shopkeepe : Good moning .

Custome : Good moning .

Shopkeepe : Can I help you ?

Custome : Yes ,six oanges ,please .

Shopkeepe : Hee you ae .

Custome : Thank you vey much .

Shopkeepe : You ae welcome .

6. Consolidation and Pactice(巩固和练习)

Goup wok : Divide the class into eight goups and evey goup will be decoated into a fuit shop, ask one pupil to be the shopkeepe and the othe membes in this goup will be the customes .Encouage them to buy and sell the fuit with what they leaned in this pat ,I design a eal situation that is common in ou daily life and the kids will not feel uncomfotable o unfamilia with it, The teache will go aound the class and supply the help to the unable ones .In such a peace and pleasant situation they like to speak the dialogue they leaned to expess themselves .They can feel the success and become confident in speaking English .

7. Conclusion (总结)

The teache would lead the class to ead the sentences on the boad and ask some moe difficult questions .Maybe the pupils can not undestand them clealy ,but it doesn’t matte .we just give the pupils moe infomation about the language and give them the bette language cicumstances that can help them in the futue leaning .

8. Homewok : (家庭作业)

Encouage the pupils to design a little fuit shop at home and teach thei family the dialogue in the fuit shop .When they pactice this , they should take photos and show the othe pupils the next day .

In this lesson , what I design (not only the pesentation of the main teaching points ,but also the activities) attact the pupils inteests .They lean and pactice while playing . I think it’s eally a good lesson of high quality.

9.Black design ( 板书设计)


Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am ———, from ————, it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of five parts. Part 1

The analysis of the teaching material This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests. My teaching objectives include the following parts. First, the knowledge objective : By the end of this









new phrases:______________________________________ 其他参考活动:Debate----当话题有矛盾的双面


Do a survey——调查

Understand the main idea of the article; And master the usage of ___________________(某个语法点) Second, the Ability objective: skim for the main idea of the article and scan for the specific information, predict some information and understand the whole article, and

enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from internet, write a report of the topic, etc. Third the emotional objective: to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion; arouse Ss’ interest in English learning

Forth, the Cultural awareness Fifth the Important points:

to get an overall understanding of the whole text, and develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…..…(具体课型用具体例子阐述) the usage of the______________________( 语法或句型) While

the Difficult points: Are enable the Ss to use the new words and phrases to express their ideas in daily life, and develop the ability of skimming and scanning. master the usage of ____________________________( 语法或句型) 根据教学过程设计的内容来决定) Part 2 The analysis of students The Ss have learned English for some years. They understand some words and simple sentences. They are curious, active, and fond of game, competition, and various activities. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere. Part 3

Teaching methods In this lesson, My teaching methods include

audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method, and task-based teaching methods. Besides, a computer, blackboard, a tape recorder, a projector are needed as the teaching aids. Part 4 Teaching procedures 1 There are five steps in my teaching procedures. But before teaching, I will divide the whole class into 4 groups to do competitions while finish different tasks in this lesson. Step 1 Warming-up and leading in (3mins) Free talk; talk something related the topic of the article. 参考活动:

Brainstorming, setting the scene, show pictures etc.

Purpose: activate the Ss to regard the topic of ___________________(主题) and create a relaxing atmosphere. Step 2 Pre-reading (10mins) There are 3 tasks for the Ss. Do a guessing game. Show some funny pictures and sentences on PPT and then ask the Ss to Guess the meaning of the new words. Practice the new words and phrases: Match the new words and phrases with the Chinese meanings. Predicting: based on the title/ pictures on the text. ( 看具体情况而定) Purpose: through guessing, to arouse Ss learning interest, and help them to learn the new words and phrases which they may come across while reading, pave the way for the following learning and cultivate the ability of anticipating. {Meanwhile, pronunciation of some letter strings such as “ea” (pea, tea, feast..) and “er” (cucumber…) are highlighted so as to foster students’ phonetic sensitivity.} (如果有语音教学则可渗透。) Step 3 While- reading (15mins) There are two tasks for the Ss. first reading: Ss read the article as quickly as they can and try to get the general idea by answer the following questions. Q1: who/ when/ what/ ………. second reading: pair-discussion

Ss read the article more carefully, and then discuss with their partners to finish the T/F exercises and fill in the table/blanks in the sentences. A : T/F

B: Fill in blanks. 根据课文内容而定。参考活动:

Fill in the table, make an outline of the article, find the topic sentences of each paragraph, etc.

Purpose: the two tasks are aim to develop Ss’ reading ability. Skimming for the main idea of the article, and scanning for the specific information. And then get a deep understanding of the article. Step 4 Post-reading (10mins) 1)Group discussion: fill in the blanks

Ss discuss the article with their group members, and find out the language points, such as the key words, phrases, and sentence structures in the article.

And then fill in the blanks in a short passage present on the PPT. The short passage is made up from the article, and the answers are the language points in this lesson.

After check the answers, I will help the Ss to summarize the language points. 2)Retell: Use the key word and phrases presented on the PPT to retell the article. Make a report——小组合作,反馈

2 Purpose: Through group work, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and train the ability of solve problem by themselves. In class, the teacher is just a guide, while the Ss are the center, where, the teacher just join them, giving suggestions, and offering help when they need. Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article, is an output, and it can evaluates how well the Ss learned in this lesson. Step 5 Homework (2mins) go over today’ lesson and preview the next lesson go to the library or search on the internet to get more extra material about this topic and then write a report. Purpose: consolidate the language points and do prepare for the next lesson, and develop the ability of writing. Part 5 Layout

Title New words new phrases



下午好,我亲爱的法官,我---,----,我很荣幸能有这个机会谈谈我的教学理念。我的演讲由五个部分组成。 第1部分教材分析

这个教训是读通过,重点是__________________主题,这样一个话题是关系到我们的日常生活,所以很容易引起SS的学习兴趣。 我的教学目标包括以下几个部分。 首先,知识目标:

通过这节课的结束,SS可以学习的新词和新词:_____________________________________其他参考活动:辩论----当话题有矛盾的双面 讨论调查 了解文章的主要思想; 并掌握使用_____________________(某个语法点) 二,能力目标: 文章的主要思想,脱脂 扫描的具体信息, 预测一些信息和 理解整篇文章,

扩大阅读更多的资料库中,或从互联网的相关知识,写一个报告的主题,等等。 第三情感目标:

开发通过团队合作精神和对讨论; 调动SS在学习英语的兴趣 第四,文化意识 第五,重要的点:


并发展他们的阅读技巧,如预测,略读,扫描,总结语言点............(具体课程报名截止日型用 3 具体例子阐述)

使用the______________________(语法或句型) 虽然难点:

被启用的SS使用新的单词和短语来表达自己的想法,在日常生活中和发展略读和扫描能力。 掌握使用______________________________(语法或句型) 根据教学过程设计的内容来决定) 第2部分学生的分析

党卫军已经学会了一些多年的英语。他们理解一些单词和简单的句子。他们是好奇,活跃,喜欢比赛,竞争,和各种活动。他们乐于学习,通过合作,在轻松的气氛。 第3部分的教学方法



此外,需要一台电脑,黑板,录音机,投影仪作为教具。 第4部分教学程序


步骤1准备活动和领导(3分钟) 免费通话;谈一些相关的主题文章。 参考活动:


目的:激活SS把__________(主题)主题,创造一个轻松的气氛。 第2步预读(10分钟) 有3个SS任务。 做一个猜谜游戏。

上显示的PPT的一些有趣的图片和句子,然后问SS到 猜测新词的意义。 实行新的单词和短语:


预测:基于文本的标题/图片。 (看具体情况而定)


{与此同时,一些如“EA”(豌豆,茶叶,盛宴......)和“ER”(黄瓜)的字母串的发音突出,以培养学生的语音灵敏度。}(如果有语音教学则可渗透。) 第3步虽然阅读(15分钟) 有两个任务的SS。 一读:

SS他们可以尽快阅读文章,并尝试回答下列问题的总体思路。 第一季:谁/ / / ............... 二读:对讨论

SS更仔细地阅读文章,然后与他们的合作伙伴商讨完成T / F演习,并填写在句子中的表/空白。 答:T / F A:填写空白。



4 目的:这两个任务是发展SS的阅读能力的目的。文章的主要思想,略读和扫描的具体信息。然后得到了文章的深刻理解。 第4步后,阅读(10分钟) 1)小组讨论:填补空白

SS组成员讨论的文章,找出语言点,如在文章中的关键词,词组,句子结构。 然后填写在短文目前的PPT上的空白。从文章短文,答案是在这一课的语言点。 核对答案后,我会帮助SS来概括的语言点。 2)复述:

使用的关键单词和短语上的PPT介绍,复述文章。 作报告 - 小组合作,反馈

目的:通过工作组的工作,培养合作精神,培养自己解决问题的能力。在课堂上,老师只是指导,而SS是中心,在那里,老师只是加入他们的行列,给予建议,并在需要时提供帮助。同时,要求SS复述文章,是一个输出,它可以评估如何在这一课中了解到的SS。 第5步作业(2分钟) 今天的教训,并预览下一课

去图书馆或在互联网上搜索有关此主题,以获得更多的额外的材料,然后写一份报告。 目的:巩固语言点,并为下一课做准备,并制定写作能力。 第二部分5布局 标题


第7篇:教师资格证试讲教案 全英

What’s the matter, Mike?

1.Knowledge object: 能够听说读写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache,

一、Teaching aims and demands教学目标与要求 have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore throat. 2.Ability object: 能够听说读句型:What’s the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。

3.Emotional object:使学生学会关心他人,培养良好的人际关系。

二、teaching key point and diffcult point教学重点与难点

1.重点是掌握单词和短语,并询问别人的身体状况。 2.难点是正确拼写单词和短语。

三、teaching aids课前准备(根据抽到的题而定)


2、教师准备本单元的挂图。 3. 体温计一支

四、teaching procedure教学过程

1、 Warm-up (1)最好唱首歌 提起学生的学习兴趣.” (2) 推荐使用情景导入

2、 Presentation and practice (这个部分建议略写,视自己的时间定) (1)教师出示Let’s start的教学挂图,说:Look! We have some new friends here. Who are they? What’s the matter with them?…帮助学生回答,并引导学生通过观察图片或教师的肢体动作来帮助学生熟悉答句中的新单词和短语。

(2)播放Let’s chant的录音,重点领读句子:I have a headache. I have the flu. (3)教师出示一支体温表,说:This is a thermometer. If I have a fever, it will tell me. Let’s see Mike. Mike doesn’t feel well. He has a fever.指着Let’s learn的图片的Mike,教学“have a fever”。让学生看图片,教授单词和短语:hurt, have a cold, have a toothache, have a headache, have a sore throat.注意headache和 toothache的共同之处,帮助学生简单了解构词法。播放录音,让学生跟读单词。

(4)教师让学生读单词,叫到的同学,给他图片(have a fever),问他:“What’s the matter, xxx?”引导学生说:I feel sick. I have a fever.解释sick单词。用同样的方法教授句型:What’s the matter, xxx? I


(5)“看病”游戏。 将学生分成五大组,每组选一张短语卡片。教师提问:Cold, cold, who has a cold? 如第一组选中的是have a cold,这组学生就边做动作或表情边吟唱:Cold, cold, I have a cold.用同样的方法进行操练,各组调换卡片继续该活动。




4、 Homework



Unit 2 What’s the matter, Mike?

have a fever


have a cold

have a toothache

have a headache

have a sore throat

What’s the matter, Mike?

I feel……( sick,. I have a fever.)

当时我抽到的题目是这个 (一模一样)

have a fever


have a cold

have a toothache

have a headache

have a sore throat

What’s the matter, Mike?

I feel……( sick,. I have a fever.)


Teaching plan for Unit 5Canada-the true northBook3

Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book3 Unit 5Canada-the true north. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods,the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about Canada. By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some basic information of Canada, such as it’s location, it’s climate, it’s characteristics and so on. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to understand and respect different cultures in different foreign countries. According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching objectives are as follows:

1. Knowledge objectives:

a) The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patternsb) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c) The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

2. Ability objects:

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

3. Emotion or moral objects:

To understand the different cultures in different contries.

Now, let’s come to the important points and the difficult points.

That is how to make the ss understand the passage quickly and effectively.

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop thestudents’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based”language teaching (任务教学法).

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Our students are almost from the countryside. They are lack of geography knowledge and the cultural background of those foreign countries. Therefore , I ’ll have Ss study through the process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc.

Teaching Aids:

The blackboard,the textbook,a picture of Canada,the multimedia. The tape recorder.

Part 4 Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in.

At the beginning of the class, I will show a picture of Canada on page 33 to the ss. And ask them where Canada is and do you want to go to Canada.

Step 2Fast reading

Read the passage quickly and find the main idea of each para. And ask some ss to do the match on the blackboard.

Step 3 Detailed reading

Listen to the tape and answer the questions below:

Find out the characteristics in the passage, their routine and the places where they go.

Step 5 Discussion

Work in pairs and discuss the question:

What’s the real meaning of ‘ the true north’ in the title.

Step4 Homework.

Summarize the whole lesson, and arrange the homework.

Ask Ss to write a short passage about Canada according what you have learnt in the passage.

Part 5 Blackboard Design.

On the left, I will write some important words and phrases. On the right, I will write the match. To ask the ss to match the main idea of each para.That is all my lesson. Thank you very much!







学习单词nose、 mouth、 eye、 ear、eyebrow






师:Hello, boys and girls

幼:Hello, Miss Wang

师幼共同唱〈Hello, how do you do 〉


师:今天老师再来给小朋友变个魔术,〈点出课件face〉,Look at this.

幼:Its face

师:Yes,〈教师模仿face〉:“I am a face, nice to see you”

幼:“nice to see you too”

师:Oh, very good 。face上都有什么呢?Who want to help me?




师:〈点击课件放大五官上的嘴巴〉What’s this?


师:oh,this is mouth,follow me “mouth”

幼儿看老师口型跟读 ,向mouth打招呼“hello mouth”

类似学习nose 、eye 、ear


幼、good good very good.








师:下面老师要和小朋友做个游戏,游戏的名字叫:touch touch

教师找一名能力强的幼儿配合示范游戏〈教师用手请轻轻拍幼儿的手,一边说touch touch nose幼儿赶快用另一只手指在鼻子上,要求能够听到后,快速的指出相应的五官〉幼儿学会后可以自由找自己的好朋友玩这个游戏,教师鼓励帮助交往能力差的幼儿找到好朋友。在欢乐的touch touch游戏中结束活动。
