
2023-07-04 版权声明 我要投稿






















听力部分约40分钟,我觉得最重要是集中精神。首先看问题,了解文章大意。听到一些关键的词语要留心,如FIRST,MOST,NOW,BECAUSE,ONLY等。有地方听不清楚的要放弃,否则后面就很难跟得上,会漏掉更多的题目。有因果,转折,比较关系的地方很可能出题。一般会出现这些连词,ON THE OTHER HAND,IN FACT,BEFORE,AFTER,WHILE,THOUGH,EVENTHOUGH,ALTHOUGH等。而且重读的单词,REPEAT的单词,数字以及拼写出来的人名都是可能出题的地方。等听力播放完有10分钟时间可以抄写答案到答题卡上,一般用前4-5分钟把答案抄完,剩下的时间检查语法错误,雅思一对一口语陪练 雅思QQ群:154366788.拼写错误,有的地方还有字数限制,甚至要看看是否抄错地方。最后不要留空白,有些问题可以根据常识回答。


较多的一些技巧,而且对速度也有要求。一般是很难把整篇文章读完,事实上是不用从头到尾读完的。开始先读题目,之后读文章第一段和每段的第一句就开始做题了。阅读速度比较快的同学,可以先做LIST OF HEADING,然后做填空和判断,最后做配对,选择等。阅读比较有困难的同学可以先做LIST OF HEADING,再做做配对,选择等题目,最后才做填空和判断。标题选择题可以了解文章大意,而配对和选择等小题目虽然简单却要比较细的阅读例子,有时候找不到会很容易心烦。我建议大家每做一题就抄到答题卡上,因为要做完40题是非常苛刻的。最后一定要留5分钟左右检查答案。雅思一对一口语陪练 雅思QQ群:154366788

对于LIST OF HEADING,首先要找到关键的单词。有以下这些方法:⒈阅读TOPIC SENTENCE,通常在第一或最后一句,要小心的是如果第一和第二句有转折关系,TOPIC SENTENCE就在第二句而不是第一句。⒉找重复出现的单词,如机械重现,代词重现和回环结构(首尾照应),有这些重现的单词那么很明显整个段落就是在阐述这样东西了。⒊有些归纳,结果的词语也代表了该段的大意。一般做这种题目,主要是看每段的一二句和最后一句,对于例子,某些人的说话都可以不看。另外阅读比较难的一类题目是判断题,雅思的判断题除了正确和错误以外还有NOT GIVEN,既文中没有说明。一般比较难的是区分错误和NOT GIVEN,需要很好的逻辑思维。这要平时的大量练习才可以较好的把握。判断题有三种类型是绝对不考的:Ⅰ时态Ⅱ修辞Ⅲ文化背景知识。所以即使雅思的阅读都是些专业性比较强的文章,

但他却不要求你有这些知识。所以了解雅思出题的目的,就能掌握考试的技巧。他不要求你看懂文章的所有信息,而是要求你能找出重要信息。很多专业术语你只要当他是一个符号就可以了,并不影响你对整个句子的理解。当题目出现MOST ONLY 等绝对化的词语一般有90%都是错误的,还有这里不能根据我们的常识来回答问题。即使我们知道,文中没有给出也要选NOT GIVEN。还有一点要主要是审题,有时候他要你填YES/NO/NOT GIVEN,有时却是TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN。我考试的时候就是前2篇是YES/NO/NOT GIVEN,最后一篇却是TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN。写出了即使你答对也是没分的。另外其他类型有填空,选择,填表,配对等,是一些比较容易的题目,要考高分这些题目不能出错。填空题要注意拼写和语法,大多数题目是相对比较集中的,所以容易找到。同样做这些题要认真审题,看清他有没有说要FROM THE PASSAGE,还有字数限制和在哪一段(可以帮助我们减少大量时间和提高准确率)。对于选择题一般会是要看选项来定位,也可以用排除法,如有两个选项意思完全相反,那么答案就在这2个中了。雅思一对一口语陪练 雅思QQ群:154366788

作文:有2个TASK,第一个写150字的说明文,第二篇是250字的议论文。一般是用40分钟先写TASK2,要注意审题。注意题目要求的类型,呼应提问顺序,立场要明确,最后要适当引申。写TASK 1的时候不要评论,MIGHT,SHOULD,OUGHT等不能出现。双图写对比,单图写趋势。2篇写不完的话是很低分的。最后要留5分钟检查语法,


口语:口语的事先准备是很重要的,所以平时一定要准备所有的题目。因为PART 2的一分钟给你做准备是很难讲出生动的内容的。平时要注意自己的发音,这部分的评分只有2,4,6,8分4个标准,所以发音好才容易拿到6分。另外考试的时候最好能说出一些有幽默感的内容,而且说话时要看着考官。EYE CONTACT是很正常的事情,也是表示对对方的尊敬。

雅思一对一口语陪练 雅思QQ群:154366788..下面是我考试前的准备,学习的方法。如果离考试时间还比较久的话,可以看下其他的教材和课本,如新概念英语。可以听写里面文章,因为所有的文章都是由外国的语言家朗读的,对于听力和口语有很大的帮助。在离考试还有1个多月时间时,我几乎是每星期听一次听力,每次都是4个SECTION 一起听,这样才能适应考试的强度。听完后我是看TAPE SCRIPT来检查答案的,这样可以了解考试的出题点。遇到不懂的单词一定要背。阅读要靠平时课堂和作业时的锻炼,而最后一个月我每个星期做一次雅思真题,如剑桥





来源:无忧雅思网2005-12-22 9:46:00


看来,11月的烤鸭真的很少,19号的雅思成绩今天出来了。总分7 (听力 8 ,阅读7.5 作文 6 口语7)感谢无忧雅思网上那么多烤鸭们无私的帮助和奉献,受益良多。现在把我在复习雅思过程中经验和一点小技巧与大家分享,也希望能对还没考试的考友有所帮助。



第一阶段主要是听力分项和阅读分项练习阶段,因为太长时间没有接触到听力,所以捡起来很困难。我主要做了倪慧洁的雅思高分听力,非常好,难度介于考试与稍高之间。每篇听力我都听三遍,第一遍按考试走,第二遍默听,主要是听错的和没太听清楚的,第三遍,对照原文,听前两遍都没听出来的,关键的是听发音比较奇怪的,好比澳洲英语。这本书此类内容不少。一般听一个整篇要用一上午,后来就没有时间再这么听了,但确实非常管用。一开始听时 14 ,40 都挺不准,一套题

一般也就28,9个,当时都没信心了。接着做剑桥就一下子对31,2个再也没怎么下去过,好的时候35,6也有。阅读我用的是阅读真经,文章不错,但题目完全不敢恭维。和雅思考试出题思路完全不一样,尤其是TFNG 题。我都很后悔当初花那么多时间去改错,如果我身边再有朋友考试,我一定不让他做。

第二阶段我就开始套题了。我主要就做了剑桥234(留了4的 第二篇最后一周作,据说这是剑4最难的一套)中间还做过两套聚焦雅思,不过我总觉得和剑桥出题感觉不同,加上我错的也比剑桥多,我就放弃不做了。可能我个人太注意感觉了吧,我觉得培养一个做题的流畅的感觉很重要,我一开始做 剑2 阅读还做过25,6个的时候,还有点钻牛角尖,总觉得自己错的有道理。后来经高人指点,注意从答案思考问题,后来就一直保持在31个以上。考试的时候做的模模糊糊的,结果成绩也还好。因为实在没有自己觉得感觉对的其他题,我也就没题可作,我花大量时间分析错题,一般一套阅读题也要一个下午,还要点出哪些是不应该错的反而错了,也要做标记。我觉得非常收益。大家不妨试试,磨刀不误砍柴工嘛。这段时间的错误在于作文练得太少,我本来作文就是最弱的一环,在加上平日自己模考试没有思路就不愿写,很纵容自己。结果成绩不高,大家还是多练得好,而且最好按考试时间走,写完了可以再精改的。


尤其注意不会的单词,我自己还整理了一份机井的自己不会的单词。(说句题外话,因为考试有幸考到了我背得题,一下子有点兴奋,结果听漏了一个空,考出来后悔死了,大家注意阿)另外我还是每天听一段听力,应为如果考到测试版,纯背就死定了。作文模版句我是在chinadaily 的专栏作家文章中找的,根据经济体育分了类,这是自己的模版,所以不用担心跟别人重。我还记得一句我标了个万能的,我考试的时候就用的这个:there is a sign hanging above the gate of(theme og the writing),It simpliy messages that ..... 挺好的,大家有时间可以找一下,另外,我在考试中特别注意没写 the first and most important reason is

that,,,,furthermore 之类的关联词,写的时候感觉特好,结果倒不是很理想,不知道考官会不会觉得我没有清晰的条理性。

还有几个我在作题中的发现的小小技巧,可能有的大家也早知道了,不敢保证完全对,但目前为止我用的还可以。一个是matching题中如果出现 you may use one word more than once ,那肯定有两个小题选同一个答案,考试中一定要审好题,节省时间,也不用怕因为选了两个一样的答案就觉得自己错了,就是这样,我考试中就遇到了,另一点就是当判断题中出现不认识的单词时,实在没办法就写F,以前报班是老师好像说改写T的,但我分析了剑桥的三本题,都是F。第三点是判断题,关于 not necessarily 是绝对否定,我知道语法上说不同,但我分别在不同的两种题中看到它代表这种含义。举个例子,忘了是剑桥2,3有一篇关于Role的题 文章中是 is it bad.... ? Not necessarily 题目是 it is good... 答案就是T,这道题我找了很长时间也没找到准确的位置,后来又做到一篇,才判断了我的想法。






1.The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over the past few decades. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. What are your opinions on this? The Internet has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that the benefits of the Internet far outweigh its drawbacks. These benefits are twofold. First of all, it is an indisputable fact that the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. Despite the risk of social isolation—a problem occasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world--- most of us have benefited greatly from e-mail and internet chat programs like MSN Messenger. These incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both contact with loved ones in faraway places and global trade. Equally importantly, though, the Internet has placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips. In earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves. Now, however, the same information can be accessed at the click of a button. Admittedly, not all of the information available on the Internet is reliable or helpful---there is a vast amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from pornography to instructions on how to make bombs. Nonetheless, I would contend that this free flow of information has generally been a very positive development.

By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my position that the Internet has had a positive impact on modern life because of its influence on communication and the flow of information.

2.Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular. Some feel that this is a positive trend, while others do not. What are your opinions on this?

The past 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in the availability of fast food. Some laud its convenience and relatively low cost; however, in this essay I intend to argue that this kind of food is detrimental both to the individuals that consume it and to society at large. There are two primary reasons for this.

First of that, it is an undeniable fact that consuming fast food to excess results in serious health problems. Foods such as fried chicken, hamburgers and chips---which are incredibly high in fat and salt---are responsible for such ailments as high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease. Moreover, although I certainly agree that fast food is both affordable and convenient, the cost and inconvenience of treating the illnesses it causes in later life are significant. In order words, while fast food is beneficial in the short term, its long-term effects are generally negative. Further and even more importantly, though, some fast food chains deliberately attempt to attract children in order to shape their future eating habits. One particularly good example of this is the character Ronald McDonald---the bright clothes and smile of the McDonald clown are a beacon to children. Having grown up eating in McDonald restaurants, people are likely to continue eating there throughout their adult lives. It is also interesting to note that McDonald provides playgrounds and frequently holds children’s birthday parties in order to attract young children and their parents. By way of conclusion, I believe that fast food will continue to become more popular as the pace of life increases. Given the health risks associated with this trend, I believe that public education campaigns warning people about the dangers of fast food would be warranted. 3.International tourism is now more common than ever before. Some feel that this is a position trend, while others do not. What are your opinions on this?

The past 50 years have seen a considerable increase in global tourism. Despite the undeniable economic prosperity it has brought to many host countries, I would argue that the overall impact of international holidaymaking has in fact been negative. Two of the primary drawbacks associated with this trend are as follows. First of all, global tourism tends to export many negative aspects of western culture. Since it is only the wealthy who can afford to travel abroad, developing countries like Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of tourists from more affluent ones. In many such nations, this influx of mainly western tourists has brought with it problems such as prostitution as well as alcoholism and drug abuse. Admittedly, international tourism does have the potential to foster greater understanding and tolerance between people of different cultures. However, this is unlikely to occur while it remains such a potent symbol of western cultural domination and moral decadence. Even more disturbing, though, is the environmental degradation that international tourism has caused in many parts of the world. One particularly salient example of this is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia --- the countless boats, divers and snorkelers that have visited the reef over the past few decades have gradually destroyed vast sections of coral. Similarly, world renowned Kuta Beach in Bali has become heavily polluted in recent years. In order to be sustainable, greater regulation of global tourism is required. In conclusion, the challenges presented by the booming international tourist industry are numerous and complex. Although they are by no means insurmountable, it is highly unlikely that they will be resolved in the foreseeable future.

4. Nowadays, more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries, immigrants should abandon their old ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behavior. Do you agree or disagree?

These days, it seems that more people are migrating to other countries than ever before. This raises certain questions about the integration of newcomers into society. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary, in this paper I will argue that it is the responsibility of immigrants to adapt to accepted rules of behavior in their adopted country, both written and unwritten. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, it is vitally important that newcomers observe the laws of their adopted country for the sake of social order. Imagine the chaos that would ensure if people refused to drive on the same side of the road. It is, therefore, necessary for all immigrants to ensure that they observe the law in their new country regardless of any differences to laws in their home country. Two further instances of practices which are permitted in some countries but prohibited in orders are the possession of firearms and gambling. Secondly and more importantly, though, in order to maintain societal cohesion it is essential that newcomers respect the social norms of their adopted country. Of course, having a mixture of different cultures and traditions gives a country colour and vibrancy; however, I would contend that too much cultural diversity undermines a society by alienating people from each other. It is my belief that similarities unite people, whereas differences have a tendency to divide. A strong society is a homogenous society with shared values and goals. By way of conclusion, I believe that this issue is likely to become even more important in the future as borders between countries become increasingly blurred. It, therefore, demands our further consideration. 5. Men and women are difficult in terms of their characteristics and abilities. For this reason, some jobs are better done by men and others by women. Do you agree or disagree?

These days, it seems that more women are entering “male occupations” than ever before and vice versa. While some still hold to the conservative view that certain jobs are better performed by men and others by women, it is my personal belief that people of either sex are capable of doing any job effectively. The reasons for my position are as follows. First of all, I believe it is a mistake to base our views on broad generalizations about the characteristics of men and women as such stereotypes are often inaccurate. Although there are certainly traits which are typical of men and others which are typical of women, there are exceptions to every rule. Not all women are physically weak, just as not all men are poor interpersonal communicators; conventional gender roles are not appropriate for everybody. If a man or woman desires to pursue a career which is traditionally reserved for the opposite sex, I believe he/she should be provided the opportunity to prove him/herself capable. Secondly, I would contend that the presence of both males and females in a workplace brings a sense of balance. Men and women frequently, though by no means always, have different methods of doing things. Rather than judging these differences to be weaknesses, I feel that we should view them as opportunities for innovation and the discovery of more effective and efficient work practices. A person’s weaknesses can thus be transformed into strengths. In summary, I once again reaffirm my position that both male and female employees are an asset to any industry and as our stereotypes about men and women are not always appropriate, we must not discourage anyone from choosing an occupation simply because of his/her gender. 6. Smoking is a major cause of serious illness and death throughout the world today. In the interest of public health, governments should ban cigarettes and other tobacco products. Do you agree or disagree? There are widely differing views on the issue of whether tobacco should be banned or not. Some people would suggest that it is their right to smoke and that prohibiting cigarettes would be a violation of their civil liberties; however, I personally believe that tobacco should indeed be made illegal. There are two principal reasons for this. One point which I believe to be absolutely pivotal is the fact that tobacco is a drug. The majority of governments around the world take a prohibitionist approach to the problem of substance abuse. If governments wish to be consistent in pursuing their “war on drugs”, therefore, I believe they must ban tobacco as well. This is particularly heroin and marijuana---have legitimate medical applications, while tobacco has none. However, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of banning cigarettes and other tobacco products is that of public health. It is an irrefutable fact that smoking leads to lung cancer and other such potentially fatal diseases. Pro-smoking groups would no doubt argue that each individual has the right to determine what goes into his/her own body. Nevertheless, I would suggest that the interests and rights of society at large must override those of the individual. The medical treatment that smokers require is often incredibly costly, and it is frequently governments and society that cover these costs rather than the individual smoker. Hence, I feel that laws prohibiting smoking would be entirely justified. In reality, of course, the widespread prohibition of smoking is unlikely in the near future. However, given the seriousness of the problems that it causes, I believe that this should be the ultimate goal. 7. Trying to save endangered animal species from extinction is a waste of valuable resources. Do you agree or disagree? The issue of whether we should attempt to save endangered species from extinction or not is certainly a contentious one. Despite the arguments of some people that such animals serve no useful purpose and should be allowed to die out just as many others (including the dinosaurs) have in the past, it is my personal belief that they should in fact be preserved. Two of the principal reasons for this are as follows. Firstly, it is vital that we appreciate the importance of endangered species in maintaining the balance of nature. Ecosystems are delicate arrangements where plants and animals all depend on each other for survival. The disappearance or introduction of any animal species disrupts the balance and negatively impacts upon other plants and animals by breaking the food chain and altering the habitat in which they live. Such imbalances frequently return to haunt us in unexpected ways. Just as rabbits that were introduced to Australia soon after European settlement now compete with native species for food and destroy farmers’ crops, the extinction of a predator can cause plagues by allowing its prey to multiply unchecked. Therefore, since ecological change constitutes a potential risk to us and our environment, it is clearly I our own interests to protect endangered species. Yet, perhaps the strongest argument in favor of preserving endangered species is that all life has intrinsic value; even if endangered species are not useful to us in any practical way they should be preserved nevertheless. Further, given that we humans are responsible for destroying the natural habitat of many endangered animals, we should make every possible effort to save them.

In conclusion, I once again restate my view that saving endangered species is worthwhile. Not only do they help to maintain the balance of nature, but they also have value in and of themselves.

8. With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close as they used to be. Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it. Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now, however, almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern society. In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solutions to it.

Chief among the causes of this problem is the modern lifestyle. Today’s parents have to work harder than those of previous generations to support their families. Traditionally, one parent assumed the role of breadwinner, while the other---typically the mother----acted as the homemaker. Recently, though, double income families have become the norm. Consequently, an increasing number of children now grow up in a parentless environment. Little wonder, then, that they feel alienated. Another contributing factor is the passive and solitary nature of many modern forms of entertainment. In order to resolve this sense of alienation within families, I believe we must first address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective method of doing this would be for governments to offer financial incentives to parents who choose to remain at home and take care of their families. Admittedly, such incentives would probably not full compensate couples for lost income; however, they would at least soften the hardship of living on a single income and provide an alternative for parents who would rather remain at home but are unable to do so because of financial constraints. One further measure would be to promote more interactive leisure activities in the community through public education campaigns.

In conclusion, I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that to no solution is likely in the short term. However, I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step.


作者:Jarod Zhang


很早就想写个关于英语口语学习的帖子了,最近雅思成绩出来了,很多朋友都问我口语是怎么考8.5的,我想可以借这个机会写点东西来统一回复一下,其实我本人比较反对从应试的角度谈英语学习,但是不谈应试好像又很难量化效果,所以这篇文章我会同时从应试和非应试两个角度谈英语口语的提高。第一次考雅思是2012年夏天,考了个很奇葩的成绩(也是个很典型的中国考生成绩):听力:9 阅读:8 口语:7 写作:6,总分7.5,这次考试除去之前做了几套剑桥真题阅读外基本是裸考,已经不算差了,但是我一直憋着一口气,因为我自己知道自己的口语能力不止7分。2015年五月,为了申请澳洲移民,我再次约战A类雅思,这次的成绩是:听力:8 阅读:8 口语:8.5 写作:6.5 总分:8。虽然与目标的四个7(澳洲技术移民需要四项都在7分以上才有语言加分)擦肩而过,但是我很欣慰这一次自己的口语水平得到了比较客观印证。 英语口语学习中的误区



这可能是我听到最多的一个说辞,很多人甚至把它作为不想学英语的绝佳借口。事实上,语言环境绝非学好口语的必要条件,我自己的口语就是在中国学的,很多人问我英语为什么这么好,是不是在国外学习生活过,我的确在加拿大读过书,但是我去加拿大读书之前和之后英语水平其实差不多。我在加拿大读书时候也遇到很多在那面读书很多年的中国学生,他们在那里上很多年学,算是有语言环境了吧,但是口语非常烂的人大有人在。这个误区导致的一个副作用就是,很多人把外教捧上了神坛,感觉必须要跟外国人练口语才能把口语说好,甚至不惜花一个小时300+的价格请外教来陪自己“聊天”,要么就是趋之若鹜的去有老外的英语角,一群人围攻一个老外,抢着说一两句简单的英语,如果得到了外教的答复就沾沾自喜,觉得自己可以跟外国人交流了。这些都是舍本逐末的做法。外教固然有其价值,但不值得迷信。 误区二:背会这X百句你的口语就没有问题了

这样的帖子多年以前曾经在人人网上肆虐了好久,有说100句的,有说300句的,还有说1000句的,目前在微信圈上还存有一些流毒,还有的干脆说背会《新概念英语4》就没有问题了(说实话我本人一直比较反感《新概念英语》这套教材,老套,无聊,也许放在20年前是套不错的书,但是现在网络上内容这么丰富的情况下,还有人追捧这套书真有点不可思议)。背句子这种学习方法也是多年前风靡全中国的李阳疯狂英语的精髓所在,我觉得背句子这件事儿本身对于学英语没有坏处,但是如果说光靠背句子就能指望熟练未免有点太天真了,英语口语能力最终是体现在用另外一个语言思考的能力,而非简单的堆叠背熟的句子。而且最要命的是,这种方法几乎很少有人能最终坚持下去。 误区三:英语口语可以快速突破

人人都希望可以抄近道,可以速成,但是在语言学习这件事儿上,我觉得只有正确的方法,没有速成的方法。这个误区同时又是广大英语学习者的软肋,被各种无良的追逐利益最大化的英语教育机构看准了,于是你就可以在市面上看到各种:两天背完整本书,7天突破英语口语之类的狗屁骗人广告,而且收费不菲,动辄上万。在我看来,突破是个质变的过程,没有量变,质变就无从谈起,而量变是需要时间积累的。如果你平时没有学英语,而是寄希望于7天时间的天价突破训练营来帮助你实现口语水平的质变是不太现实的。 下面从我个人经验谈谈英语口语提高的一些方法: 1.选对的材料大量地泛听



那么是不是所有的题材都适合做泛听呢,网上很多人推荐看美剧,听VOA,BBC,一开始我也是从听VOA看老友记开始的,但是那时候资源远没有现在这么丰富。我的建议是,从non-scripted的材料开始听起, 何为non-scripted材料?就是那种不是事先写好剧本的,各种脱口秀,真人秀都可以划入这一范畴,我个人比较推荐The Apprentice系列,如果你比较喜欢英音的可以看The Apprentice UK。另外一个值得推荐的系列是Survivor(幸存者),这部剧目前已经开播15个年头,共30个season,制作水平精良,本身够精彩,而且参与者来自各行各业,操着各种口音,是一个非常好的泛听材料。关于真人秀我在另外一篇文章里有更为详细的阐述,可以点此链接阅读:如何通过看美剧学英语口语 - 暨一份“不同寻常”的美剧推荐单

作为进阶,口语水平已经比较好的朋友可以尝试看各大network的脱口秀,我本人是从大二开始就养成看Conan O’Brien的习惯,大二到大四三年一集不差地看了3年,后来大学毕业也偶尔会看,美国的脱口秀一般40分钟到一个小时,开始一般是主持人结合时事讲搞笑的段子,之后会有一到两个短小品,然后是名人访谈环节,一般是最近推出新作品的演员上来推荐自己的新作,最后会有乐队或者歌手上来现场表演。所以基本上一集里面你可以体会到Monolog(独白),Dialog(对话)和Music(音乐)三种不同形式的语言表达。我个人认为是非常好的泛听进阶材料。

然后最高阶材料是Standup Comedy,有点类似于咱们中国的说学逗唱,但是一般是单口的,网上有大量的Standup Comedy可以下载,我个人比较喜欢Chris Rock和Jimmy Carr,此外Comedy Central的Roast系列也非常棒。对于没有时间或者条件看视频的朋友,可以选择听Podcast,安卓平台推荐使用Podcast Addict,iOS推荐使用Overcast或者Breaker,都是免费的APP。Podcast涵盖各种话题,可以根据自己的兴趣爱好订阅一到两个坚持听。我个人比较推荐WNYC出品的Freakonomics Radio和NPR出品的一些节目。 2.自己跟自己说话

这个方法非常适合自己一个人走路或者没事儿干的时候自己跟自己跟自己练口语,上面我们提到的泛听是一个被动的输入过程,而自己跟自己说话就是一个主动地输出过程了,这个方法有三点好处:第一,我们中国人学英语的最大一个障碍之一就是不好意思说,怕说错了别人笑话,这个方法因为是自己跟自己说,所以不存在这个问题;第二,自己跟自己说话可以随便选话题,选自己最感兴趣的话题,不受限制;第三,不受时间地点限制,你甚至不需要出声,在脑子里面说都可以,而且是免费的。举个例子,你在从宿舍到教室的路上一个人走,选好一个话题,比如想谈谈目前比较火的“中国股市”,那就可以开始说了,说任何相关的事情都可以,如果不幸说多了跑题了那也没关系,因为你的目的已经达到了。 3.选择一款APP辅助背单词 词汇量的重要性我就不在这里熬述了,用软件辅助背单词的最大好处就是便于复习管理。我从初中开始就开始用软件辅助背单词了,当时唯一一款能用的软件叫做“轻轻松松背单词”,现在市面上可以用的背单词软件数不胜数,当然质量也参差不齐,比较有名的软件有百词斩,扇贝,拓词等, 选一款自己用着顺手的app,选一本适合自己单词书,制定一个可执行的单词复习量,开始背吧!最好能找一个小伙伴一起背,互相监督,如果有任何一天不能完成任务可以设定小的惩罚机制,督促自己从头到尾不间断地背完一本词书,复习最好采用英文释义而不是中文释义,并且要参考英文例句,因为很多中文释义不但不准确,而且会产生误导,这样的后果就是很容易说出Chinglish来。 有关科学背单词的方法我在另外一篇文章里面进行了非常详细阐述: 点此跳转:如何用最短的时间科学地增加英语词汇量 4.通过写作议论文来锻炼CRITICAL THINKING的能力

有同学问了,我们这不是在说学口语吗?其实练习写作是磨刀不误砍柴工的。我的英语从初中开始一直不错,但是口语水平直到大二才能真正算得上是流利,分界线就是大二暑假时候复习GRE的时候写了40篇GRE Analytical Writing。我个人认为只有你能用英文思考问题,你的英语才能够达到流利的水平,不流利的原因是因为你还在用中文思考,思考过后再在脑中翻译成英文的说出来,这样你大脑CPU不够用,肯定会卡。当然了,不建议刚上来就拿GRE的AW来练习,雅思写作的题库话题其实就很有深度了。仔细观察,你会发现雅思口语考试的Part3和写作考试的Task2其实是有相通之处的,它们的共同点在考察范围已经超越了语言范畴,不信你可以尝试用中文回答试试,你会发现一些话题自己即便用自己的母语回答也是词穷的,因此它们的考察重点并不仅限于你的语言水平,还有你的critical thinking能力。我的建议是,平时练习口语的时候,可以自己从剑桥写作真题的task2中每周挑那么一两篇出来练习一下,拓展思路。相信最后你会达到写作和口语一石二鸟的效果。 雅思口语备考贴士


书籍方面首先必须要推荐当然是剑桥大学考试委员会出品的剑桥雅思官方真题集,熟悉考试动向,自我模拟练习都需要用到它,目前最新版的是目前最新版的是《剑桥雅思11》(购买链接:亚马逊 )。口语专项书籍方面我参考的是小姨的《10天突破雅思口语》(点此购买)这本书内容比较细,各种素材,话题总结得比较到位,建议当做泛读的入门材料以及一本素材工具书。 现在比较流行上网课,我尝试听了一些,觉得黄瀚生Frank的口语网课还是可以听一下的,因为他本身是Native Speaker,加上又是前考官,对于答题方法和方式的掌控比较到位,不像某些2B中国老师给你整大段的东西让你死记硬背。 iOS上面有款App叫做IELTSpeaking -雅思口语考试真实场景模拟(下载链接),这个软件是免费的,带5个免费的话题卡,软件里面会设置一个虚拟的考官,你选好一个话题卡,这个虚拟考官就会像真实考试一样问你相关的问题,从Part1到Part2最后Part3,你的答案会被录下来供你后面重新回放,这个app的好处是可以帮从没考过的朋友熟悉考试的流程,如果你觉得5个话题卡不够用也可以花钱内购600个答题卡,这样选择的余地就大很多了。 最后来说说机经,微信上可以订阅雅思哥的微信号(ielts365),每次考试前一周都会放出下周题目的预测,其实所谓的预测只是给你一个范围,里面还是包含很多题目的,这时候你最好能找一个小伙伴(条件允许的朋友可以找一个外教,推荐外教平台Cambly,可以使用我的优惠码“JAROD”获得15分钟免费试用),把预测里面的每一个题目都说一遍,说得不流利不要紧,最重要的是要有idea,比如说题目是让你说你小时候玩儿过的一个游戏,你就必须能在短时间内确定是哪个游戏然后展开来说,这样考试时候你遇到同样的话题或者相关的话题就很容易找到方向。一般情况下,机经里面提供的题目如果你都过了一遍,考试时候很难出现你什么都想不起来,一片空白的情况,当然你非常点儿背遇到很偏的新题的情况除外。

码了这么多字,其实最想传达的还是一个信息: 口语能力是英语基本功的体现,要相信量变产生质变,做好打持久战的准备。希望这篇文章能为你在学习英语口语,备考雅思的过程中提供一点帮助。


Dieting can change a person’s life for the better or ruin one’s health completely. What is your opinion?

A balanced diet has been viewed as a contributing factor to enhance living standards. As for some dietarians, accordingly, dieting is almost the only determinant of mankind health. From my perspective, however, other risks such as unwholesome habits and environmental pollution also lead to man’s ill-being.

Firstly, anti-hygienic ways of life post threat to human health. A notorious example is smoking, which not only ruins our respiratory system and lung function, but also takes its toll on surrounding individuals. Although it is believed that taking certain vegetables can alleviate smoking’s side effect, this food therapy seems ineffective if the smoker turns to be an addict accustomed to twenty cigarettes everyday over decades.

What can be more disturbing is a potential rise in environment contamination. Nourishing diets certainly contain various green stuff. But due to possible farm pollution in water and soils where the greens are planted, it is sometimes difficult to guarantee the food safety. Very likely, the dishes that look decent in our eyes turn out to be poisonous hazards that spoil our bodies.

In spite of the incapability against cigarettes and polluted farmland, that dieting has a profound role to play in building our wholesomeness is undeniable. After all, a dietary balance can provide us with necessary vitamins and minerals, while a high-calorie meal may lead to obesity and even diabetes. But although it is true that dietary habits form a close link with human health, to recognise it as the unique health indicator is somewhat rootless.

To summarise, without suggesting dieting is insignificant, I take the view that other threats like adverse lifestyles and polluted circumstance should not be neglected.
