
2023-04-08 版权声明 我要投稿



Pride and Prejudice

As we all know that, nowadays ladies want to marry gentlemen who are ‘high, wealthy and handsome,’ and almost all gentlemen like ‘white, wealthy and beautiful’ women. It seems that appearance and possessions have decided marriage to some extent. However, I do believe that we can learn a lot from Pride and Prejudice.

The first sentence in the movie reads, ‘A truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife." It reflects the social phenomenon at that time. Miss Bennet was eager to marry her five daughters to rich men. However, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennet don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. We can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions.

True love seems very fragile and lovers have to face a lot pressure from their families. The difference in social status can be a big barrier keeping lovers away from each other. Only by appreciating the marriage founded on the basis of mutual understanding and true love, can a couple

live a happy life. Elizabeth and Darcy tried so hard to persuade their families and shatter the stereotypes. Eventually, they became a couple and lead a happy life from then on.

From their wonderful marriage, we can conclude that it’s true love that matters most. For all the girls, their boyfriends may not be the richest guys in the world, but as long as they really care for us and we love each other, they can marry in the future. Sometimes, beautiful appearance and wealth may blind our eyes, I think it’s high time that we should think over love and make an important choice.

The movie really impresses me a lot. Love is everything, and nothing can prevent true love. In such a society where every is pursuing for a large amount of wealth and good appearance, I think we really need to calm down.


Impressions of pride and prejudice

Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. The author perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.

The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century. The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book. The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man. I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century. In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married. In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?

Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.


Reading after Pride and Prejudice

Recently I have been reading a novel called Pride and Prejudice, which was written by Jane Austen. Although I haven’t finished it yet, I still have something to write.

The writer, Jane Austen, was an English woman. She was born in Steventon, Hampshine, where her father was a rector. She was the second daughter and the seventh child in a family of eight. The first 25 years of her life Austen spent in Hampshire. Austin didn’t go to regular schools, but she read many literary works at her parents’guidance. She started writing about the age of 20, and published six novels. Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Emma (1816) are the best-known books of them. Virginia Woolf called her “the most perfect artist among women”. Most of her novels were all adapted into movies and successful in the world. For living in a small country town, contacting the medium and small landlords, pastor as well as their quiet and comfortable living environment, there were no significant social contradictions in her works. She described a truthful picture of her world, especially the marriage and love between gentlemen and ladies by her meticulous feminine observation. The style of her works is humorous and rich in comic conflicts, so many readers love them. This type of novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, today; it still gives the readers unique art enjoyment. The novel describes love process of heroine Elizabeth and hero Darcy, her elder sister Jane and Mr.Bingley, younger sister Jane and Mr.Bingley, younger sister Lydia and Mr.Wickham, her good friend Charlotte and Mr.Collins. The marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth revealed the characteristics which constituted a successful marriage. One of these characteristics was that the feeling couldn’t be brought on by appearances and must gradually develop between the two people as they got to know one another. The marriage between Jane Bennet and Bingley was also an example of successful marriage. They had the excellent understanding, super-excellent disposition of Jane and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and her husband. Unlike Darcy and Elizabeth, there was a flaw in their relationship. The flaw was that both characters were too gullible and too good-hearted to ever act strongly against external forces that may attempt to separate them. Obviously, Lydia and Wickham’s marriage was an example of a bad marriage. Their marriage was based on appearances, good looks and youthful vivacity. Once these qualities could no longer be seen by each other, the once strong relationship would slowly fade away. Through their relationship, Jane Austen showed that hasty marriage based on superficial qualities quickly cooled and led to unhappiness. The marriage between Mr.Collins and Charlette was based on economics rather than on love or appearance. It was a common practice during Austen’s time for woman to marry a husband to save herself from spinsterhood or to gain financial security. However, Jane Austen viewed this as a type of prostitution and disapproved it. Elizabeth was a clever, beautiful and strong-minded woman, who looked down upon the hypocrisy in high-society circles. Facing the marriage, she was courage, visionary and good at thinking. Although, she had some wrong opinions on Darcy in the beginning, finally she knew about Darcy justly through thinking, hence gained the true love. Darcy was a handsome, rich gentleman, but proud and didn’t want to make contact with others, leading to dissatisfactions from neighbors. Even worse, Darcy left bad impressions on the people around him and Elizabeth also hated him. She had prejudice against Darcy gradually. When Darcy proposed to her, she refused him decisively. After that, Darcy began to reflect on the self-examination and treated people with more populist. As time went by, they came across again. Darcy was not only polite, but was popular among the neighbors. Finally, regardless of his aunt’s strong objection and concept of family, Darcy proposed to Elizabeth again. Elizabeth willingly consented. She began to appear her lively side to Darcy. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs.Bennet was a woman who was eager to marry off her daughters. Mr.Bingley was a friendly young man. Jane was simple, innocent and never spoke evil of others. Elizabeth was a clever girl who always had her own opinions. Mary liked reading classic books. Kitty didn’t have her own opinions but liked to follow her sister. Lydia was a girl who followed exotic things, handsome man and was somehow a little profligate. As far as I am concerned, love is the most beautiful and valuable thing and the basis of marriage. Although material is important, we shouldn’t give up seeking for the true love. By contrasting Elizabeth with Lydia, we know the true love is essential. Then, I think the behavior is the symbol of people. If Darcy was polite and warm-hearted in the beginning, maybe he would not have been misunderstood by Elizabeth. Therefore, never be arrogant. It is true that the first impression is important, but we should also recognize someone in long time and from all aspects. That requires we are strong-minded, reasoned and sensible. Be tolerant to anyone, and you will be more likely gain happiness. Last but not least, this novel has an effect on today’s Chinese society, which is full of bullionism and hedonism. Many youngers have the question, especially girls, “Rose and bread, which is more important”. Once in a famous dating show called If you are the one, a girl said “Would rather sit in the BMW car crying, don’t sit on the bike laughing”, which means she would live together with a rich man rather than a poor man. Most girls think that houses, cars and property are more important than appearances and characters. I don’t agree with it. As new century’s girls, who are expected to be independent, self-reliance, self-love, we could earn money through our own effects instead of putting the hope on others. Only in this way can we have the security sense and be more attractive to lovers. The lover is one of the most intimate persons and the family is a part of our lives, therefore, let’s seek for the true love and create a promising future.


The abbreviation of the novel.

This is a story happening in a Bennet. Mr.Bennet, a countryside gentleman in England, had no sons but five girls. According to the law, the girls in Bennet’s could not inherit their father’s fortune but could only get 5,000 pounds as dowry and the possession was to be inherited by Mr.Bennet’s nephew, Collins,square-toes and good at flattering flattery. So, how to help them marry a rich gentleman was the top agenda to Mrs.Bennet. And when Collins wanted to propose one of the girls in Bennet’ and he chose Elizabeth,for the eldest but most beautiful girl, Jane, was not available.Elizabeth refused him and he proposed her close friend, Charlotte . Although Charlotte did not like Collins, she married him for she was already 27. As for Jane,she met a handsome young man with a plenty of money named Mr.Bingley. They felt in love at first sight at a ball. Mr.Bingley showed great passion on Jane, while Jane did not though she did love him. Mr.Darcy, a very good friend of Mr.Bingley, was also a wealthy and attracted young man. At that ball,at first Mr.Darcy was very pride and prejudice to Elizabeth,but after dancing with her ,he felt in love with her. But Elizabeth did not like him because of his air.And Elizabeth treated Mr.Darcy worse because he persuaded Mr.Bingley to give up her sister, Jane. So at the first time when Mr.Darcy proposed, she refused. Lydia, Elizabeth another sister, was too young and innocent to tell a delusion and ran away with a young and handsome military officer,

Wickham, who actually was a gambling addicts and had a numerous debt. When Mr.Darcy paid Wickham a lot of money to get Lydia a complete marriage, and managed to make Jane and Mr.Bingley get together, Elizabeth did not misunderstand him anymore and accepted his second proposal.


‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.’ The first sentence in the novel and sets the ground and tone for the novel. During that time some people were timeservers and flatters ,hypocritical and stupid, like Mr.s Bennet, while some were smart and independent, like Elizabeth.And this conflict makes the whole story full of humorousness and irony, and the readers think more beyond the lines, making the author outstanding at her age. Apart from that, Jane Austin’s concept of marriage, which we can refer from the lines, is totally different from the convention and has been attracted by the readers over the years. I think, there are two points in her new concept. The first one is that a marriage does need a monetary foundation but more importantly should be built on true love and self esteem. At that time a woman was supposed to marry a rich man although she did not like that man. So that’s why Mrs.Bennet asked Elizabeth to marry Collins. But Elizabeth refused for she did not like him.However, her friend Charlotte chose to married him because

Charlotte was too old to care about too much although Charlotte was also an acknowledged lady and could not regardless the convention. Therefore,in the author’s eyes, their marriage would not last for long because it was not built on love. So, the marriage, like Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy’s, should be encouraged, and we should be negative about marriage, only built on money, like Collins and Charlotte’s, Lydia and Wickham’s. The second is that women and men should be equal. From Elizabeth turning down Collins and Mr.Darcy,we can see that, in author’s mind, a marriage should not be decided by the man but both ,and women are not the accessories of men’s but should be independent, having their own feelings, voice and decisions. And this can reflect some ideas about Jane Austin’s feminism, which also has made her distinguish for years. I think this is also suitable for today. Women,having more power than ever, should be more independent not only in marriage but also in the society.

第5篇:Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见英文观后感

Pride and Prejudice

After reading <>, I really have lots to complain about. I truly don’t like the people in this novel. But why? I don’t know. Maybe I just don’t understand the realistic society and life and people’s ideas at that time in England, or maybe I am just such a person that always has a prejudice against everybody.

The main roles I want to talk about in this novel, of course, are Darcy and Elizabeth.

First, I want to say something about Elizabeth. After hearing Darcy’s bad comment on her, she said the words “I will never dance with him” so easily and so unwisely. Here we can know she is arrogant and she can’t stand Darcy’s contempt. But we also can see that she said the words too easily and too absolutely without thinking. What a fool! Who can predict what’s going to happen next moment? None! Long after this matter, we all know that she did dance with Darcy. At that time she may already forget the words that she had said before. But I will never forget her arbitrariness That Elizabeth believed Wickham’s words makes me more dislike her. It’s a common sense that one couldn’t be a real good guy, if he can say hurtful things about someone else naturally and directly. But Elizabeth believed. Now that she hated Darcy or you can say she had a prejudice toward Darcy from the very start, she can totally ignore him. However she cared about it very much. Maybe she started to love Darcy the minute she began to have a prejudice towards him. But who knows, and even she herself did not know.

Another scene that Darcy showed his love to Elizabeth makes me totally dislike her, especially the words she said that “you are the last man in the world I could ever marry”. She said such irresponsible and hurtful things without any consideration. Actually, she misunderstood everything. I just want to say she is a sad and hateful person. What’s worse, she’s also a gutless person. Finally, she knew Wickham cheated her and Darcy was innocent and Darcy was a perfect gentleman. She found that she had already fallen in love with Darcy deeply. However, she did nothing but wept and regretted. She even didn’t have the courage to express her love to Darcy. As a modern girl, if I was her, I would fly to Darcy to admit my misunderstanding and express my true feelings to him in no time. Happiness is gained by one’s own efforts. If you don’t pursue the happiness, it’s almost impossible to enjoy it. Now what could I say about Elizabeth? I don’t think she would have a happy ending if there is no Darcy. Next, let me talk about Darcy. In the beginning, I like this gentleman. I admire him. When he said that “she is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me, and I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men”, I admire him very much. He was an arrogant man. And also he had the enough capital to be arrogant. Yes, he was handsome and wealthy. And then some time later, he asked Elizabeth to marry him, for he fell in love with her. Unfortunately, he was severely rejected by Elizabeth at once, but I still like him. He was a lovely man, right? At least, I think so. However, at the very last he showed his love to Elizabeth once again, regardless of the hurtful words that Elizabeth said before. It makes me disappointment. Where’s his pride? I love his pride all the time, but now it disappeared. If I was Darcy, after hearing Elizabeth’s hurtful word, I would never meet her again and I would even forget her name at once. And eventually he was a poor man that had lost his pride. These are all my opinions about Elizabeth and Darcy. By the way, I really can’t understand why the girls were so crazy about officers and how come Darcy’s love to Elizabeth developed so suddenly. <> is a classic novel that reflect the social reality, so no one in this novel is perfect. The perfect person does not exist in the world. And it gives me the opportunity to nit-pick. As a whole, they were all kind people in the real society.



The Appreciation of Pride and Prejudice

--------misunderstanding and love

Last term,I read the book Pride and Prejudice in short English version. At first glance,I thought that the novel just talked about the love between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy.And Elizabeth and his sister Jane both marry the people they love finally.But after watching the the movie and reading the book in Chinese version, I have some different opinions and have a deep understanding about this novel.

What impressed me most is that Elizabeth’s attitude towards Mr Darcy. Why does Elizabeth from hate to love to him?In the novel, as we all know, Mr Darcy is discovered to be proud ,to be above his company and above being pleased①. The behaviors that Mr Darcy danced only with two ladies that he knew and declined being introduced to any other lady is what made Elizabeth most violent against him.What’more,at the party, Mr Darcy talked to Mr Bingley that Elizabeth is tolerable,but not handsome enough to tempt him②. But unforunately,Elizabeth is near enough to overhear the conversation. This is the first time that Elizabeth has prejudice against Mr Darcy. When Miss Lucas said that one cannot wonder that so very fine a young man,with family,fortune, everything in his favour, should think highly of himself③.He has a right to be proud, Elizabeth show her agreement but she dislikes that Mr Darcy mortified her. The point is that these word that Mr Darcy said in the ball actuclly hurt Elizabeth..It is because the first misunderstanding that Elizabeth refuse to dance with Mr Darcy.When Elizabeth meet Mr Wickham,she has an unreasonable admiration.After hearing the story about Mr Wickham ,Mr Darcy and the Old Darcy,Elizabeth said I had supposed him to be despising his fellow creatures in general,but did not suspect him of descending to such malicious revenge,such injustice,such inhumanity as this.His disposition must be dreadful④. Apparently, Elizabeth had a deeper misunderstanding to Mr Darcy. She thought he was just a selfish,jealous man and worse than that she had thought before.This was the second misunderstanding.The third misunderstanding is that Elizabeth thought Mr Darcy broke up his sister and Mr Bingely who loved each other deeply when she knew that Mr Darcy persuaded congratulated himself on having lately saved a friend from the inconveniences of a most imprudent marriage.It is Mr Darcy acts in a proud way that deepen the misunderstanding between him and Elizabeth.

Mr Darcy said In vain have I stuggled. It will not do.My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you⑤.But there were feelings besides those of the heart to be told,such as Elizabeth’s inferiority,its being a degradation,the family obstacles which judement had always opposed to inclination.It is obviously that his words is inappropriate when he show his love to the girl who has a strong self-esteem.So he failed in the first confession of love.

So many misunderstandings get in the way.However,when Elizabeth receive a letter from Mr Darcy, everything seems change.MR Darcy had explianed clearly about the two things Elizabeth lay to his charge. Elizabeth realized that she had been blind partial,prejudiced,absurd.So she began to judge Mr Darcy without any prejudice and graually fall in love with him.

The relationship between Elizabeth and Mr Darcy is the plot line of the whole novel.And

we witness how the two protagonists clear the air and fall in love.

In a word,it is Darcy’ pride that offends the girl he loved.And it is the prejudice that Elizabeth fails to see the merits of Mr Darcy.From their love story I realize that it is stupid to judge a person by the first impression and always prejudice on who you dislike.As the saying goes”You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.”


② 傲慢与偏见 chapter 3,12傲慢与偏见 chapter 3,13

③ 傲慢与偏见 chapter 5,19

④ 傲慢与偏见 chapter 16,71

⑤ 傲慢与偏见 chapter 34,161
